Exploring Tomorrow, an American old-time radio show, aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System from December 4, 1957, to June 13, 1958. This science fiction anthology show was narrated by John W. Campbell, editor of Astounding Magazine, who helped shape the careers of many notable science fiction authors of the time. As the "first science fiction old time radio show of science-fictioneers, by science-fictioneers, and for science-fictioneers," it focused on themes like the future of mankind, space travel, and other worlds.
The show's producer-director was Sanford Marshall and featured announcers Bill Mahr and Guy Wallace. The cast included Mandel Kramer, Bryna Raeburn, Lawson Zerbe, Lon Clark, Mason Adams, Connie Lembcke, Larry Haines, Don Douglas, Bret Morrison, and Charlotte Sheffield. The theme song for Exploring Tomorrow was "As Time Goes By." Notably, the series showcased scripts written by celebrated science fiction authors like Randall Garrett, Gordon R. Dickson, Robert Silverberg, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Poul Anderson, John Fleming, Raymond E. Banks, George O. Smith, and Tom Godwin.