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  • Western

Frontier Town, an American radio adventure serial, was syndicated by Bruce Eells Productions and aired between 1950-53. The first broadcast took place in 1949, with the show spanning 47 episodes, airing on different stations and days. Set in the Wild West, the series follows Chad Remington, a crime-fighting attorney, as he seeks justice for his father's murder in the small town of Dos Rios.

Initially, Jeff Chandler played Chad Remington but was later replaced by Reed Hadley. Wade Crosby portrayed Remington's sidekick, Cherokee O'Bannon, adopting a W.C. Fields-style dialect. Paul Franklin wrote and directed the series, with music provided by Bob Mitchell and Ivan Ditmars.

The show captured the sagas of different towns in the Wild West, exploring the hardships faced by early pioneers, and featured gripping gunshots and organ rifts which made it a hit with audiences.