/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef CHIP_HAS_PSRAMUHS #include "hal_psramuhs.h" #include "hal_cache.h" #include "hal_location.h" #include "hal_timer.h" #include "hal_trace.h" #include "plat_addr_map.h" #include "plat_types.h" #include "pmu.h" #include "psramuhsphy.h" #include "reg_psramuhs_mc.h" // #define PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT // #define PSRAMUHS_BURST_REFRESH // #define PSRAMUHS_DUMMY_CYCLE // #define PSRAMUHS_PRA_ENABLE // #define PSRAMUHS_DUAL_SWITCH // #define PSRAMUHS_DIG_LOOPBACK // #define PSRAMUHS_ANA_LOOPBACK // #define PSRAMUHS_AUTO_PRECHARGE // #define PSRAMUHS_WRAP_ENABLE #if defined(CHIP_BEST2001) && !defined(PSRAMUHS_DUMMY_CYCLE) #define PSRAMUHS_DUMMY_CYCLE #endif #define TX_FIFO_DEPTH 4 #define RX_FIFO_DEPTH 4 enum CP_FSM_STATE_T { CP_FSM_STATE_SELF_REFRESH = 1, CP_FSM_STATE_PD = 2, CP_FSM_STATE_READY = 4, }; enum MEMIF_CMD_T { MEMIF_NO_CMD = 0x00, MEMIF_WRITE = 0x01, MEMIF_READ = 0x02, MEMIF_MRS = 0x05, MEMIF_MRR = 0x06, MEMIF_REF = 0x08, MEMIF_SREF = 0x09, MEMIF_PD = 0x10, MEMIF_NOP = 0x20, MEMIF_RST = 0xFF, MEMIF_ZQCL = 0x85, MEMIF_ZQCS = 0x45, MEMIF_ZQCRST = 0x25, MEMIF_START_CLOCK = 0x40, MEMIF_STOP_CLOCK = 0x80, MEMIF_NEW_CMD = 0x7F, }; static struct PSRAMUHS_MC_T *const psramuhs_mc = (struct PSRAMUHS_MC_T *)PSRAMUHS_CTRL_BASE; #if (PSRAMUHS_SPEED != 0) static const uint32_t psramuhs_run_clk = PSRAMUHS_SPEED * 1000 * 1000; #else #error "invalid PSRAMUHS_SPEED" #endif static int hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy(void) { return !!(psramuhs_mc->REG_404 & PSRAM_UHS_MC_BUSY); } static int hal_psramuhsip_wb_busy(void) { return !!(psramuhs_mc->REG_404 & PSRAM_UHS_MC_WB_FILL_LEVEL_MASK); } int hal_psramuhsip_mc_in_sleep(void) { return GET_BITFIELD(psramuhs_mc->REG_404, PSRAM_UHS_MC_CP_FSM_STATE) == CP_FSM_STATE_PD; } int hal_psramuhsip_rx_fifo_empty(void) { return !!(psramuhs_mc->REG_404 & PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_RXFIFO_R_EMPTY); } int hal_psramuhsip_tx_fifo_full(void) { return !!(psramuhs_mc->REG_404 & PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_TXFIFO_W_FULL); } uint32_t hal_psramuhsip_get_rx_fifo_len(void) { return GET_BITFIELD(psramuhs_mc->REG_404, PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_RXFIFO_FULL_CNT); } uint32_t hal_psramuhsip_get_tx_fifo_free_len(void) { return GET_BITFIELD(psramuhs_mc->REG_404, PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_TXFIFO_EMPTY_CNT); } void hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(void) { while (hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy()) ; } void hal_psramuhsip_wb_busy_wait(void) { while (hal_psramuhsip_wb_busy()) ; } void hal_psramuhsip_flush_tx_fifo(void) { hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); psramuhs_mc->REG_01C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_TX_FIFO_CLR; hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); } void hal_psramuhsip_flush_rx_fifo(void) { hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); psramuhs_mc->REG_01C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_RX_FIFO_CLR; hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); } void hal_psramuhsip_flush_all_fifo(void) { hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); psramuhs_mc->REG_01C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_TX_FIFO_CLR | PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_RX_FIFO_CLR; hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); } void hal_psramuhsip_xfer_addr_len(uint32_t addr, uint32_t len) { psramuhs_mc->REG_008 = addr; psramuhs_mc->REG_00C = len; } void