/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ /** **************************************************************************************** * @addtogroup ANCCTASK * @{ **************************************************************************************** */ /* * INCLUDE FILES **************************************************************************************** */ #include "rwip_config.h" #if (BLE_ANC_CLIENT) #include "anc_common.h" #include "ancc.h" #include "ancc_task.h" #include "attm.h" #include "gap.h" #include "gattc_task.h" #include "prf_utils.h" #include "prf_utils_128.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "ke_timer.h" #include "co_utils.h" #include "ke_mem.h" #if (ANCS_PROXY_ENABLE) #include "ancs_gatt_server.h" #endif /* * STRUCTURES **************************************************************************************** */ /// ANCS UUID const struct att_uuid_128 ancc_anc_svc = {{0xD0, 0x00, 0x2D, 0x12, 0x1E, 0x4B, 0x0F, 0xA4, 0x99, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0x31, 0xF4, 0x05, 0x79}}; /// State machine used to retrieve ANCS characteristics information const struct prf_char_def_128 ancc_anc_char[ANCC_CHAR_MAX] = { /// Notification Source [ANCC_CHAR_NTF_SRC] = {{0xBD, 0x1D, 0xA2, 0x99, 0xE6, 0x25, 0x58, 0x8C, 0xD9, 0x42, 0x01, 0x63, 0x0D, 0x12, 0xBF, 0x9F}, ATT_MANDATORY, ATT_CHAR_PROP_NTF}, /// Control Point [ANCC_CHAR_CTRL_PT] = {{0xD9, 0xD9, 0xAA, 0xFD, 0xBD, 0x9B, 0x21, 0x98, 0xA8, 0x49, 0xE1, 0x45, 0xF3, 0xD8, 0xD1, 0x69}, ATT_OPTIONAL, ATT_CHAR_PROP_WR}, /// Data Source [ANCC_CHAR_DATA_SRC] = {{0xFB, 0x7B, 0x7C, 0xCE, 0x6A, 0xB3, 0x44, 0xBE, 0xB5, 0x4B, 0xD6, 0x24, 0xE9, 0xC6, 0xEA, 0x22}, ATT_OPTIONAL, ATT_CHAR_PROP_NTF}, }; /// State machine used to retrieve ANCS characteristic descriptor information const struct prf_char_desc_def ancc_anc_char_desc[ANCC_DESC_MAX] = { /// Notification Source Char. - Client Characteristic Configuration [ANCC_DESC_NTF_SRC_CL_CFG] = {ATT_DESC_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG, ATT_MANDATORY, ANCC_CHAR_NTF_SRC}, /// Data Source Char. - Client Characteristic Configuration [ANCC_DESC_DATA_SRC_CL_CFG] = {ATT_DESC_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG, ATT_OPTIONAL, ANCC_CHAR_DATA_SRC}, }; /* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS DEFINITIONS **************************************************************************************** */ /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles reception of the @ref ANCC_ENABLE_REQ message. * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received. * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance. * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int ancc_enable_req_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct ancc_enable_req *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Status uint8_t status = GAP_ERR_NO_ERROR; struct ancc_env_tag *ancc_env = PRF_ENV_GET(ANCC, ancc); // Get connection index uint8_t conidx = param->conidx; uint8_t state = ke_state_get(dest_id); TRACE(3,"ANCSC %s Entry. state=%d, conidx=%d", __func__, state, conidx); if ((state == ANCC_IDLE) && (ancc_env->env[conidx] == NULL)) { TRACE(1,"ANCSC %s passed state check", __func__); // allocate environment variable for task instance ancc_env->env[conidx] = (struct ancc_cnx_env *)ke_malloc( sizeof(struct ancc_cnx_env), KE_MEM_ATT_DB); ASSERT(ancc_env->env[conidx], "%s alloc error", __func__); memset(ancc_env->env[conidx], 0, sizeof(struct ancc_cnx_env)); ancc_env->env[conidx]->last_char_code = ANCC_ENABLE_OP_CODE; // Start discovering // Discover ANCS service by 128-bit UUID prf_disc_svc_send_128(&(ancc_env->prf_env), conidx, (uint8_t *)&ancc_anc_svc.uuid); // Go to DISCOVERING state ke_state_set(dest_id, ANCC_DISCOVERING); // Configure the environment for a discovery procedure ancc_env->env[conidx]->last_req = ATT_DECL_PRIMARY_SERVICE; } else if (state != ANCC_FREE) { status = PRF_ERR_REQ_DISALLOWED; } // send an error if request fails if (status != GAP_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ancc_enable_rsp_send(ancc_env, conidx, status); } return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles reception of the @ref ANCC_READ_CMD message. * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received. * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance. * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int ancc_read_cmd_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct gattc_read_cmd *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { uint8_t conidx = KE_IDX_GET(dest_id); TRACE(6,"ANCSC %s Entry. conidex %d hdl=0x%4.4x, op=%d, len=%d, off=%d", __func__, conidx, param->req.simple.handle, param->operation, param->req.simple.length, param->req.simple.offset); // Get the address of the environment struct ancc_env_tag *ancc_env = PRF_ENV_GET(ANCC, ancc); if (ancc_env != NULL) { // Send the read request prf_read_char_send( &(ancc_env->prf_env), conidx, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.svc.shdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.svc.ehdl, param->req.simple.handle); } else { // amsc_send_no_conn_cmp_evt(dest_id, src_id, param->handle, // ANCC_WRITE_CL_CFG_OP_CODE); ASSERT(0, "%s implement me", __func__); } return KE_MSG_CONSUMED; } static int gattc_read_ind_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct gattc_read_ind const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Get the address of the environment struct amsc_env_tag *amsc_env = PRF_ENV_GET(ANCC, amsc); TRACE(3,"ANCSC %s param->handle=0x%x param->length=%d", __func__, param->handle, param->length); if (amsc_env != NULL) { uint8_t conidx = KE_IDX_GET(src_id); struct gattc_read_cfm *cfm = KE_MSG_ALLOC_DYN(GATTC_READ_CFM, KE_BUILD_ID(prf_get_task_from_id(TASK_ID_ANCSP), conidx), dest_id, gattc_read_cfm, param->length); cfm->status = 0; // read_ind has no status??? cfm->handle = param->handle; cfm->length = param->length; memcpy(cfm->value, param->value, param->length); ke_msg_send(cfm); } return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles reception of the @ref ANCC_WRITE_CMD message. * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received. * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance. * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int ancc_write_cmd_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct gattc_write_cmd *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { TRACE(4,"ANCSC %s Entry. hdl=0x%4.4x, op=%d, len=%d", __func__, param->handle, param->operation, param->length); uint8_t conidx = KE_IDX_GET(dest_id); // Get the address of the environment struct ancc_env_tag *ancc_env = PRF_ENV_GET(ANCC, ancc); if (ancc_env != NULL) { ancc_env->last_write_handle[conidx] = param->handle; // TODO(jkessinger): Use ke_msg_forward. struct gattc_write_cmd *wr_char = KE_MSG_ALLOC_DYN( GATTC_WRITE_CMD, KE_BUILD_ID(TASK_GATTC, conidx), dest_id, gattc_write_cmd, param->length); memcpy(wr_char, param, sizeof(struct gattc_write_cmd) + param->length); // Send the message ke_msg_send(wr_char); } else { // ancc_send_no_conn_cmp_evt(dest_id, src_id, param->handle, // ANCC_WRITE_CL_CFG_OP_CODE); ASSERT(0, "%s implement me", __func__); } return KE_MSG_CONSUMED; } /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles reception of the @ref GATTC_SDP_SVC_IND_HANDLER message. * The handler stores the found service details for service discovery. * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received (probably unused). * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance (probably unused). * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ __STATIC int gattc_sdp_svc_ind_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct gattc_sdp_svc_ind