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  • Detective

The Adventures of Charlie Chan is an intriguing collection of radio episodes featuring the fictional detective Charlie Chan, created by Earl Derr Biggers. Airing on four networks from 1932 to 1948, the show starred Walter Connolly and serialized adaptations of Biggers' novels. Charlie Chan, a Chinese-Hawaiian detective based in Honolulu, embarks on global journeys filled with thrills, excitement, comedy, and pearls of wisdom. Despite his busy career, Chan maintains a strong family life, with his 14 children, including Numbers 1 and 2 sons, often assisting him in solving cases. Known for his exotic wit and wisdom, Charlie Chan's adventures are a rare gem in the world of radio detective shows, with complete serial recordings being scarce, and the full storylines often incomplete. Tune in to experience the wit and charm of this modern Chinese sage!