2022-08-15 17:20:27 +08:00

268 lines
9 KiB

ifndef __INCLUDE_MK__
__INCLUDE_MK__ := 1
cur_makefile := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
$(cur_makefile): ;
# Generic definitions
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
ifeq ($(WIN_SHELL),y)
# make will choose sh.exe as SHELL if it finds sh.exe in the directories of PATH, regardless of
# the setting in environment or parent (e.g., when git.exe is in the PATH)
SHELL := cmd.exe
# Convenient variables
lparen := (
rparen := )
comma := ,
quote := "
squote := '
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
devnull := nul
devnull := /dev/null
# Remove/copy commands
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
CMDRMFILE = del /f /q $(subst /,\,$1) >nul 2>&1
CMDRMFILER = cd $(subst /,\,$1) && del /f /q /s $(subst /,\,$2)
CMDRMDIR = rmdir /s /q $(subst /,\,$1) >nul 2>&1 || del /f /q /s $(subst /,\,$1)\*
CMDCPFILE = copy /y $(subst /,\,$1 $2)
CMDRMFILE = rm -f $1
\( $(addprefix -name ,'$(firstword $2)') \
$(addprefix -o -name ',$(addsuffix ',$(filter-out $(firstword $2),$2))) \) \
-type f -print | xargs rm -f
CMDRMDIR = rm -fr $1
CMDCPFILE = cp -f $1 $2
# Build-in obj suffix
ifeq ($(BUILT-IN-OBJ),1)
built_in_suffix := .o
built_in_suffix := .a
# Name of target with a '.' as filename prefix. foo/bar.o => foo/.bar.o
dot-target = $(dir $(1)).$(notdir $(1))
# The temporary file to save gcc -MF generated dependencies must not
# contain a comma
get_depfile_name = $(subst $(comma),_,$(dot-target).d)
depfile = $(call get_depfile_name,$@)
# filename of target with directory and extension stripped
basetarget = $(basename $(notdir $@))
# filename of first prerequisite with directory and extension stripped
baseprereq = $(basename $(notdir $<))
# Escape special characters for use in echo statements
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
# Escape redirection character in echo in Windows
escchar = $(subst $(lparen),^$(lparen),$(subst $(rparen),^$(rparen),$(subst &,^&,$(subst |,^|,$(subst <,^<,$(subst >,^>,$1))))))
# Escape single quote for use in echo statements
escchar = $(subst $(squote),'\$(squote)',$1)
# Easy method for doing a status message
kecho := :
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
quiet_kecho := echo.
quiet_kecho := echo
silent_kecho := :
kecho := $($(quiet)kecho)
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
echo-help = @echo. $(call escchar,$(1)) &
echo-help = @echo ' $(call escchar,$(1))'
# try-run
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
try-run = $(shell ($(1) >$(devnull) 2>&1) && echo. $(2) || echo. $(3))
# Or, using define to construct multi-line WIN commands,
# with if command: if not errorlevel 1
try-run = $(shell if ($(1)) >$(devnull) 2>&1; \
then echo "$(2)"; \
else echo "$(3)"; \
# cc-option
cc-option = $(call try-run, \
$(CC) $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) $(1) -c -x c \
-o $(devnull) $(devnull),$(1),$(2))
# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/ obj=
# Usage:
# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=dir
build := -f $(srctree)/scripts/ obj
# Prefix -I with $(srctree) if it is not an absolute path.
# skip if -I has no parameter
#addtree = $(if $(patsubst -I%,%,$(1)), \
#$(if $(filter-out -I/%,$(1)),$(patsubst -I%,-I$(srctree)/%,$(1))) $(1))
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
addtree = $(if $(patsubst -I%,%,$(1)), \
$(if $(filter-out -I$(KBUILD_ROOT)/%,$(1)),$(patsubst -I%,-I$(srctree)/%,$(1)),$(1)))
addtree = $(if $(patsubst -I%,%,$(1)), \
$(if $(filter-out -I/%,$(1)),$(patsubst -I%,-I$(srctree)/%,$(1)),$(1)))
# Find all -I options and call addtree
flags = $(foreach o,$($(1)),$(if $(filter -I%,$(o)),$(call addtree,$(o)),$(o)))