hal_psramuhsip_write_fifo(uint32_t *data, uint32_t len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { psramuhs_mc->REG_014 = *data++; } } void hal_psramuhsip_read_fifo(uint32_t *data, uint32_t len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { *data++ = psramuhs_mc->REG_018; } } void hal_psramuhsip_set_reg_data_mask(void) { #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT psramuhs_mc->REG_010 = 0xFFFC; #else psramuhs_mc->REG_010 = 0xFFFE; #endif } void hal_psramuhsip_set_mem_data_mask(void) { psramuhs_mc->REG_010 = 0; } void hal_psramuhsip_set_reg_fifo_width(void) { psramuhs_mc->REG_0B0 = 0; } void hal_psramuhsip_set_mem_fifo_width(void) { // 128 bits if PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT; 64 bits otherwise psramuhs_mc->REG_0B0 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_FIFO_TEST_EN; } void hal_psramuhsip_set_cmd(enum MEMIF_CMD_T cmd) { psramuhs_mc->REG_004 = cmd; } POSSIBLY_UNUSED void psramuhs_read_reg(uint32_t reg, uint32_t *val) { hal_psramuhsip_flush_all_fifo(); hal_psramuhsip_xfer_addr_len(reg, 1); hal_psramuhsip_set_cmd(MEMIF_MRR); while (hal_psramuhsip_rx_fifo_empty()) ; hal_psramuhsip_read_fifo(val, 1); } static void psramuhs_send_cmd_reg(enum MEMIF_CMD_T cmd, uint32_t reg, uint32_t val) { #if !defined(PSRAMUHS_DIG_LOOPBACK) && !defined(PSRAMUHS_ANA_LOOPBACK) #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT val &= 0xFF; val |= (val << 8); #endif hal_psramuhsip_flush_all_fifo(); // hal_psramuhsip_set_reg_fifo_width(); // hal_psramuhsip_set_reg_data_mask(); hal_psramuhsip_write_fifo(&val, 1); hal_psramuhsip_xfer_addr_len(reg, 1); hal_psramuhsip_set_cmd(cmd); while (hal_psramuhsip_get_tx_fifo_free_len() != TX_FIFO_DEPTH) ; hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); // hal_psramuhsip_set_mem_fifo_width(); // hal_psramuhsip_set_mem_data_mask(); #endif } static void psramuhs_write_reg(uint32_t reg, uint32_t val) { psramuhs_send_cmd_reg(MEMIF_MRS, reg, val); } static void psramuhs_single_cmd(enum MEMIF_CMD_T cmd) { #if !defined(PSRAMUHS_DIG_LOOPBACK) && !defined(PSRAMUHS_ANA_LOOPBACK) hal_psramuhsip_flush_all_fifo(); hal_psramuhsip_set_cmd(cmd); hal_psramuhsip_mc_busy_wait(); #endif } static POSSIBLY_UNUSED void psramuhs_start_clock(void) { psramuhs_single_cmd(MEMIF_START_CLOCK); } static POSSIBLY_UNUSED void psramuhs_stop_clock(void) { psramuhs_single_cmd(MEMIF_STOP_CLOCK); } static POSSIBLY_UNUSED void psramuhs_reset(void) { psramuhs_single_cmd(MEMIF_RST); } static POSSIBLY_UNUSED void psramuhs_zq_calib_reset(void) { psramuhs_send_cmd_reg(MEMIF_ZQCRST, 7, 0); } static POSSIBLY_UNUSED void psramuhs_zq_calib(void) { psramuhs_send_cmd_reg(MEMIF_ZQCL, 5, 0); } static void psramuhs_set_timing(uint32_t clk) { uint32_t reg; uint32_t val; uint32_t burst_len; reg = 0; if (clk <= 200000000) { val = 7; } else if (clk <= 333000000) { val = 6; } else if (clk <= 400000000) { val = 5; } else if (clk <= 533000000) { val = 4; } else if (clk <= 667000000) { val = 0; } else if (clk <= 800000000) { val = 1; } else if (clk <= 933000000) { val = 2; } else { val = 3; } // Latency, drive val = (val << 0) | (2 << 3); #if 0 //refresh disable val |= (1 << 7); #endif psramuhs_write_reg(reg, val); reg = 2; #if defined(__ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM) || defined(DSP_ENABLE) #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT burst_len = 0x1; // 32B #else burst_len = 0x2; // 64B #endif #else #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT burst_len = 0x0; // 16B #else burst_len = 0x1; // 32B #endif #endif #ifdef PSRAMUHS_PRA_ENABLE // Burst len, pra enable val = (burst_len << 0) | (1 << 4); #else // Burst len, auto-precharge #ifdef PSRAMUHS_AUTO_PRECHARGE val = (burst_len << 0) | (1 << 3); #else val = (burst_len << 0); #endif #endif // wrap enable #ifdef PSRAMUHS_WRAP_ENABLE val |= (1 << 2); #endif psramuhs_write_reg(reg, val); reg = 6; // Vref trim val = (8 << 0); psramuhs_write_reg(reg, val); hal_sys_timer_delay_us(5); psramuhs_zq_calib_reset(); psramuhs_zq_calib(); } void hal_psramuhs_sleep(void) {} void hal_psramuhs_wakeup(void) {} static void hal_psramuhs_mc_set_timing(uint32_t clk) { uint32_t val1, val2; uint32_t val; if (clk <= 200000000) { val1 = 9; val2 = 5; } else if (clk <= 333000000) { val1 = 13; val2 = 5; } else if (clk <= 400000000) { val1 = 16; val2 = 6; } else if (clk <= 533000000) { val1 = 20; val2 = 10; } else if (clk <= 667000000) { val1 = 24; val2 = 12; } else if (clk <= 800000000) { val1 = 29; val2 = 14; } else if (clk <= 933000000) { val1 = 33; val2 = 16; } else { val1 = 37; val2 = 18; } if (clk >= 466000000) val2--; psramuhs_mc->REG_028 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_WRITE_LATENCY(val2); psramuhs_mc->REG_02C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_READ_LATENCY(val1); // tCEM_MAX <= 7.8 us when MRW2[5]==1 && MRR4[2]==0, or <= 3.9 us when // MRW2[5]==0 || MRR4[2]==1 val = (clk / 1000000) * 30 / 10 - 1; psramuhs_mc->REG_04C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_REFI(val) | PSRAM_UHS_MC_NUM_OF_BURST_RFS(0x1000); // tRC >= 60 ns val = ((clk / 1000000) * 60 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; psramuhs_mc->REG_050 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_RC(val); // tRFC >= 60 ns val = ((clk / 1000000) * 60 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; psramuhs_mc->REG_054 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_RFC(val); #ifdef PSRAMUHS_AUTO_PRECHARGE // tCPHR >= 5 ns (auto precharge) #if PSRAMUHS_SPEED >= 900 val = ((clk / 1000000) * 5 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; #else /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ val = 20; #endif /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ psramuhs_mc->REG_05C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_CPHR_AP(val); // tCPHW >= 30 ns (auto precharge) #if PSRAMUHS_SPEED >= 900 val = ((clk / 1000000) * 30 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; #else /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ val = 100; #endif /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ psramuhs_mc->REG_064 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_CPHW_AP(val); #else /*PSRAMUHS_AUTO_PRECHARGE*/ // tCPHR >= 20 ns (no auto precharge) #if PSRAMUHS_SPEED >= 900 val = ((clk / 1000000) * 20 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; #else /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ val = 20; #endif /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ psramuhs_mc->REG_058 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_CPHR(val); // tCPHW >= 30 ns (no auto precharge) #if PSRAMUHS_SPEED >= 900 val = ((clk / 1000000) * 30 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; #else /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ val = 100; #endif /*PSRAMUHS_SPEED == 1000*/ psramuhs_mc->REG_060 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_CPHW(val); #endif /*PSRAMUHS_AUTO_PRECHARGE*/ // tMRR >= 20ns val = 20; //((clk / 1000000) * 20 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; psramuhs_mc->REG_068 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_MRR(val); // tMRW >= 100 ns val = ((clk / 1000000) * 100 