const *ind, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { uint8_t state = ke_state_get(dest_id); TRACE(4,"ANCSC %s Entry. end_hdl=0x%4.4x, start_hdl=0x%4.4x, att.att_type=%d", __func__, ind->end_hdl, ind->start_hdl, ind->info[0].att.att_type); TRACE(3,"ANCSC att_char.prop=%d, att_char.handle=0x%4.4x, att_char.att_type=%d", ind->info[0].att_char.prop, ind->info[0].att_char.handle, ind->info[0].att_char.att_type); TRACE(4,"ANCSC inc_svc.att_type=%d, inc_svc.end_hdl=0x%4.4x, inc_svc.start_hdl=0x%4.4x, state=%d", ind->info[0].att_type, ind->info[0].inc_svc.att_type, ind->info[0].inc_svc.start_hdl, state); if (state == ANCC_DISCOVERING) { uint8_t conidx = KE_IDX_GET(src_id); struct ancc_env_tag *ancc_env = PRF_ENV_GET(ANCC, ancc); ASSERT_INFO(ancc_env != NULL, dest_id, src_id); ASSERT_INFO(ancc_env->env[conidx] != NULL, dest_id, src_id); if (ancc_env->env[conidx]->nb_svc == 0) { TRACE(0,"ANCSC retrieving characteristics and descriptors."); // Retrieve ANC characteristics and descriptors prf_extract_svc_info_128(ind, ANCC_CHAR_MAX, &ancc_anc_char[0], &ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[0], ANCC_DESC_MAX, &ancc_anc_char_desc[0], &ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.descs[0]); // Even if we get multiple responses we only store 1 range ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.svc.shdl = ind->start_hdl; ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.svc.ehdl = ind->end_hdl; } ancc_env->env[conidx]->nb_svc++; } return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles reception of the @ref GATTC_CMP_EVT message. * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received. * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance. * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int gattc_cmp_evt_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct gattc_cmp_evt const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Get the address of the environment struct ancc_env_tag *ancc_env = PRF_ENV_GET(ANCC, ancc); uint8_t conidx = KE_IDX_GET(dest_id); TRACE(5,"ANCSC %s entry. op=%d, seq=%d, status=%d, conidx=%d", __func__, param->operation, param->seq_num, param->status, conidx); // Status uint8_t status; if (ancc_env->env[conidx] != NULL) { uint8_t state = ke_state_get(dest_id); TRACE(2,"ANCSC %s state=%d", __func__, state); if (state == ANCC_DISCOVERING) { status = param->status; if ((status == ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND) || (status == ATT_ERR_NO_ERROR)) { // Discovery // check characteristic validity if (ancc_env->env[conidx]->nb_svc == 1) { status = prf_check_svc_char_validity_128( ANCC_CHAR_MAX, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars, ancc_anc_char); } // too much services else if (ancc_env->env[conidx]->nb_svc > 1) { status = PRF_ERR_MULTIPLE_SVC; } // no services found else { status = PRF_ERR_STOP_DISC_CHAR_MISSING; } // check descriptor validity if (status == GAP_ERR_NO_ERROR) { status = prf_check_svc_char_desc_validity( ANCC_DESC_MAX, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.descs, ancc_anc_char_desc, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars); } } ancc_enable_rsp_send(ancc_env, conidx, status); #if (ANCS_PROXY_ENABLE) TRACE(4,"ANCSC %s NSChar=0x%4.4x, NSVal=0x%4.4x, NSCfg=0x%4.4x", __func__, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_NTF_SRC].char_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_NTF_SRC].val_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.descs[ANCC_DESC_NTF_SRC_CL_CFG].desc_hdl); TRACE(4,"ANCSC %s DSChar=0x%4.4x DSVal=0x%4.4x, DSCfg=0x%4.4x", __func__, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_DATA_SRC].char_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_DATA_SRC].val_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.descs[ANCC_DESC_DATA_SRC_CL_CFG].desc_hdl); TRACE(3,"ANCSC %s