/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __APP_IBRT_KEYBOARD__ #define __APP_IBRT_KEYBOARD__ #include "app_key.h" #ifdef IBRT_SEARCH_UI void app_ibrt_search_ui_handle_key(APP_KEY_STATUS *status, void *param); #else void app_ibrt_normal_ui_handle_key(APP_KEY_STATUS *status, void *param); #endif void app_ibrt_send_keyboard_request(uint8_t *p_buff, uint16_t length); void app_ibrt_keyboard_request_handler(uint16_t rsp_seq, uint8_t *p_buff, uint16_t length); #define IBRT_ACTION_PLAY 0x01 #define IBRT_ACTION_PAUSE 0x02 #define IBRT_ACTION_FORWARD 0x03 #define IBRT_ACTION_BACKWARD 0x04 #define IBRT_ACTION_AVRCP_VOLUP 0x05 #define IBRT_ACTION_AVRCP_VOLDN 0x06 #define IBRT_ACTION_HFSCO_CREATE 0x07 #define IBRT_ACTION_HFSCO_DISC 0x08 #define IBRT_ACTION_REDIAL 0x09 #define IBRT_ACTION_ANSWER 0x0a #define IBRT_ACTION_HANGUP 0x0b #define IBRT_ACTION_LOCAL_VOLUP 0x0c #define IBRT_ACTION_LOCAL_VOLDN 0x0d #define IBRT_ACTION_ANC_NOTIRY_MASTER_EXCHANGE_COEF 0x0e #define IBRT_ACTION_SYNC_WNR 0x0f void app_ibrt_if_start_user_action(uint8_t *p_buff, uint16_t length); void app_ibrt_ui_perform_user_action(uint8_t *p_buff, uint16_t length); extern bool Is_Slave_Key_Down_Event; #define TWS_Sync_Shutdowm 1 #define QXW_TOUCH_INEAR_DET 0 #define BT_FACTORY_CLEAR_RECORD 0 #define Auto_Shutdowm_TIME 300 #if(TWS_Sync_Shutdowm) int app_ibrt_poweroff_notify_force(void); int app_ibrt_reboot_notify_force(void); #endif #endif