/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "plat_addr_map.h" #define HEAP_SECTION_SIZE 0x40 #define STACK_SECTION_SIZE 0xD00 #define OVERLAY_DATA_SECTION_SIZE 0x1000 #define FAST_XRAM_SECTION_SIZE 0x0010 #ifndef OTA_CODE_OFFSET #define OTA_CODE_OFFSET 0 #endif #define FLASH_REGION_BASE (FLASH_BASE + OTA_CODE_OFFSET) #ifndef FLASH_REGION_SIZE #define FLASH_REGION_SIZE (FLASH_SIZE - (FLASH_REGION_BASE - FLASH_BASE)) #endif #define FLASH_NC_REGION_BASE FLASH_C_TO_NC(FLASH_REGION_BASE) #define FLASHX_REGION_BASE FLASH_TO_FLASHX(FLASH_REGION_BASE) /* Linker script to configure memory regions. */ /* See plat_addr_map.h and common.mk for the macro definitions */ MEMORY { ROM (rx) : ORIGIN = ROM_BASE, LENGTH = ROM_SIZE FLASH (r) : ORIGIN = FLASH_REGION_BASE, LENGTH = FLASH_REGION_SIZE FLASH_NC (r) : ORIGIN = FLASH_NC_REGION_BASE, LENGTH = FLASH_REGION_SIZE FLASHX (rx) : ORIGIN = FLASHX_REGION_BASE, LENGTH = FLASH_REGION_SIZE RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = RAM_BASE, LENGTH = RAM_SIZE - FAST_XRAM_SECTION_SIZE RAMX (rx) : ORIGIN = RAMX_BASE, LENGTH = RAM_SIZE - FAST_XRAM_SECTION_SIZE FRAMX (rwx) : ORIGIN = RAMX_BASE + RAM_SIZE - FAST_XRAM_SECTION_SIZE, LENGTH = FAST_XRAM_SECTION_SIZE #ifdef PSRAM_BASE PSRAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = PSRAM_BASE, LENGTH = PSRAM_SIZE PSRAM_NC (rwx) : ORIGIN = PSRAM_NC_BASE, LENGTH = PSRAM_SIZE PSRAMX (rx) : ORIGIN = PSRAMX_BASE, LENGTH = PSRAM_SIZE #endif } /* Library configurations */ GROUP(libgcc.a libc.a libm.a libnosys.a) /* Linker script to place sections and symbol values. Should be used together * with other linker script that defines memory regions FLASH and RAM. * It references following symbols, which must be defined in code: * Reset_Handler : Entry of reset handler * * It defines following symbols, which code can use without definition: * __export_fn_rom * __exidx_start * __exidx_end * __copy_table_start__ * __copy_table_end__ * __zero_table_start__ * __zero_table_end__ * __etext * __data_start__ * __preinit_array_start * __preinit_array_end * __init_array_start * __init_array_end * __fini_array_start * __fini_array_end * __data_end__ * __bss_start__ * __bss_end__ * __end__ * end * __HeapLimit * __StackLimit * __StackTop * __stack * __free_ram * __factory_start * __factory_end * __calib_start * __calib_end * __flash_start * __flash_end * __free_flash * __boot_sram_start_flash__ * __boot_sram_end_flash__ * __boot_sram_start__ * __boot_bss_sram_start__ * __boot_bss_sram_end__ * __sram_text_data_start_flash__ * __sram_text_data_end_flash__ * __fast_sram_text_data_start__ * __fast_sram_text_data_end__ * __fast_sram_text_data_start_flash__ * __fast_sram_text_data_end_flash__ * __sram_text_data_start__ * __sram_bss_start__ * __sram_bss_end__ * __overlay_text_start__ * __overlay_text_exec_start__ * __overlay_data_start__ */ ENTRY(Boot_Loader) SECTIONS { __export_fn_rom = (ORIGIN(ROM) + LENGTH(ROM) - ROM_BUILD_INFO_SECTION_SIZE - ROM_EXPORT_FN_SECTION_SIZE); .boot_struct (ORIGIN(FLASH)) : { __flash_start = .; KEEP(*(.boot_struct)) . = ALIGN(4); } > FLASH . = FLASH_TO_FLASHX(.); .boot_text_flash (.) : AT (FLASHX_TO_FLASH(ADDR(.boot_text_flash))) { *(.boot_loader) *(.boot_text_flash*) *(.boot_rodata*) . = ALIGN(4); } > FLASHX . = FLASHX_TO_FLASH(.); .got_info (.) : { __got_info_start = .; __got_start = .; *(.got) . = ALIGN(4); __got_end = .; __got_plt_start = .; *(.got.plt) . = ALIGN(4); __igot_plt_start = .; *(.igot.plt) . = ALIGN(4); __dynamic_start = .; *(.dynamic) . = ALIGN(4); __got_info_end = .; } > FLASH .vector_table (ORIGIN(RAM)) (NOLOAD) : { KEEP(*(.vector_table)) . = VECTOR_SECTION_SIZE; . = ALIGN(4); } > RAM .reboot_param (.) (NOLOAD) : { KEEP(*(.reboot_param)) . = REBOOT_PARAM_SECTION_SIZE; . = ALIGN(4); } > RAM .userdata_pool (.) (NOLOAD) : { *(.userdata_pool) . = ALIGN(4); __userdata_pool_end__ = .; } > RAM __boot_sram_start_flash__ = LOADADDR(.got_info) + SIZEOF(.got_info); __boot_sram_start__ = __userdata_pool_end__; .boot_text_sram (RAM_TO_RAMX(__boot_sram_start__)) : AT (__boot_sram_start_flash__) { /* memcpy.o or libc_nano.a(lib_a-memcpy.o/lib_a-memcpy-stub.o) */ *:memcpy.o(.text*) *:lib_a-memcpy*.o(.text*) *:libc_rom.o(.text*) /* memset.o or libc_nano.a(lib_a-memset.o) */ *:memset.o(.text*) *:lib_a-memset*.o(.text*) *:hal_norflash*.o(.text*) *:norflash_*.o(.text*) *(.boot_text_sram*) /* All the codes that are run both in boot and non-boot */ *:hal_*(.text*) *:system_ARMCM.o(.text*) *:system_utils.o(.text*) *:cmsis_nvic.o(.text*) /* For 64-bit div in boot, e.g., __aeabi_uldivmod */ *libgcc.a:(.text*) . = ALIGN(4); } > RAMX .boot_data_sram (RAMX_TO_RAM(ADDR(.boot_text_sram) + SIZEOF(.boot_text_sram))) : AT (__boot_sram_start_flash__ + SIZEOF(.boot_text_sram)) { *:hal_norflash*.o(.data* .rodata*) *:norflash_*.o(.data* .rodata*) *:hal_psram.o(.data* .rodata*) *(.boot_data*) /* All the data that is accessed both in boot and non-boot */ *:hal_*(.rodata*) *:system_ARMCM.o(.rodata*) *:system_utils.o(.rodata*) *:cmsis_nvic.o(.rodata*) *libgcc.a:(.rodata*) . = ALIGN(4); } > RAM __boot_sram_end_flash__ = __boot_sram_start_flash__ + SIZEOF(.boot_text_sram) + SIZEOF(.boot_data_sram); .boot_bss_sram (.) (NOLOAD) : { __boot_bss_sram_start__ = .; *:hal_norflash*.o(.bss*) *:norflash_*.o(.bss*) *:hal_psram.o(.bss*) *(.boot_bss*) . = ALIGN(4); __boot_bss_sram_end__ = .; } > RAM __fast_sram_text_data_start_flash__ = __boot_sram_end_flash__; .fast_text_sram (ORIGIN(FRAMX)) : AT (__fast_sram_text_data_start_flash__) { __fast_sram_text_data_start__ = .; . = ALIGN(4); __fast_sram_text_data_end__ = .; } > FRAMX __fast_sram_text_data_end_flash__ = __fast_sram_text_data_start_flash__ + SIZEOF(.fast_text_sram); __overlay_text_start__ = RAMX_TO_RAM(__fast_sram_text_data_end__); __overlay_text_exec_start__ = RAM_TO_RAMX(__overlay_text_start__); OVERLAY (__overlay_text_exec_start__) : NOCROSSREFS AT (__fast_sram_text_data_end_flash__) { .overlay_text0 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text0) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text1 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text1) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text2 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text2) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text3 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text3) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text4 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text4) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text5 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text5) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text6 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text6) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text7 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_text7) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_text_end { LONG(0); . = ALIGN(4); } } > FRAMX .dummy_overlay_text (.) (NOLOAD) : { __dummy_overlay_text_end__ = .; } > FRAMX ASSERT(__dummy_overlay_text_end__ - __fast_sram_text_data_start__ <= FAST_XRAM_SECTION_SIZE, "fast xram sections too large") __overlay_data_start__ = __boot_bss_sram_end__; OVERLAY (__overlay_data_start__) : NOCROSSREFS