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  • Sci-Fi

SF 68 was a South African anthology radio series that aired in 1968 on commercial station Springbok Radio. Produced by Michael McCabe, the show featured stories from renowned science fiction authors, including Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison, and Murray Leinster. Although only 33 episodes were produced with one season, the series gained popularity in America due to its high-quality storytelling.

Highlights from the available episodes include "Last Rites," which brings a priest face-to-face with a test of his faith; "Wanted in Surgery," depicting a future where medical practice is governed by strict regulations and robotic professionals; and "Jenny with Wings," featuring a girl born with wings who struggles to find acceptance and purpose in her life.

SF 68 brilliantly captured the imagination of its listeners, inviting them to explore the realm of the impossible and fantastic through engaging audio adventures.