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  • Detective

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes are American old-time radio shows based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories of the famous detective. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes aired between 1930 and 1936, while The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes aired from 1939 to 1950.

Adapted by scriptwriter Edith Meiser, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes starred several actors in the role of Holmes, including Richard Gordon and Louis Hector, and Leigh Lovell as Dr. Watson. Meiser adapted all but one of Doyle's stories for the series, creating additional episodes based on Doyle's cases and non-Holmes stories. The series was initially sponsored by George Washington Coffee Company and later by the Household Finance Co.

The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes featured Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson for most of its run, with several actors taking on the roles in later seasons. Initially also adapted by Meiser, the series' writing duties were taken over by Denis Green, Anthony Boucher, and others at various times. The show was sponsored by Grove's Bromo Quinine, Petri Wine, and other companies throughout its run.

While most episodes of The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes are considered lost media, some surviving recordings can be found online in varying audio quality.