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  • Detective

The Falcon, a radio series that aired from April 10, 1943, to November 27, 1954, was based on the character Michael Waring, alias the Falcon, created by Drexel Drake. The show, which featured hard-hitting detective action, was originally inspired by a series of popular detective movies. At first, the character was a free-lance investigator and troubleshooter, but as he appeared in different media, the Falcon's identity changed.

The radio series blended danger, romance, and comedy in equal parts, beginning with Michael Waring, the Falcon, answering a phone call from a woman, leading into the week's adventure. As an insurance investigator, he often helped incompetent police solve mysteries. The lead role was played by various actors, including Berry Kroeger, James Meighan, Les Tremayne, Les Damon, and George Petrie.

In its later years, the show transitioned the Falcon into a career in espionage, making it an ever-evolving and intriguing detective series for its audience. About 88 episodes from the show's run still survive today.