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  • Horror
  • Mystery

The Haunting Hour, an old time radio show from the mid to late 1940s, was known for its psychological mysteries, thrilling "whodunit" tales, and crime stories featuring a cast of network stars. With no credits provided, both the cast and production crews are unknown, but the show remains an enjoyable classic, appreciated for its suspenseful stories accompanied by a creepy organ and dramatic acting. Produced by NBC for the syndication market, the show had an extensive reach across American radio stations.

Although the show primarily focused on supernatural horror themes, it also dabbled in mysteries and detective dramas. Announcer Berry Kroeger, actor Bret Morrison, and organist Rosa Rio were some of the known talents involved in the series. The Haunting Hour aired in various locations, including Tucson, Arizona, Winnipeg, and Philadelphia, and continued to be syndicated and rebroadcast for decades, even appearing on 1970s FM Radio stations. Despite the limited information available, the show still captivates its audience as a piece of vintage American radio history.