AT (__load_stop_overlay_text_end) { .overlay_data0 { /* Explicitly place 4 bytes at section start to avoid "section type changed to PROGBITS" warnings */ LONG(0); *(.overlay_data0 .overlay_rodata0) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data1 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_data1 .overlay_rodata1) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data2 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_data2 .overlay_rodata2) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data3 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_data3 .overlay_rodata3) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data4 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_data4 .overlay_rodata4) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data5 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_data5 .overlay_rodata5) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data6 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_data6 .overlay_rodata6) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data7 { LONG(0); *(.overlay_data7 .overlay_rodata7) . = ALIGN(4); } .overlay_data_end { LONG(0); . = ALIGN(4); } } > RAM .dummy_overlay_data (.) (NOLOAD) : { __dummy_overlay_data_end__ = .; } > RAM ASSERT(__dummy_overlay_data_end__ - __overlay_data_start__ <= OVERLAY_DATA_SECTION_SIZE, "overlay sections too large") __sram_text_data_start_flash__ = __load_stop_overlay_data_end; __sram_text_data_start__ = __dummy_overlay_data_end__; .sram_text (RAM_TO_RAMX(__sram_text_data_start__)) : AT (__sram_text_data_start_flash__) { *(.sram_text*) *:filter_process.o(.text*) *(.fast_text_sram*) *(.text*) *(.flash_text*) KEEP(*(.init)) KEEP(*(.fini)) /* .ctors */ *crtbegin.o(.ctors) *crtbegin?.o(.ctors) *(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend?.o *crtend.o) .ctors) *(SORT(.ctors.*)) *(.ctors) /* .dtors */ *crtbegin.o(.dtors) *crtbegin?.o(.dtors) *(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend?.o *crtend.o) .dtors) *(SORT(.dtors.*)) *(.dtors) . = ALIGN(4); } > RAMX .sram_data (RAMX_TO_RAM(ADDR(.sram_text) + SIZEOF(.sram_text))) : AT (__sram_text_data_start_flash__ + SIZEOF(.sram_text)) { *(.rodata*) *(.sram_data*) . = ALIGN(4); } > RAM __sram_text_data_end_flash__ = __sram_text_data_start_flash__ + SIZEOF(.sram_text) + SIZEOF(.sram_data); .sram_bss (.) (NOLOAD) : { __sram_bss_start__ = .; *(.sram_bss*) . = ALIGN(4); __sram_bss_end__ = .; } > RAM .text (FLASH_TO_FLASHX(__sram_text_data_end_flash__)) : AT (FLASHX_TO_FLASH(ADDR(.text))) { __dummy_text = .; } > FLASHX .ARM.extab (.) : AT (FLASHX_TO_FLASH(ADDR(.ARM.extab))) { *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*) } > FLASHX __exidx_start = .; /* .ARM.exidx contains R_ARM_PREL31 (+-0x40000000) offset to functions, which means * the session location cannot be too far away from the function addresses */ .ARM.exidx (.) : AT (FLASHX_TO_FLASH(ADDR(.ARM.exidx))) { *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*) } > FLASHX __exidx_end = .; . = FLASHX_TO_FLASH(.); .rodata (.) : { __dummy_rodata = .; *(.flash_rodata*) KEEP(*(.eh_frame*)) *(.note.gnu.build-id) } > FLASH /* To copy multiple FLASH to RAM sections, * uncomment .copy.table section and, * define __STARTUP_COPY_MULTIPLE in startup_ARMCMx.S */ /* .copy.table (.) : { . = ALIGN(4); __copy_table_start__ = .; LONG (__etext) LONG (__data_start__) LONG (__data_end__ - __data_start__) LONG (__etext2) LONG (__data2_start__) LONG (__data2_end__ - __data2_start__) __copy_table_end__ = .; } > FLASH */ /* To clear multiple BSS sections, * uncomment .zero.table section and, * define __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS_MULTIPLE in startup_ARMCMx.S */ /* .zero.table (.) : { . = ALIGN(4); __zero_table_start__ = .; LONG (__bss_start__) LONG (__bss_end__ - __bss_start__) LONG (__bss2_start__) LONG (__bss2_end__ - __bss2_start__) __zero_table_end__ = .; } > FLASH */ __etext = .; #ifdef DATA_BUF_START .data_dummy (NOLOAD) : { __data_dummy_start = ABSOLUTE(.); . = DATA_BUF_START - __data_dummy_start; } > RAM #endif .data : AT (__etext) { __data_start__ = .; *(vtable) *(.data*) . = ALIGN(4); /* preinit data */ PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .); KEEP(*(.preinit_array)) PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .); . = ALIGN(4); /* init data */ PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .); KEEP(*(SORT(.init_array.*))) KEEP(*(.init_array)) PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .); . = ALIGN(4); /* finit data */ PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .); KEEP(*(SORT(.fini_array.*))) KEEP(*(.fini_array)) PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .); KEEP(*(.jcr*)) . = ALIGN(4); /* All data end */ __data_end__ = .; } > RAM .bss (.) (NOLOAD) : { . = ALIGN(4); __bss_start__ = .; *(.bss*) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN(4); __bss_end__ = .; } > RAM .heap (.) (NOLOAD) : { . = ALIGN(8); __HeapBase = .; __end__ = .; end = __end__; . += HEAP_SECTION_SIZE; . = ALIGN(8); __HeapLimit = .; } > RAM /* .stack_dummy section doesn't contains any symbols. It is only * used for linker to calculate size of stack sections, and assign * values to stack symbols later */ .stack_dummy (.) (COPY) : { . = STACK_SECTION_SIZE; . = ALIGN(8); } > RAM /* Set stack top to end of RAM, and stack limit move down by * size of stack_dummy section */ __StackTop = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM); __StackLimit = __StackTop - SIZEOF(.stack_dummy); PROVIDE(__stack = __StackTop); /* Check if data + heap + stack exceeds RAM limit */ ASSERT(__StackLimit >= __HeapLimit, "region RAM overflowed with stack") __free_ram = __StackLimit - __HeapLimit; . = __etext + SIZEOF(.data); .build_info (.) : { KEEP(*(.build_info)) . = ALIGN(4); } > FLASH = 0x00000000 /* The following section be the last loaded section */ .code_start_addr (.) : { LONG(BUILD_INFO_MAGIC); LONG(ABSOLUTE(__flash_start)); } > FLASH __flash_end = .; .custom_parameter (ORIGIN(FLASH_NC) + LENGTH(FLASH_NC) - FACTORY_SECTION_SIZE - RESERVED_SECTION_SIZE - AUD_SECTION_SIZE - USERDATA_SECTION_SIZE*2 - CUSTOM_PARAMETER_SECTION_SIZE) (NOLOAD) : { __custom_parameter_start = .; . = CUSTOM_PARAMETER_SECTION_SIZE; __custom_parameter_end = .; } > FLASH_NC .userdata (ORIGIN(FLASH_NC) + LENGTH(FLASH_NC) - FACTORY_SECTION_SIZE - RESERVED_SECTION_SIZE - AUD_SECTION_SIZE - USERDATA_SECTION_SIZE*2) (NOLOAD) : { __userdata_start = .; . = USERDATA_SECTION_SIZE*2; __userdata_end = .; } > FLASH_NC .audio (ORIGIN(FLASH_NC) + LENGTH(FLASH_NC) - FACTORY_SECTION_SIZE - RESERVED_SECTION_SIZE - AUD_SECTION_SIZE) (NOLOAD) : { __aud_start = .; . = AUD_SECTION_SIZE; __aud_end = .; } > FLASH_NC .reserved (ORIGIN(FLASH_NC) + LENGTH(FLASH_NC) - FACTORY_SECTION_SIZE - RESERVED_SECTION_SIZE) (NOLOAD) : { __reserved_start = .; . = RESERVED_SECTION_SIZE; __reserved_end = .; } > FLASH_NC .factory (ORIGIN(FLASH_NC) + LENGTH(FLASH_NC) - FACTORY_SECTION_SIZE) (NOLOAD) : { __factory_start = .; . = FACTORY_SECTION_SIZE; __factory_end = .; } > FLASH_NC ASSERT(FLASH_NC_TO_C(__custom_parameter_start) >= __flash_end, "region FLASH overflowed") __free_flash = FLASH_NC_TO_C(__custom_parameter_start) - __flash_end; }