CPChar=0x%4.4x, CPVal=0x%4.4x", __func__, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_CTRL_PT].char_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_CTRL_PT].val_hdl); ancs_proxy_set_ready_flag(conidx, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_NTF_SRC].char_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_NTF_SRC].val_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.descs[ANCC_DESC_NTF_SRC_CL_CFG].desc_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_DATA_SRC].char_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_DATA_SRC].val_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.descs[ANCC_DESC_DATA_SRC_CL_CFG].desc_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_CTRL_PT].char_hdl, ancc_env->env[conidx]->anc.chars[ANCC_CHAR_CTRL_PT].val_hdl); ke_state_set(dest_id, ANCC_IDLE); #endif } else { switch (param->operation) { case GATTC_READ: { TRACE(2,"ANCSC %s read complete status=%d", __func__, param->status); break; } case GATTC_WRITE: { struct gattc_write_cfm *cfm = KE_MSG_ALLOC(GATTC_WRITE_CFM, KE_BUILD_ID(prf_get_task_from_id(TASK_ID_ANCSP), conidx), dest_id, gattc_write_cfm); cfm->handle = ancc_env->last_write_handle[conidx]; ancc_env->last_write_handle[conidx] = ATT_INVALID_HANDLE; cfm->status = param->status; ke_msg_send(cfm); break; } case GATTC_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE: // There's currently no need to notify the proxy task that this completed. break; case GATTC_NOTIFY: case GATTC_INDICATE: // Nothing to do. Notification sent. case GATTC_REGISTER: case GATTC_UNREGISTER: case GATTC_SDP_DISC_SVC: // Do nothing break; default: ASSERT_ERR(0); break; } } } // else ignore the message return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles reception of the @ref GATTC_EVENT_IND message. * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received (probably unused). * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance (probably unused). * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int gattc_event_ind_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct gattc_event_ind const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { BLE_FUNC_ENTER(); TRACE(5,"ANCSC %s Entry. handle=0x%x, len=%d, type=%d, val[0]=0x%x", __func__, param->handle, param->length, param->type, param->value[0]); uint8_t conidx = KE_IDX_GET(src_id); struct gattc_send_evt_cmd *cmd; cmd = KE_MSG_ALLOC_DYN(ANCS_PROXY_IND_EVT, KE_BUILD_ID(prf_get_task_from_id(TASK_ID_ANCSP), conidx), dest_id, gattc_send_evt_cmd, param->length); cmd->handle = param->handle; cmd->operation = GATTC_NOTIFY; cmd->seq_num = 0; cmd->length = param->length; memcpy(cmd->value, param->value, param->length); ke_msg_send(cmd); return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /* * GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS **************************************************************************************** */ /// Specifies the default message handlers KE_MSG_HANDLER_TAB(ancc){ {ANCC_ENABLE_REQ, (ke_msg_func_t)ancc_enable_req_handler}, {ANCC_WRITE_CMD, (ke_msg_func_t)ancc_write_cmd_handler}, {ANCC_READ_CMD, (ke_msg_func_t)ancc_read_cmd_handler}, {GATTC_READ_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gattc_read_ind_handler}, {GATTC_SDP_SVC_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gattc_sdp_svc_ind_handler}, {GATTC_EVENT_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gattc_event_ind_handler}, {GATTC_CMP_EVT, (ke_msg_func_t)gattc_cmp_evt_handler}, }; void ancc_task_init(struct ke_task_desc *task_desc) { TRACE(1,"ANCSC %s Entry.", __func__); // Get the address of the environment struct ancc_env_tag *ancc_env = PRF_ENV_GET(ANCC, ancc); task_desc->msg_handler_tab = ancc_msg_handler_tab; task_desc->msg_cnt = ARRAY_LEN(ancc_msg_handler_tab); task_desc->state = ancc_env->state; task_desc->idx_max = ANCC_IDX_MAX; } #endif //(BLE_ANC_CLIENT) /// @} ANCCTASK