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  • Detective

Let George Do It was an American radio drama series that aired from 1946 to 1954, created by Owen and Pauline Vinson. The show starred Bob Bailey as detective-for-hire George Valentine, who gained notoriety through his newspaper classified ad. Initially starting as a sitcom styled show, it quickly transitioned into a suspenseful tough guy private eye series. Valentine's secretary, Claire Brooks (aka Brooksie) was played by various actresses including Frances Robinson, Virginia Gregg, and Lillian Buyeff. Other characters included Sonny (Eddie Firestone), Lieutenant Riley (Wally Maher), and Caleb (Joseph Kearns).

Sponsored by Standard Oil, the series was broadcast on the West Coast Mutual Broadcasting System with scripts written by David Victor and Jackson Gillis, directed by Don Clark. The show changed from using a full orchestra to an organ due to budget cuts as radio audiences shifted to television. Not only a cornerstone of radio detective dramas, Let George Do It served as a stepping stone for Bob Bailey, who would eventually star in the iconic Yours Truly Johnny Dollar series.