
324 lines
18 KiB

* @file mmu_ARMCA7.c
* @brief MMU Configuration for Arm Cortex-A7 Device Series
* @version V1.2.0
* @date 15. May 2019
* @note
* Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Memory map description from: DUI0447G_v2m_p1_trm.pdf 4.2.2 Arm Cortex-A Series memory map
Memory Type
0xffffffff |--------------------------| ------------
| FLAG SYNC | Device Memory
0xfffff000 |--------------------------| ------------
| Fault | Fault
0xfff00000 |--------------------------| ------------
| | Normal
| |
| Daughterboard |
| memory |
| |
0x80505000 |--------------------------| ------------
|TTB (L2 Sync Flags ) 4k | Normal
0x80504C00 |--------------------------| ------------
|TTB (L2 Peripherals-B) 16k| Normal
0x80504800 |--------------------------| ------------
|TTB (L2 Peripherals-A) 16k| Normal
0x80504400 |--------------------------| ------------
|TTB (L2 Priv Periphs) 4k | Normal
0x80504000 |--------------------------| ------------
| TTB (L1 Descriptors) | Normal
0x80500000 |--------------------------| ------------
| Stack | Normal
|--------------------------| ------------
| Heap | Normal
0x80400000 |--------------------------| ------------
| ZI Data | Normal
0x80300000 |--------------------------| ------------
| RW Data | Normal
0x80200000 |--------------------------| ------------
| RO Data | Normal
|--------------------------| ------------
| RO Code | USH Normal
0x80000000 |--------------------------| ------------
| Daughterboard | Fault
| HSB AXI buses |
0x40000000 |--------------------------| ------------
| Daughterboard | Fault
| test chips peripherals |
0x2c002000 |--------------------------| ------------
| Private Address | Device Memory
0x2c000000 |--------------------------| ------------
| Daughterboard | Fault
| test chips peripherals |
0x20000000 |--------------------------| ------------
| Peripherals | Device Memory RW/RO
| | & Fault
0x00000000 |--------------------------|
// L1 Cache info and restrictions about architecture of the caches (CCSIR register):
// Write-Through support *not* available
// Write-Back support available.
// Read allocation support available.
// Write allocation support available.
//Note: You should use the Shareable attribute carefully.
//For cores without coherency logic (such as SCU) marking a region as shareable forces the processor to not cache that region regardless of the inner cache settings.
//Cortex-A versions of RTX use LDREX/STREX instructions relying on Local monitors. Local monitors will be used only when the region gets cached, regions that are not cached will use the Global Monitor.
//Some Cortex-A implementations do not include Global Monitors, so wrongly setting the attribute Shareable may cause STREX to fail.
//Recall: When the Shareable attribute is applied to a memory region that is not Write-Back, Normal memory, data held in this region is treated as Non-cacheable.
//When SMP bit = 0, Inner WB/WA Cacheable Shareable attributes are treated as Non-cacheable.
//When SMP bit = 1, Inner WB/WA Cacheable Shareable attributes are treated as Cacheable.
//Following MMU configuration is expected
//SCTLR.AFE == 1 (Simplified access permissions model - AP[2:1] define access permissions, AP[0] is an access flag)
//SCTLR.TRE == 0 (TEX remap disabled, so memory type and attributes are described directly by bits in the descriptor)
//Domain 0 is always the Client domain
//Descriptors should place all memory in domain 0
#include "cmsis.h"
#include "mem_ARMCA.h"
#include "plat_types.h"
extern uint32_t __sync_flags_start[];
extern uint32_t __sync_flags_end[];
#define SECTION_SIZE 0x00100000
#define SECTION_ADDR(n) ((n) & 0xFFF00000)
#define SECTION_CNT(n) (((n) + SECTION_SIZE - 1) / SECTION_SIZE)
#define PAGE16K_SIZE 0x00004000
#define PAGE16K_ADDR(n) ((n) & 0xFFFFC000)
#define PAGE16K_CNT(n) (((n) + PAGE16K_SIZE - 1) / PAGE16K_SIZE)
#define PAGE4K_SIZE 0x00001000
#define PAGE4K_ADDR(n) ((n) & 0xFFFFF000)
#define PAGE4K_CNT(n) (((n) + PAGE4K_SIZE - 1) / PAGE4K_SIZE)
// TTB base address
#define TTB_BASE (l1)
// L2 table pointers
#define TTB_L1_SIZE (0x00004000) // The L1 translation table divides the full 4GB address space of a 32-bit core
// into 4096 equally sized sections, each of which describes 1MB of virtual memory space.
// The L1 translation table therefore contains 4096 32-bit (word-sized) entries.
