/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "hal_i2s_tdm.h" #include "hal_dma.h" #include "hal_i2s.h" #include "hal_trace.h" #include #include #include #if 0 #define I2S_TDM_TRACE TRACE #define I2S_TDM_DUMP8 DUMP8 #else #define I2S_TDM_TRACE(n, str, ...) #define I2S_TDM_DUMP8(str, ...) #endif #define I2S_TDM_FRAME_SIZE_MAX 512 #define I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_NUM 2 #define I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_SIZE I2S_TDM_FRAME_SIZE_MAX / 16 static struct HAL_DMA_DESC_T i2s_tdm_tx_dma_desc[HAL_I2S_ID_QTY] [I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_NUM]; static uint16_t I2S_TDM_BUF_ALIGN i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_QTY][I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_NUM][I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_SIZE]; static struct HAL_DMA_CH_CFG_T tx_dma_cfg[HAL_I2S_ID_QTY]; static struct HAL_I2S_TDM_CONFIG_T i2s_tdm_cfg[HAL_I2S_ID_QTY]; static inline bool i2s_tdm_cycles_in_arrays(uint16_t cycles) { if (cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_CYCLES_16 || cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_CYCLES_32 || cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_CYCLES_64 || cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_CYCLES_128 || cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_CYCLES_256 || cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_CYCLES_512) return true; else return false; } static inline bool i2s_tdm_fs_cycles_in_arrays(uint16_t fs_cycles) { if (fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_1 || fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_TDM_FS_CYCLES_8 || fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_16 || fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_32 || fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_64 || fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_128 || fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_256 || fs_cycles == (uint16_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_ONE_LESS) return true; else return false; } static inline bool i2s_tdm_slot_cycles_in_arrays(uint8_t slot_cycles) { if (slot_cycles == (uint8_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_SLOT_CYCLES_16 || slot_cycles == (uint8_t)HAL_I2S_TDM_SLOT_CYCLES_32) return true; else return false; } static void i2s_tdm0_tx_handler(uint8_t chan, uint32_t remains, uint32_t error, struct HAL_DMA_DESC_T *lli) { #if 0 static int cnt = 0; cnt++; if (cnt % 600 == 0) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(4,"I2S_TDM0-TX: remains=%ld, error=%ld, cnt=%d,tx_buff_len = %d.", remains, error, cnt,sizeof(i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_0])); I2S_TDM_DUMP8("0x%x,",i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_0],sizeof(i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_0]) <= 32 ? sizeof(i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_0]) : 32 ); } #endif } static void i2s_tdm1_tx_handler(uint8_t chan, uint32_t remains, uint32_t error, struct HAL_DMA_DESC_T *lli) { #if 0 static int cnt = 0; cnt++; if (cnt % 600 == 0) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(4,"I2S_TDM1-TX: remains=%ld, error=%ld, cnt=%d,tx_buff_len = %d.", remains, error, cnt,sizeof(i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_1])); I2S_TDM_DUMP8("0x%x,",i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_1],sizeof(i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_1]) <= 32 ? sizeof(i2s_tdm_tx_buf[HAL_I2S_ID_1]) : 32 ); } #endif } int32_t hal_i2s_tdm_open(enum HAL_I2S_ID_T i2s_id, enum HAL_I2S_MODE_T mode) { int ret; I2S_TDM_TRACE(3, "%s: i2s_id = %d,mode = %d.", __func__, i2s_id, mode); ASSERT(i2s_id < HAL_I2S_ID_QTY, "%s: i2s_id = %d!", __func__, i2s_id); // i2s open playback and capture. ret = hal_i2s_open(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK, mode); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: hal_i2s_open playback failed.ret = %d.", __func__, ret); goto __func_fail; } ret = hal_i2s_open(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE, mode); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: hal_i2s_open capture failed.ret = %d.", __func__, ret); goto __func_fail; } I2S_TDM_TRACE(1, "%s done.", __func__); return 0; __func_fail: I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s failed. ret = %d.", __func__, ret); return ret; } int32_t hal_i2s_tdm_setup(enum HAL_I2S_ID_T i2s_id, uint32_t sample_rate, struct HAL_I2S_TDM_CONFIG_T *i2s_tdm_cfg) { int i, j, m, n; int ret; struct HAL_I2S_CONFIG_T i2s_cfg; uint16_t *buf; uint32_t cycles; uint32_t fs_cycles; uint32_t slot_cycles; uint32_t fs_remain; I2S_TDM_TRACE(3, "%s: i2s_id = %d,sample_rate = %d.", __func__, i2s_id, sample_rate); ASSERT(i2s_id < HAL_I2S_ID_QTY, "%s: i2s_id = %d!", __func__, i2s_id); ASSERT(i2s_tdm_cycles_in_arrays(i2s_tdm_cfg->cycles), "%s: cycles(%d) error!", __func__, i2s_tdm_cfg->cycles); ASSERT(i2s_tdm_fs_cycles_in_arrays(i2s_tdm_cfg->fs_cycles), "%s: fs_cycles(%d) error!", __func__, i2s_tdm_cfg->fs_cycles); ASSERT(i2s_tdm_slot_cycles_in_arrays(i2s_tdm_cfg->slot_cycles), "%s: slot_cycles(%d) error!", __func__, i2s_tdm_cfg->slot_cycles); i2s_tdm_cfg[i2s_id] = *i2s_tdm_cfg; cycles = i2s_tdm_cfg->cycles; fs_cycles = i2s_tdm_cfg->fs_cycles == HAL_I2S_TDM_FS_CYCLES_ONE_LESS ? cycles - 1 : i2s_tdm_cfg->fs_cycles; slot_cycles = i2s_tdm_cfg->slot_cycles; memset(&i2s_cfg, 0, sizeof(i2s_cfg)); i2s_cfg.use_dma = true; i2s_cfg.sync_start = true; i2s_cfg.chan_sep_buf = false; i2s_cfg.bits = slot_cycles; i2s_cfg.channel_num = 2; i2s_cfg.channel_map = AUD_CHANNEL_MAP_CH0 | AUD_CHANNEL_MAP_CH1; i2s_cfg.sample_rate = (sample_rate * (cycles / i2s_cfg.bits)) / 2; ret = hal_i2s_setup_stream(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK, &i2s_cfg); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: playback failed.ret = %d.", __func__, ret); goto __func_fail; } i2s_cfg.sync_start = false; ret = hal_i2s_setup_stream(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE, &i2s_cfg); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(1, "hal_i2s_setup_stream capture failed.ret = %d.", ret); goto __func_fail; } // Set tx buffer, output signal as slave device ws. I2S_TDM_TRACE(3, "%s: cycles = %d, fs_cycles = %d", __func__, cycles, fs_cycles); for (i = 0; i < I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_NUM; i++) { buf = (uint16_t *)(&i2s_tdm_tx_buf[i2s_id][i][0]); for (j = 0; j < I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_SIZE / (cycles / 16); j++) { fs_remain = fs_cycles; for (m = 0; m < (cycles / 16); m++) { buf[j * (cycles / 16) + m] = 0; for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { if (fs_remain > 0) { buf[j * (cycles / 16) + m] |= (1 << n); fs_remain--; } else { break; } } } } } I2S_TDM_TRACE(1, "%s done.", __func__); return 0; __func_fail: I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s failed. ret = %d.", __func__, ret); return ret; } int32_t hal_i2s_tdm_start_stream(enum HAL_I2S_ID_T i2s_id) { uint32_t i; int ret; I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: i2s_id = %d.", __func__, i2s_id); ASSERT(i2s_id < HAL_I2S_ID_QTY, "%s: i2s_id = %d!", __func__, i2s_id); memset(&tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id], 0, sizeof(tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id])); tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].dst = 0; // useless tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].dst_bsize = HAL_DMA_BSIZE_4; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].dst_periph = i2s_id == HAL_I2S_ID_0 ? HAL_AUDMA_I2S0_TX : HAL_AUDMA_I2S1_TX; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].dst_width = HAL_DMA_WIDTH_HALFWORD; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].handler = i2s_id == HAL_I2S_ID_0 ? i2s_tdm0_tx_handler : i2s_tdm1_tx_handler; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].src_bsize = HAL_DMA_BSIZE_4; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].src_tsize = (sizeof(i2s_tdm_tx_buf[i2s_id][0]) / 2); tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].src_width = HAL_DMA_WIDTH_HALFWORD; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].try_burst = 1; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].type = HAL_DMA_FLOW_M2P_DMA; tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].ch = hal_audma_get_chan(tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].dst_periph, HAL_DMA_HIGH_PRIO); for (i = 0; i < I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_NUM; i++) { tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].src = (uint32_t)&i2s_tdm_tx_buf[i2s_id][i][0]; ret = hal_audma_init_desc( &i2s_tdm_tx_dma_desc[i2s_id][i], &tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id], &i2s_tdm_tx_dma_desc[i2s_id][(i + 1) % I2S_TDM_TX_FRAME_NUM], 1); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: hal_audma_init_desc tx failed.ret = %d.", __func__, ret); goto __func_fail; } } ret = hal_audma_sg_start(&i2s_tdm_tx_dma_desc[i2s_id][0], &tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id]); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: hal_audma_sg_start tx failed.ret = %d.", __func__, ret); goto __func_fail; } // i2s start stream playback and capture. ret = hal_i2s_start_stream(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: hal_i2s_start_stream failed.ret = %d.", __func__, ret); } ret = hal_i2s_start_stream(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE); if (ret) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(1, "hal_i2s_start_stream tx failed.ret = %d.", ret); goto __func_fail; } I2S_TDM_TRACE(1, "%s done.", __func__); return ret; __func_fail: I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s failed.ret = %d.", __func__, ret); return ret; } int32_t hal_i2s_tdm_stop_stream(enum HAL_I2S_ID_T i2s_id) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: i2s_id = %d.", __func__, i2s_id); ASSERT(i2s_id < HAL_I2S_ID_QTY, "%s: i2s_id = %d!", __func__, i2s_id); hal_dma_stop(tx_dma_cfg[i2s_id].ch); hal_i2s_stop_stream(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK); hal_i2s_stop_stream(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE); I2S_TDM_TRACE(1, "%s done.", __func__); return 0; } int32_t hal_i2s_tdm_close(enum HAL_I2S_ID_T i2s_id) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: i2s_id = %d.", __func__, i2s_id); ASSERT(i2s_id < HAL_I2S_ID_QTY, "%s: i2s_id = %d!", __func__, i2s_id); hal_i2s_close(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_PLAYBACK); hal_i2s_close(i2s_id, AUD_STREAM_CAPTURE); I2S_TDM_TRACE(1, "%s done.", __func__); return 0; } void hal_i2s_tdm_get_config(enum HAL_I2S_ID_T i2s_id, struct HAL_I2S_TDM_CONFIG_T *tdm_cfg) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: i2s_id = %d.", __func__, i2s_id); ASSERT(i2s_id < HAL_I2S_ID_QTY, "%s: i2s_id = %d!", __func__, i2s_id); *tdm_cfg = i2s_tdm_cfg[i2s_id]; } void hal_i2s_tdm_set_config(enum HAL_I2S_ID_T i2s_id, struct HAL_I2S_TDM_CONFIG_T *tdm_cfg) { I2S_TDM_TRACE(2, "%s: i2s_id = %d.", __func__, i2s_id); ASSERT(i2s_id < HAL_I2S_ID_QTY, "%s: i2s_id = %d!", __func__, i2s_id); i2s_tdm_cfg[i2s_id] = *tdm_cfg; }