"The Life of Riley" is an American radio situation comedy series that aired from January 16, 1944, to June 29, 1951. This popular show was later adapted into a 1949 feature film, a 1950s television series, and a 1958 comic book. Created by Irving Brecher, it starred William Bendix as Chester A. Riley, a wing riveter at the fictional Cunningham Aircraft plant in California. Known for its humorous portrayal of the All-American suburban family, the series centered around the stubborn and opinionated Riley, his charming wife Peg, their children Babs and Junior, and a cast of quirky neighbors. The catchphrase "What a revoltin' development this is!" became a popular phrase during the 1940s. The radio series was sponsored by Prell Shampoo, Teel, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Dreft, and the American Meat Institute over the years.