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; psramuhs_mc->REG_06C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_MRS(val); // tCEM >= 4 cycles psramuhs_mc->REG_070 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_CEM(4); // tRST >= 10 us val = (clk / 1000000) * 10; psramuhs_mc->REG_074 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_RST(val); // tSRF >= 100 ns val = ((clk / 1000000) + (10 - 1)) / 10; psramuhs_mc->REG_078 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_SRF(val); // tSRF >= 70 ns val = ((clk / 1000000) * 70 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; psramuhs_mc->REG_07C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_XSR(val); // tHS >= 150 us val = (clk / 1000000) * 150; psramuhs_mc->REG_080 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_HS(val); // tXPHS >= 100 ns val = ((clk / 1000000) + (10 - 1)) / 10; psramuhs_mc->REG_084 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_XPHS(val); // tXHS >= 150 us val = (clk / 1000000) * 150; psramuhs_mc->REG_088 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_XHS(val); // tZQCAL >= 1 us val = (clk / 1000000) * 1; psramuhs_mc->REG_08C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_ZQCAL(val); // tZQCRST >= 1 us val = (clk / 1000000) * 1; psramuhs_mc->REG_090 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_ZQCRST(val); // NOP dummy cycles, same as tXPHS >= 100 ns val = ((clk / 1000000) + (10 - 1)) / 10; psramuhs_mc->REG_0A0 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_STOP_CLK_IN_NOP | PSRAM_UHS_MC_NOP_DMY_CYC(val); psramuhs_mc->REG_0A4 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_QUEUE_IDLE_CYCLE(50000); // tDQSCK in [2 ns, 6.5 ns], expanded time >= tDQSCK_MAX val = ((clk / 1000000) * 65 / 10 + (1000 - 1)) / 1000; psramuhs_mc->REG_0A8 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_EXPANDRD(val); } static void hal_psramuhs_mc_init(uint32_t clk) { uint32_t val; uint32_t burst_len; uint32_t boundary; val = PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_TYPE; #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT val |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_BIT; #endif #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_SWITCH val |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_SWITCH; #endif #ifdef PSRAMUHS_16BIT val |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_IO_X16 | PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_CA_PATTERN(2); #else val |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_CA_PATTERN(1); #endif #if (PSRAMUHS_SIZE == 0x800000) val |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_MEM_SIZE(1); #elif (PSRAMUHS_SIZE == 0x1000000) val |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_MEM_SIZE(2); #elif (PSRAMUHS_SIZE == 0x2000000) val |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CHIP_MEM_SIZE(3); #else ASSERT(false, "Bad PSRAMUHS_SIZE=0x%08X", PSRAMUHS_SIZE); #endif psramuhs_mc->REG_000 = val; psramuhs_mc->REG_024 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_STOP_CLK_IDLE | PSRAM_UHS_MC_AUTOWAKEUP_EN; // Burst length: 1=32 bytes (Cortex-M) or 2=64 bytes (Cortex-A), Page // boundary: 2K bytes #ifdef PSRAMUHS_WRAP_ENABLE #if defined(__ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM) || defined(DSP_ENABLE) burst_len = 0x2; // 64B #else burst_len = 0x1; // 32B #endif #else #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT burst_len = 0x6; // 0:16B 5;2KB 6:4KB #else burst_len = 0x5; // 0:16B 5;2KB 6:4KB #endif #endif #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUAL_8BIT boundary = 2; #else boundary = 1; #endif psramuhs_mc->REG_034 