#define PRIVATE_TABLE_L2_4K_SIZE (0x400)
#define PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_4K_SIZE (0x400)
#define PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_64K_SIZE (0x400)
#define SYNC_FLAGS_TABLE_L2_4K_SIZE (0x400)
#define PRIVATE_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k (l2.pri) // Map 4k Private Address space
#define PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k (l2.periph_a) // Map 64k Peripheral #1 0x1C000000 - 0x1C00FFFFF
#define PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_BASE_64k (l2.periph_b) // Map 64k Peripheral #2 0x1C100000 - 0x1C1FFFFFF
#define SYNC_FLAGS_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k (l2.sync) // Map 4k Flag synchronization
//--------------------- PERIPHERALS -------------------
//#define PERIPHERAL_A_FAULT (0x00000000 + 0x1c000000) //0x1C000000-0x1C00FFFF (1M)
//#define PERIPHERAL_B_FAULT (0x00100000 + 0x1c000000) //0x1C100000-0x1C10FFFF (1M)
//--------------------- SYNC FLAGS --------------------
//#define FLAG_SYNC 0xFFFFF000
//#define F_SYNC_BASE 0xFFF00000 //1M aligned
#define SYNC_FLAG_SIZE ((uint32_t)__sync_flags_end - (uint32_t)__sync_flags_start)
#define FLAG_SYNC ((uint32_t)__sync_flags_start)
static uint32_t Sect_Normal; //outer & inner wb/wa, non-shareable, executable, rw, domain 0, base addr 0
static uint32_t Sect_Normal_Cod; //outer & inner wb/wa, non-shareable, executable, ro, domain 0, base addr 0
static uint32_t Sect_Normal_RO; //as Sect_Normal_Cod, but not executable
static uint32_t Sect_Normal_RW; //as Sect_Normal_Cod, but writeable and not executable
static uint32_t Sect_Device_RO; //device, non-shareable, non-executable, ro, domain 0, base addr 0
static uint32_t Sect_Device_RW; //as Sect_Device_RO, but writeable
static uint32_t Sect_Normal_NC; //outer & inner uncached, non-shareable, executable, rw, domain 0, base addr 0
static uint32_t Sect_Normal_RO_NC; //outer & inner uncached, non-shareable, executable, ro, domain 0, base addr 0
/* Define global descriptors */
static uint32_t Page_L1_4k = 0x0; //generic
static uint32_t Page_L1_64k = 0x0; //generic
static uint32_t Page_4k_Device_RW; //Shared device, not executable, rw, domain 0
static uint32_t Page_64k_Device_RW; //Shared device, not executable, rw, domain 0
static uint32_t Page_4k_Normal; //outer & inner wb/wa, non-shareable, executable, rw, domain 0
struct TTB_L2_T {
uint32_t pri[PRIVATE_TABLE_L2_4K_SIZE / 4];
uint32_t periph_a[PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_4K_SIZE / 4];
uint32_t periph_b[PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_64K_SIZE / 4];
uint32_t sync[SYNC_FLAGS_TABLE_L2_4K_SIZE / 4];
__attribute__((section(".ttb_l1"), aligned(0x4000)))
static uint32_t l1[TTB_L1_SIZE / 4];
__attribute__((section(".ttb_l2"), aligned(0x400)))
static struct TTB_L2_T l2;
void MMU_CreateTranslationTable(void)
mmu_region_attributes_Type region;
//Create 4GB of faulting entries
* Generate descriptors. Refer to core_ca.h to get information about attributes
//Create descriptors for Vectors, RO, RW, ZI sections
section_normal(Sect_Normal, region);
section_normal_cod(Sect_Normal_Cod, region);
section_normal_ro(Sect_Normal_RO, region);
section_normal_rw(Sect_Normal_RW, region);
//Create descriptors for peripherals
section_device_ro(Sect_Device_RO, region);
section_device_rw(Sect_Device_RW, region);
//Create descriptors for 64k pages
page64k_device_rw(Page_L1_64k, Page_64k_Device_RW, region);
//Create descriptors for 4k pages
page4k_device_rw(Page_L1_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW, region);
page4k_normal(Page_L1_4k, Page_4k_Normal, region);
section_normal_nc(Sect_Normal_NC, region);
section_normal_ro_nc(Sect_Normal_RO_NC, region);
* Define MMU flat-map regions and attributes
//Define Image
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, FLASH_BASE , SECTION_CNT(FLASH_SIZE) , Sect_Normal_Cod); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, FLASH_NC_BASE , SECTION_CNT(FLASH_SIZE) , Sect_Normal_RO_NC); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, PSRAM_BASE , SECTION_CNT(PSRAM_SIZE) , Sect_Normal); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, PSRAM_NC_BASE , SECTION_CNT(PSRAM_SIZE) , Sect_Normal_NC); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, PSRAMUHS_BASE , SECTION_CNT(PSRAMUHS_SIZE) , Sect_Normal); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, PSRAMUHS_NC_BASE , SECTION_CNT(PSRAMUHS_SIZE) , Sect_Normal_NC); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, PSRAMUHSX_BASE , SECTION_CNT(PSRAMUHS_SIZE) , Sect_Normal_Cod); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, DSP_RAM_BASE , SECTION_CNT(MAX_DSP_RAM_SIZE) , Sect_Normal); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, ROMD_BASE , 1 , Sect_Normal_Cod); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, RAM_BASE , SECTION_CNT(MAX_RAM_SIZE) , Sect_Normal_NC); // multiple of 1MB sections
//--------------------- PERIPHERALS -------------------
// Create (256 * 4k)=1MB faulting entries to cover peripheral range A
// Define peripheral range A
MMU_TTPage4k(TTB_BASE, DSP_BOOT_REG , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Normal);
