Adventures by Morse was a syndicated adventure series created by Carlton E. Morse in the mid-1940s, known for its thrilling stories and captivating characters. The show followed the escapades of Captain Bart Friday, a San Francisco-based private investigator, and his sidekick from Texas, Skip Turner. Together, they found themselves embroiled in tales of espionage, kidnapping, murder, and more. Featuring the talents of actors like Elliott Lewis, David Ellis, and Russell Thorson, the gripping narratives captured the imagination of listeners.
The show consisted of 52 30-minute episodes, with serials that alternated between 10 and 3 episodes in length. Episodes took place in various locales, from South Pacific islands to South America, and tackled events such as encounters with Nazis, deadly serpents, and supernatural occurrences. Adventures by Morse aired from October 26, 1944, to October 18, 1945, captivating audiences with its exciting stories and memorable characters.
Despite the uncertainty surrounding the production and broadcast dates, Adventures by Morse has left a lasting impression on the world of radio entertainment. Fans of thrilling, well-written radio serials can still experience the excitement of Captain Bart Friday and Skip Turner's numerous adventures.