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  • Adventure

High Adventure, a captivating adventure series by the Mutual Network, premiered on March 1, 1947, and was known for its realistic sound effects, excellent scripts, and believable storylines. Initially aired on Saturdays at 9:30 pm, the show eventually moved to NBC on Sunday afternoons with Old Spice Aftershave sponsoring it.

With original stories targeting a masculine audience, High Adventure stood out for its remarkable realism where protagonists often faced defining moments in their lives, with the outcome relying on their character, luck, or expertise. The music of the High Adventure orchestra subtly complemented the rich soundscapes to create immersive listening experiences for its audience.

Though NBC dropped the show at the end of the 1950 season, Mutual revived the series in 1953 with George Sanders as the narrator. The show is remembered for its comparisons to classics like The Whistler, Suspense, and Escape, and its memorable, realistic adventures that drew dedicated listeners.