# echo command.
# Short version is used, if $(quiet) equals `quiet_', otherwise full one.
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
echo-cmd = $(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),\
echo. $(call escchar,$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))$(echo-why) &&)
echo-cmd-nowhy = $(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),\
echo. $(call escchar,$($(quiet)cmd_$(1))) &&)
echo-cmd = $(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),\
echo ' $(call escchar,$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))$(echo-why)' ;)
echo-cmd-nowhy = $(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),\
echo ' $(call escchar,$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))' ;)
# printing commands
cmd = @$(echo-cmd) $(cmd_$(1))
# Add $(obj)/ for paths that are not absolute
objectify = $(foreach o,$(1),$(if $(filter /%,$(o)),$(o),$(obj)/$(o)))
# if_changed - execute command if any prerequisite is newer than
# target, or command line has changed
# if_changed_dep - as if_changed, but uses fixdep to reveal dependencies
# including used config symbols
# if_changed_rule - as if_changed but execute rule instead
# See Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txt for more info
ifneq ($(KBUILD_NOCMDDEP),1)
# Check if both arguments has same arguments. Result is empty string if equal.
# User may override this check using make KBUILD_NOCMDDEP=1
arg-check = $(strip $(filter-out $(cmd_$(1)), $(cmd_$@)) \
$(filter-out $(cmd_$@), $(cmd_$(1))) )
arg-check = $(if $(strip $(cmd_$@)),,1)
# Replace >$< with >$$< to preserve $ when reloading the .cmd file
# (needed for make)
# Replace >#< with >\#< to avoid starting a comment in the .cmd file
# (needed for make)
# Replace >'< with >'\''< to be able to enclose the whole string in '...'
# (needed for the shell)
make-cmd = $(call escchar,$(subst \#,\\\#,$(subst $$,$$$$,$(cmd_$(1)))))
# Find any prerequisites that is newer than target or that does not exist.
# PHONY targets skipped in both cases.
any-prereq = $(filter-out $(PHONY),$?) $(filter-out $(PHONY) $(wildcard $^),$^)
ifeq ($(WIN_PLAT),y)
depfile-new = echo. > $(depfile) && \
echo cmd_$@ := $(make-cmd) >> $(depfile) && \
echo. >> $(depfile)
depfile-add = echo. >> $(depfile) && \
echo cmd_$@ := $(make-cmd) >> $(depfile) && \
echo. >> $(depfile)
depfile-new = printf '\n%s\n' 'cmd_$@ := $(make-cmd)' > $(depfile)
depfile-add = printf '\n%s\n' 'cmd_$@ := $(make-cmd)' >> $(depfile)
# Execute command if command has changed or prerequisite(s) are updated.
if_changed = $(if $(strip $(any-prereq) $(arg-check)), \
@ ( $(echo-cmd) $(cmd_$(1)) ) && \
( $(depfile-new) ))
if_changed2 = $(if $(strip $(any-prereq) $(call arg-check,$(2))), \
@ ( $(call echo-cmd,$(1)) $(cmd_$(1)) && \
$(call echo-cmd,$(2)) $(cmd_$(2)) ) && \
( $(call depfile-new,$(2)) ))
# Execute the command and also postprocess generated .d dependencies file.
if_changed_dep = $(if $(strip $(any-prereq) $(arg-check)), \
@ ( $(echo-cmd) $(cmd_$(1)) ) && \
( $(depfile-add) ))
# Usage: $(call if_changed_rule,foo)
# Will check if $(cmd_foo) or any of the prerequisites changed,
# and if so will execute $(rule_foo).
if_changed_rule = $(if $(strip $(any-prereq) $(arg-check)), \
@ ( $(rule_$(1)) ) && \
( $(depfile-add) ))
# why - tell why a a target got build
# enabled by make V=2
# Output (listed in the order they are checked):
# (1) - due to target is PHONY
# (2) - due to target missing
# (3) - due to: file1.h file2.h
# (4) - due to command line change
# (5) - due to missing .cmd file
# (6) - due to target not in $(targets)
# (1) PHONY targets are always build
# (2) No target, so we better build it
# (3) Prerequisite is newer than target
# (4) The command line stored in the file named dir/.target.cmd
# differed from actual command line. This happens when compiler
# options changes
# (5) No dir/.target.d file (used to store command line)
# (6) No dir/.target.d file and target not listed in $(targets)
# This is a good hint that there is a bug in the kbuild file
ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),2)
why = \
$(if $(filter $@, $(PHONY)),- due to target is PHONY, \
$(if $(wildcard $@), \
$(if $(strip $(any-prereq)),- due to: $(any-prereq), \
$(if $(arg-check), \
$(if $(cmd_$@),- due to command line change, \
$(if $(filter $@, $(targets)), \
- due to missing .d file, \
- due to $(notdir $@) not in $$(targets) \
) \
) \
) \
), \
- due to target missing \
) \
echo-why = $(call escchar, $(strip $(why)))
endif # __INCLUDE_MK__