Night Beat, an NBC radio drama series that aired from February 6, 1950, to September 25, 1952, starred Frank Lovejoy as Randy Stone, a reporter working the night beat for the Chicago Star. The show focused on Stone encountering criminals, eccentrics, and troubled individuals as he searched for interesting stories during the late-night hours. While the series leaned towards suspense, crime, and thriller themes, it also featured some humorous and sentimental episodes.
Frank Lovejoy's convincing portrayal of Randy Stone as a tough but compassionate journalist set Night Beat apart as a superior series. The show was well-supported by a strong cast, top-notch scripts, and quality sound effects. Advertising sponsors for Night Beat included Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and Wheaties.
In addition to the radio series, there was an episode of the television anthology series, Four Star Playhouse, starring Frank Lovejoy as Stone, as well as an ebook anthology and audiobook edition featuring new Night Beat stories.