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  • Drama

The Rotary Golden Theater was a short radio series produced by the International Rotary Association in 1955 to commemorate its 50th anniversary. With a total of thirteen 15-minute episodes, the series aired from March 1, 1955, to March 18, 1955, and featured different situations where individuals faced problems that were resolved by the Rotary Club. The episodes were meant to be used by local Rotary Clubs for broadcast on local stations, and discussion scripts were provided for follow-up broadcasts or educational purposes.

One notable episode, "Youth, Yesterday and Today," which originally aired on March 15, 1955, follows a former convict who recruits underprivileged youths for criminal activities. Through a Rotarian druggist, the Rotary Club learns about the situation and works to appeal to the young men's better nature. The episode culminates with the club's members helping the police apprehend the convict and many of the boys finding rehabilitation and purposeful lives. While the show may appear dated, its moral lessons continue to resonate with audiences today.