/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "hal_timer.h" #include "hal_trace.h" #include "hal_sysfreq.h" #include "hal_aud.h" #include "tgt_hardware.h" #include "string.h" #include "audioflinger.h" #include "adda_loop_app.h" #define ADDA_SAMPLE_RATE 48000 #define ADDA_SAMPLE_SIZE 2 #define ADDA_PLAYBACK_CHAN 2 #define ADDA_CAPTURE_CHAN 2 #define RATE_TO_SIZE(n) (((n) + (1000 - 1)) / 1000) #define ADDA_PLAYBACK_FRAME_SIZE (RATE_TO_SIZE(ADDA_SAMPLE_RATE) * ADDA_SAMPLE_SIZE * ADDA_PLAYBACK_CHAN) #define ADDA_CAPTURE_FRAME_SIZE (RATE_TO_SIZE(ADDA_SAMPLE_RATE) * ADDA_SAMPLE_SIZE * ADDA_CAPTURE_CHAN) #define PLAYBACK_FRAME_NUM 4 #define CAPTURE_FRAME_NUM 8 #define ADDA_NON_EXP_ALIGN(val, exp) (((val) + ((exp) - 1)) / (exp) * (exp)) #define BUFF_ALIGN (4 * 4) #define PLAYBACK_SIZE ADDA_NON_EXP_ALIGN(ADDA_PLAYBACK_FRAME_SIZE * PLAYBACK_FRAME_NUM, BUFF_ALIGN) #define CAPTURE_SIZE ADDA_NON_EXP_ALIGN(ADDA_CAPTURE_FRAME_SIZE * CAPTURE_FRAME_NUM, BUFF_ALIGN) #define ALIGNED4 ALIGNED(4) static uint8_t ALIGNED4 adda_playback_buf[PLAYBACK_SIZE]; static uint8_t ALIGNED4 adda_capture_buf[CAPTURE_SIZE]; static uint32_t cap_rpos; static uint32_t cap_wpos; static enum AUD_BITS_T sample_size_to_enum(uint32_t size) { if (size == 2) { return AUD_BITS_16; } else if (size == 4) { return AUD_BITS_24; } else { ASSERT(false, "%s: Invalid sample size: %u", __FUNCTION__, size); } return 0; } static enum AUD_CHANNEL_NUM_T chan_num_to_enum(uint32_t num) { if (num == 2) { return AUD_CHANNEL_NUM_2; } else if (num == 1) { return AUD_CHANNEL_NUM_1; } else { ASSERT(false, "%s: Invalid channel num: %u", __FUNCTION__, num); } return 0; } static uint32_t adda_data_playback(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { uint32_t cur_time; int16_t *src; int16_t *dst; int16_t *src_end; int16_t *dst_end; uint32_t avail; cur_time = hal_sys_timer_get(); if (cap_wpos >= cap_rpos) { avail = cap_wpos - cap_rpos; } else { avail = sizeof(adda_capture_buf) + cap_wpos - cap_rpos; } if (avail * ADDA_PLAYBACK_CHAN / ADDA_CAPTURE_CHAN >= len) { src = (int16_t *)(adda_capture_buf + cap_rpos); src_end = (int16_t *)(adda_capture_buf + sizeof(adda_capture_buf)); dst = (int16_t *)buf; dst_end = (int16_t *)(buf + len); while (dst < dst_end) { *dst++ = *src++; if (src == src_end) { src = (int16_t *)adda_capture_buf; } #if (ADDA_PLAYBACK_CHAN == 2) && (ADDA_CAPTURE_CHAN == 1) *dst = *(dst - 1); dst++; #endif } cap_rpos = (uint32_t)src - (uint32_t)adda_capture_buf; } else { memset(buf, 0, len); } TRACE(5,"[%X] playback: len=%4u wpos=%4u rpos=%4u avail=%4u", cur_time, len, cap_wpos, cap_rpos, avail); return 0; } static uint32_t adda_data_capture(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { uint32_t cur_time; cur_time = hal_sys_timer_get(); cap_wpos += len; if (cap_wpos >= sizeof(adda_capture_buf)) { cap_wpos = 0; } TRACE(4,"[%X] capture : len=%4u wpos=%4u rpos=%4u", cur_time, len, cap_wpos, cap_rpos); return 0; } static void adda_loop_start(void) { int ret = 0; struct AF_STREAM_CONFIG_T stream_cfg; hal_sysfreq_req(HAL_SYSFREQ_USER_APP_2, HAL_CMU_FREQ_52M); memset(&stream_cfg, 0, sizeof(stream_cfg)); stream_cfg.bits = sample_size_to_enum(ADDA_SAMPLE_SIZE); stream_cfg.channel_num = chan_num_to_enum(ADDA_PLAYBACK_CHAN); stream_cfg.sample_rate = ADDA_SAMPLE_RATE; stream_cfg.device = AUD_STREAM_USE_INT_CODEC; stream_cfg.vol = AUDIO_OUTPUT_VOLUME_DEFAULT; stream_cfg.handler = adda_data_playback; stream_cfg.io_path = AUD_OUTPUT_PATH_SPEAKER; stream_cfg.data_ptr = adda_playback_buf; stream_cfg.data_size = sizeof(adda_playback_buf); TRACE(3,"[%s] playback sample_rate: %d, bits = %d", __func__, stream_cfg.sample_rate, stream_cfg.bits); ret = af_stream_open(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK, &stream_cfg); ASSERT(ret == 0, "af_stream_open playback failed: %d", ret); memset(&stream_cfg, 0, sizeof(stream_cfg)); stream_cfg.bits = sample_size_to_enum(ADDA_SAMPLE_SIZE); stream_cfg.channel_num = chan_num_to_enum(ADDA_CAPTURE_CHAN); stream_cfg.sample_rate = ADDA_SAMPLE_RATE; stream_cfg.device = AUD_STREAM_USE_INT_CODEC; stream_cfg.vol = CODEC_SADC_VOL; stream_cfg.handler = adda_data_capture; stream_cfg.io_path = AUD_INPUT_PATH_MAINMIC; stream_cfg.data_ptr = adda_capture_buf; stream_cfg.data_size = sizeof(adda_capture_buf); TRACE(3,"[%s] capture sample_rate: %d, bits = %d", __func__, stream_cfg.sample_rate, stream_cfg.bits); ret = af_stream_open(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE, &stream_cfg); ASSERT(ret == 0, "af_stream_open catpure failed: %d", ret); ret = af_stream_start(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK); ASSERT(ret == 0, "af_stream_start playback failed: %d", ret); ret = af_stream_start(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE); ASSERT(ret == 0, "af_stream_start catpure failed: %d", ret); } static void adda_loop_stop(void) { af_stream_stop(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE); af_stream_stop(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK); af_stream_close(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE); af_stream_close(AUD_STREAM_ID_0, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK); hal_sysfreq_req(HAL_SYSFREQ_USER_APP_2, HAL_CMU_FREQ_32K); } void adda_loop_app(bool on) { if (on) { adda_loop_start(); } else { adda_loop_stop(); } } void adda_loop_app_loop(void) { #ifndef RTOS extern void af_thread(void const *argument); af_thread(NULL); #endif }