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_BURST_LENGTH(burst_len) | PSRAM_UHS_MC_PAGE_BOUNDARY(boundary); // AXI bus width: 128 bits psramuhs_mc->REG_038 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_BUS_WIDTH; // Write buffer level with high priority: 0~15 psramuhs_mc->REG_03C = PSRAM_UHS_MC_HIGH_PRI_LEVEL(8); #ifdef PSRAMUHS_PRA_ENABLE psramuhs_mc->REG_040 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_PRA_ENABLE | PSRAM_UHS_MC_PRA_MAX_CNT(32); #else #ifdef PSRAMUHS_AUTO_PRECHARGE psramuhs_mc->REG_040 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_AUTO_PRECHARGE | PSRAM_UHS_MC_PRA_MAX_CNT(32); #else psramuhs_mc->REG_040 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_PRA_MAX_CNT(32); #endif #endif #ifdef PSRAMUHS_WRAP_ENABLE psramuhs_mc->REG_040 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_CP_WRAP_EN; #endif psramuhs_mc->REG_048 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_FRE_RATIO(2); #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DUMMY_CYCLE psramuhs_mc->REG_840 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_PHY_DUMMY_CYC_EN; #endif #if defined(CHIP_BEST2001) psramuhs_mc->REG_840 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_PHY_IDLE_PAD_EN; #endif psramuhs_mc->REG_844 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_T_WPST(2); hal_psramuhsip_set_reg_fifo_width(); hal_psramuhsip_set_reg_data_mask(); hal_psramuhs_mc_set_timing(clk); psramuhs_mc->REG_400 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_INIT_COMPLETE; #ifdef PSRAMUHS_DIG_LOOPBACK psramuhs_mc->REG_840 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_PHY_LOOPBACK_EN; psramuhs_mc->REG_044 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_SNP_DISABLE; #endif #ifdef PSRAMUHS_ANA_LOOPBACK psramuhs_mc->REG_044 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_SNP_DISABLE; psramuhs_mc->REG_0B0 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_MGR_FIFO_TEST_EN; psramuhs_mc->REG_840 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_ANA_LOOPBACK_EN; #endif #if !defined(PSRAMUHS_DIG_LOOPBACK) && !defined(PSRAMUHS_ANA_LOOPBACK) psramuhsphy_init_calib(); #endif } void hal_psramuhs_mc_entry_auto_lp() { psramuhs_mc->REG_024 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_ENTRY_SLEEP_IDLE | PSRAM_UHS_MC_ENTRY_SELF_REFRESH_IDLE; } void hal_psramuhs_snoop_enable() { psramuhs_mc->REG_044 &= ~PSRAM_UHS_MC_SNP_DISABLE; } void hal_psramuhs_snoop_disable() { psramuhs_mc->REG_044 |= PSRAM_UHS_MC_SNP_DISABLE; } void hal_psramuhs_refresh_enable() { #ifdef PSRAMUHS_BURST_REFRESH psramuhs_mc->REG_020 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_REFRESH_MODE | PSRAM_UHS_MC_BURST_REFRESH_EN; #else psramuhs_mc->REG_020 = PSRAM_UHS_MC_REFRESH_MODE; #endif } void hal_psramuhs_init(void) { #if PSRAMUHS_ENABLE #error "must set MPU befor 2001 eco" #endif hal_cache_wrap_enable(HAL_CACHE_ID_I_CACHE); hal_cache_wrap_enable(HAL_CACHE_ID_D_CACHE); hal_cmu_ddr_clock_enable(); hal_cmu_clock_enable(HAL_CMU_MOD_O_PSRAMUHS); hal_cmu_clock_enable(HAL_CMU_MOD_H_PSRAMUHS); hal_cmu_reset_clear(HAL_CMU_MOD_O_PSRAMUHS); hal_cmu_reset_clear(HAL_CMU_MOD_H_PSRAMUHS); psramuhsphy_open(psramuhs_run_clk); hal_psramuhs_mc_init(psramuhs_run_clk); psramuhs_start_clock(); hal_sys_timer_delay_us(3); psramuhs_reset(); psramuhs_stop_clock(); psramuhs_set_timing(psramuhs_run_clk); hal_psramuhs_refresh_enable(); #if !defined(PSRAMUHS_DIG_LOOPBACK) && !defined(PSRAMUHS_ANA_LOOPBACK) hal_psramuhs_snoop_disable(); psramuhsphy_calib(psramuhs_run_clk); hal_psramuhs_snoop_enable(); #endif // hal_psramuhs_mc_entry_auto_lp(); } #endif