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  • Detective

The Adventures of Sam Spade, created by Dashiell Hammett, was a radio series based on the private detective character from The Maltese Falcon. It aired for 13 episodes on ABC in 1946, 157 episodes on CBS in 1946-1949, and 75 episodes on NBC in 1949-1951. The show starred Howard Duff (and later Steve Dunne) as Sam Spade, Lurene Tuttle as his secretary Effie, and was announced by Dick Joy. Known for its tongue-in-cheek approach, the series received an Edgar Award for Best Radio Drama in 1947. Dashiell Hammett's name was later removed due to his involvement with the Communist Party, and Howard Duff was replaced when his name appeared in the Red Channels book. The show's contemporary popularity is attributed to its unique action, drama, witty approach, and strong acting.