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  • Comedy
  • Drama

Mama Bloom's Brood, airing circa 1934, is a humorous serialized radio show that combines elements of soap operas and situation comedies. The story follows the adventures of a Jewish American family, consisting of Mama and Papa Bloom, their daughters Yetta and Sarah, and sons-in-law Harold and Sidney, as they embark on a road trip to Hollywood for their first vacation in twenty-five years. As they journey across America, they encounter a variety of amusing situations like stumbling upon movie actors dressed as "Indians" and Papa Bloom's unexpected luck as a bridge player.

Mama Becky Bloom, a delightful character with a heavy Yiddish accent and fractured platitudes, has been compared to the character Molly from The Goldbergs, a popular radio show also featuring a Jewish American family. Mama Bloom's Brood was syndicated by Broadcasters Program Syndicate/Bruce Eells and Associates in 1934 and is considered to have influenced the image of American Jews during the time.