The Halls of Ivy was an NBC radio sitcom airing from 1949 to 1952, created by Don Quinn, co-creator and writer of Fibber McGee and Molly. The show starred British actors Ronald Colman and Benita Hume and was later adapted into a CBS television comedy. Set in a small Midwestern college called Ivy College, the show followed the lives of the college president, William Todhunter Hall (played by Ronald Colman), his wife Victoria (played by Benita Hume), a former British musical comedy star, and their interactions with students, friends, and college trustees. Many of the scripts were written by Don Quinn, Jerome Lawrence, and Robert Lee, who developed a unique blend of language play, inverted cliches, and puns. The Halls of Ivy addressed various topical issues for its time and received a Peabody Award in 1950.