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  • Detective

The Adventures of Frank Race was a syndicated American radio adventure series that aired between May 1, 1949, and February 19, 1950, on the East Coast, and between June 5, 1951, and March 25, 1952, on the West Coast. Produced by Bruce Eells Productions, the show followed Frank Race, who traded his career as an attorney for the cloak-and-dagger of the OSS during WWII. After the war, adventure became his business, as he investigated international insurance scams with his sidekick Mark Donovan in exotic locations around the world.

Tom Collins originally portrayed Frank Race, but Paul Dubov later took over the role (from episode 23 to the end), while Tony Barrett played Mark Donovan. The series was written and directed by Joel Murcott and Buckley Angel, with organ music provided by Ivan Ditmars. Featuring a blend of intrigue, action, and romance, The Adventures of Frank Race was often seen as a "Johnny Dollar meets James Bond" type of show.