/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #define LOG_TAG "bt_osi_config" #include #include #include "stdio.h" #include #include #include "list_ext.h" #include "nvrecord.h" #include "nvrec_config.h" #include "hal_trace.h" static nvrec_section_t *nvrec_section_new(const char *name); static void nvrec_section_free(void *ptr); static nvrec_entry_t *nvrec_entry_new(const char *key,const char *value,const char *descrip); static nvrec_entry_t *nvrec_entry_find(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key); void *cfg_malloc (unsigned int size) { void *ptr = NULL; if(size == 0) return NULL; ptr = pool_malloc(size); if(ptr == NULL) { printf("cfg_malloc......ERROR\n"); } return ptr; } void *cfg_zmalloc (unsigned int size) { void *ptr = NULL; ptr = cfg_malloc(size); memset(ptr, 0, size); return ptr; } void cfg_free (void *p_mem) { pool_free(p_mem); } nvrec_config_t *nvrec_config_new(const char *filename) { nvrec_config_t *config; //add your code at here // printf("nvrec_config_new-->cfg_zmalloc..........................\r\n"); config = (nvrec_config_t *)cfg_zmalloc(sizeof(nvrec_config_t)); if(config) config->sections = list_new_ext(nvrec_section_free); return config; } void nvrec_config_free(nvrec_config_t *config) { if (!config) return; list_free_ext(config->sections); // printf("nvrec_config_free-->cfg_free..........................\r\n"); cfg_free(config); } bool nvrec_config_has_section(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section) { assert(config != NULL); assert(section != NULL); return (nvrec_section_find(config, section) != NULL); } bool nvrec_config_has_key(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key) { assert(config != NULL); assert(section != NULL); assert(key != NULL); return (nvrec_entry_find(config, section, key) != NULL); } int nvrec_config_get_int(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key, int def_value) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = NULL; char *endptr = NULL; int ret = 0; assert(config != NULL); assert(section != NULL); assert(key != NULL); entry = nvrec_entry_find(config, section, key); if (!entry) return def_value; ret = strtol(entry->value, &endptr, 0); return (*endptr == '\0') ? ret : def_value; } bool nvrec_config_get_bool(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key, bool def_value) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = NULL; assert(config != NULL); assert(section != NULL); assert(key != NULL); entry = nvrec_entry_find(config, section, key); if (!entry) return def_value; if (!strcmp(entry->value, "true")) return true; if (!strcmp(entry->value, "false")) return false; return def_value; } const char *nvrec_config_get_string(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key, const char *def_value) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = NULL; assert(config != NULL); assert(section != NULL); assert(key != NULL); entry = nvrec_entry_find(config, section, key); if (!entry) return def_value; return entry->value; } void nvrec_config_set_int(nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key, int value) { char value_str[32] = { 0 }; assert(config != NULL); assert(section != NULL); assert(key != NULL); sprintf(value_str, "%d", value); nvrec_config_set_string(config, section, key, value_str); } void nvrec_config_set_bool(nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key, bool value) { assert(config != NULL); assert(section != NULL); assert(key != NULL); nvrec_config_set_string(config, section, key, value ? "true" : "false"); } void *strdup_ext(const char *value) { void *ptr = NULL; if(NULL != value) { size_t malloclen = (strlen(value)+1); ptr = zmalloc_ext(malloclen); memcpy(ptr,value,strlen(value)); } return ptr; } static char *bdaddrdup(const char * string,unsigned int len) { char *memory; if (!string) return(NULL); memory = cfg_zmalloc(len+1); if (NULL != memory) { memcpy(memory,string,len); return memory; } return(NULL); } void nvrec_config_set_string(nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key, const char *value) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = NULL; list_node_t *node = NULL; nvrec_section_t *sec = nvrec_section_find(config, section); if (!sec) { sec = nvrec_section_new(section); list_append_ext(config->sections, sec); } if(0 == strcmp(section,section_name_ddbrec)) { for (node = list_begin_ext(sec->entries); node != list_end_ext(sec->entries); node = list_next_ext(node)) { entry = list_node_ext(node); if (0 == memcmp(entry->key, key, BTIF_BD_ADDR_SIZE)) { cfg_free(entry->value); entry->value = (char *)strdup_ext(value); return; } } } else { for (node = list_begin_ext(sec->entries); node != list_end_ext(sec->entries); node = list_next_ext(node)) { entry = list_node_ext(node); if (!strcmp(entry->key, key)) { cfg_free(entry->value); entry->value = (char *)strdup_ext(value); return; } } } entry = nvrec_entry_new(key,value,section); list_append_ext(sec->entries, entry); } static nvrec_section_t *nvrec_section_new(const char *name) { // printf("nvrec_section_new-->cfg_zmalloc..........................\r\n"); nvrec_section_t *section = cfg_zmalloc(sizeof(nvrec_section_t)); if (!section) return NULL; section->name = strdup_ext(name); section->entries = list_new_ext(nvrec_entry_free); return section; } static void nvrec_section_free(void *ptr) { nvrec_section_t *section = ptr; if (!ptr) return; // printf("nvrec_section_free-->cfg_free..........................\r\n"); cfg_free(section->name); list_free_ext(section->entries); cfg_free(section); } nvrec_section_t *nvrec_section_find(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section) { nvrec_section_t *sec = NULL; list_node_t *node = NULL; for (node = list_begin_ext(config->sections); node != list_end_ext(config->sections); node = list_next_ext(node)) { sec = list_node_ext(node); if (!strcmp(sec->name, section)) return sec; } return NULL; } static nvrec_entry_t *nvrec_entry_new(const char *key,const char *value,const char *descrip) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = cfg_zmalloc(sizeof(nvrec_entry_t)); if (!entry) return NULL; if(0 == strcmp(descrip,section_name_ddbrec)) entry->key = bdaddrdup(key,BTIF_BD_ADDR_SIZE); else entry->key = strdup_ext(key); entry->value = strdup_ext(value); return entry; } void nvrec_entry_free(void *ptr) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = ptr; if (!ptr) return; // printf("entry_free-->cfg_free..........................\r\n"); cfg_free(entry->key); cfg_free(entry->value); cfg_free(entry); } static nvrec_entry_t *nvrec_entry_find(const nvrec_config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key) { list_node_t *node = NULL; nvrec_section_t *sec = nvrec_section_find(config, section); if (!sec) return NULL; if(0 == strcmp(section,section_name_ddbrec)) { for (node = list_begin_ext(sec->entries); node != list_end_ext(sec->entries); node = list_next_ext(node)) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = list_node_ext(node); if (0 == memcmp((const void*)entry->key, (const void*)key, BTIF_BD_ADDR_SIZE)) return entry; } return NULL; } else { for (node = list_begin_ext(sec->entries); node != list_end_ext(sec->entries); node = list_next_ext(node)) { nvrec_entry_t *entry = list_node_ext(node); if (!strcmp(entry->key, key)) return entry; } return NULL; } } #if 0 int nevrec_entry_remove(const config_t *config, const char *section, const char *key) { list_node_t *node; section_t *sec = section_find(config, section); if (!sec) return NULL; for (node = list_begin_ext(sec->entries); node != list_end_ext(sec->entries); node = list_next_ext(node)) { entry_t *entry = list_node_ext(node); if (!strcmp(entry->key, key)) list_remove_ext(sec->entries, entry); return 0; } return 0; } #endif