MMU_TTPage4k(TTB_BASE, DSP_TRANSQM_BASE , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage4k(TTB_BASE, DSP_TIMER0_BASE , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage4k(TTB_BASE, DSP_TIMER1_BASE , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage4k(TTB_BASE, DSP_WDT_BASE , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage4k(TTB_BASE, DSP_DEBUGSYS_APB_BASE , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, DSP_XDMA_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW); // multiple of 1MB sections
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, CMU_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW); // AHB0/APB0
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, CHECKSUM_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW); // AHB1
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, CODEC_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW); // CODEC
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, BT_RAM_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW);
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, BT_CMU_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW);
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, WIFI_RAM_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW);
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, WIFI_PAS_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW);
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, WIFI_TRANSQM_BASE , 1, Sect_Device_RW);
#if 0
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_FLASH_BASE0 , 64, Sect_Device_RO); // 64MB NOR
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_FLASH_BASE1 , 64, Sect_Device_RO); // 64MB NOR
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_SRAM_BASE , 32, Sect_Device_RW); // 32MB RAM
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_VRAM_BASE , 32, Sect_Device_RW); // 32MB RAM
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_ETHERNET_BASE , 16, Sect_Device_RW);
MMU_TTSection (TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_USB_BASE , 16, Sect_Device_RW);
// Create (16 * 64k)=1MB faulting entries to cover peripheral range 0x1C000000-0x1C00FFFF
// Define peripheral range 0x1C000000-0x1C00FFFF
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_DAP_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_SYSTEM_REG_BASE, 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_SERIAL_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_AACI_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_MMCI_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_KMI0_BASE , 2, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_UART_BASE , 4, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_WDT_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_A_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
// Create (16 * 64k)=1MB faulting entries to cover peripheral range 0x1C100000-0x1C10FFFF
// Define peripheral range 0x1C100000-0x1C10FFFF
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_TIMER_BASE , 2, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_BASE_64k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_DVI_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_BASE_64k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_RTC_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_BASE_64k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_UART4_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_BASE_64k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
MMU_TTPage64k(TTB_BASE, VE_A7_MP_CLCD_BASE , 1, Page_L1_64k, (uint32_t *)PERIPHERAL_B_TABLE_L2_BASE_64k, Page_64k_Device_RW);
// Create (256 * 4k)=1MB faulting entries to cover private address space. Needs to be marked as Device memory
MMU_TTPage4k (TTB_BASE, __get_CBAR() ,256, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PRIVATE_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, DESCRIPTOR_FAULT);
// Define private address space entry.
MMU_TTPage4k (TTB_BASE, __get_CBAR() , 3, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PRIVATE_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
#if 0 //defined(__L2C_PRESENT) && (__L2C_PRESENT)
// Define L2CC entry. Uncomment if PL310 is present
MMU_TTPage4k (TTB_BASE, VE_A5_MP_PL310_BASE , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)PRIVATE_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
#if 0
// Create (256 * 4k)=1MB faulting entries to synchronization space (Useful if some non-cacheable DMA agent is present in the SoC)
// Define synchronization space entry.
MMU_TTPage4k (TTB_BASE, FLAG_SYNC , 1, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)SYNC_FLAGS_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
// Define synchronization space entry.
MMU_TTPage4k (TTB_BASE, SECTION_ADDR(FLAG_SYNC) , 256, Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)SYNC_FLAGS_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Normal);
// Define synchronization space entry.
MMU_TTPage4k (TTB_BASE, FLAG_SYNC , PAGE4K_CNT(SYNC_FLAG_SIZE), Page_L1_4k, (uint32_t *)SYNC_FLAGS_TABLE_L2_BASE_4k, Page_4k_Device_RW);
/* Set location of level 1 page table
; 31:14 - Translation table base addr (31:14-TTBCR.N, TTBCR.N is 0 out of reset)
; 13:7 - 0x0
; 6 - IRGN[0] 0x1 (Inner WB WA)
; 5 - NOS 0x0 (Non-shared)
; 4:3 - RGN 0x01 (Outer WB WA)
; 2 - IMP 0x0 (Implementation Defined)
; 1 - S 0x0 (Non-shared)
; 0 - IRGN[1] 0x0 (Inner WB WA) */
__set_TTBR0((uint32_t)TTB_BASE | 0x48);
/* Set up domain access control register
; We set domain 0 to Client and all other domains to No Access.
; All translation table entries specify domain 0 */