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  • Detective

Casey, Crime Photographer, also known as Flashgun Casey and Crime Photographer, aired on CBS radio from July 7, 1943, to April 22, 1955, with a total of 431 episodes. The character, originally created by novelist George Harmon Coxe, appeared in Black Mask magazine and various other media formats.

Jack "Flashgun" Casey was a crime photographer for the fictional Morning Express newspaper. He worked alongside reporter Ann Williams, solving crimes and recounting their adventures at their favorite tavern, The Blue Note. Various actors portrayed the characters, with Staats Cotsworth and Jan Miner being the most prominent as Casey and Ann Williams, respectively.

The show, sponsored by brands like Anchor-Hocking Glass, Toni Home Permanents, and Philip Morris Cigarettes, managed to find success on radio despite its B-grade status. However, it did not fare well on television, with its short-lived run never being re-ran due to poor reception.