Planet Man, a science fiction radio show from the 1950s, tells the story of Dantro, a troubleshooter for the League of Planets organization, responsible for maintaining peace and justice across the universe. Produced by Palladium Radio Productions, the show is set on Planteria Rex, the capital of all planets, and follows Dantro as he fights for fairness from Mercury to Pluto.
With a campy and playful tone, the show features characters such as Dr. John Darrow, his daughter Pat, nephew and niece Billy and Jane, and engineer Slats, all of whom aid Dantro in his missions. Planet Man is an entertaining listen for both children and adults, as it transports audiences to the height of the 1950s space-obsession. Join Dantro on his adventures through the galaxy, battling villains like Marston, the ruler of Mars, and embark on a thrilling journey with your trusty ray gun and space helmet!