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  • Crime
  • Drama

Stand By for Crime, an early 1950s radio show, follows Chuck Morgan, a believable news anchor at Los Angeles radio station KOP, as he uncovers crime stories around the city. Morgan, played by Glen Langen, is friends with Lieutenant Bill Miggs, who tips him off on intriguing crime news. Carol Curtis, played by Adele Jurgens, is Morgan's resourceful "Gal Friday," and their old-school banter adds charm to the show. The series, influenced by the "just the facts" style of Dragnet, offers a gripping, day-at-the-office portrayal of crime-solving, featuring encounters with shady characters and solid dialogue. Glen Langen and Adele Jurgens, the lead actors, were actually married in real life, having met on the movie set of The Treasure of Monte Cristo. Stand By for Crime is an enjoyable, underrated classic for fans of post-WWII West Coast crime dramas.