/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "app_tota_cmd_code.h" #include "app_spp_tota.h" #include "app_tota.h" #include "app_tota_cmd_handler.h" #include "hal_norflash.h" #include "pmu.h" #include "string.h" #include "cmsis.h" #include "crc32.h" #include "cmsis_os.h" #include "app_tota_flash_program.h" #define TOTA_CACHE_2_UNCACHE(addr) ((unsigned int *)((unsigned int)(addr) & ~(0x04000000))) static uint8_t sector_buffer[FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; static uint32_t sector_size = FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES; /* ** handle flash cmd ** -> OP_TOTA_WRITE_FLASH_CMD ** -> OP_TOTA_ERASE_FLASH_CMD */ static void _tota_flash_cmd_handle(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E funcCode, uint8_t* ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen); /* ** just use this function to write data to flash with proper address ** already handle sector alignment ** write flash success -> return true ** write flash failed -> return false */ static bool _write_flash_with_crc_check(uint32_t startAddr, uint8_t * dataBuf, uint32_t dataLen, uint32_t crc); /* ** just use this function to erase flash with proper address and length ** already handle sector alignment */ static void _erase_flash(uint32_t startAddr, uint32_t dataLen); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void _tota_spp_connected(void); static void _tota_spp_disconnected(void); static void _tota_spp_tx_done(void); static void _tota_spp_data_receive_handle(uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len); static tota_callback_func_t s_func = { _tota_spp_connected, _tota_spp_disconnected, _tota_spp_tx_done, _tota_spp_data_receive_handle }; static APP_TOTA_MODULE_E s_module = APP_TOTA_FLASH; void app_tota_flash_init() { tota_callback_module_register(s_module, s_func); } static void _tota_spp_connected(void) { ; } static void _tota_spp_disconnected(void) { ; } static void _tota_spp_tx_done(void) { ; } static void _tota_spp_data_receive_handle(uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) { ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* for debug and test */ void tota_show_flash_test(uint32_t startAddr, uint32_t len) { uint8_t * pbuf = (uint8_t*)startAddr; for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i ++ ) { TOTA_LOG_DBG(3, "%d: [0x%2x] || [%c]", i, pbuf[i], (char)pbuf[i]); } } /* for debug and test */ void tota_write_flash_test(uint32_t startAddr, uint8_t * dataBuf, uint32_t dataLen) { uint32_t lock; uint32_t s1, s2, s3, s4; hal_norflash_get_size(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4); TOTA_LOG_DBG(4,"-- %u %u %u %u --", s1, s2, s3, s4); TOTA_LOG_DBG(2,"flush %d bytes to flash addr 0x%x", dataLen, startAddr); TOTA_LOG_DBG(1,"data: %s", (char *)dataBuf); lock=int_lock_global(); pmu_flash_write_config(); hal_norflash_erase(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, (uint32_t)(startAddr), FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); hal_norflash_write(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, (uint32_t)(startAddr), dataBuf, dataLen); pmu_flash_read_config(); int_unlock_global(lock); uint8_t * pbuf = (uint8_t*)startAddr; for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < dataLen; i ++ ) { TOTA_LOG_DBG(3, "%d: [0x%2x] || [0x%2x]", i, pbuf[i], dataBuf[i]); } } static void _tota_flash_cmd_handle(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E funcCode, uint8_t* ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen) { TOTA_LOG_DBG(2,"Func code 0x%x, param len %d", funcCode, paramLen); TOTA_LOG_DBG(1,"function: %s", __func__); APP_TOTA_TRANSMISSION_PATH_E dataPath = app_tota_get_datapath(); APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E rsp_status = TOTA_NO_ERROR; TOTA_WRITE_FLASH_STRUCT_T * pflash_write_struct = (TOTA_WRITE_FLASH_STRUCT_T *)ptrParam; TOTA_ERASE_FLASH_STRUCT_T * pflash_erase_struct = (TOTA_ERASE_FLASH_STRUCT_T *)ptrParam; uint32_t crc; switch (funcCode) { case OP_TOTA_WRITE_FLASH_CMD: TOTA_LOG_DBG(2, "write flash: %d bytes, crc: 0x%x", pflash_write_struct->dataLen, pflash_write_struct->dataCrc); pflash_write_struct->dataBuf[pflash_write_struct->dataLen] = '\0'; TOTA_LOG_DBG(1, "write flash: %s", (char*)pflash_write_struct->dataBuf); rsp_status = TOTA_WRITE_FLASH_CRC_CHECK_FAILED; crc = crc32(0, pflash_write_struct->dataBuf, pflash_write_struct->dataLen); TOTA_LOG_DBG(1, "crc 0x%x || 0x%x", crc, pflash_write_struct->dataCrc); if ( crc == pflash_write_struct->dataCrc ) { if ( _write_flash_with_crc_check(pflash_write_struct->address, pflash_write_struct->dataBuf, pflash_write_struct->dataLen, pflash_write_struct->dataCrc) ) { rsp_status = TOTA_NO_ERROR; } } else { TOTA_LOG_DBG(0, "crc error..."); } //tota_show_flash_test(TOTA_FLASH_TEST_ADDR-10, 30); break; case OP_TOTA_ERASE_FLASH_CMD: TOTA_LOG_DBG(0,"erase flash"); TOTA_LOG_DBG(2, "erase flash: 0x%x bytes, length: %u", pflash_erase_struct->address, pflash_erase_struct->length); _erase_flash(pflash_erase_struct->address, pflash_erase_struct->length); //tota_show_flash_test(TOTA_FLASH_TEST_ADDR-10, 30); break; default: TOTA_LOG_DBG(0,"error function code"); } app_tota_send_response_to_command(funcCode, rsp_status, NULL, 0, dataPath); } static bool _write_flash_with_crc_check(uint32_t startAddr, uint8_t * dataBuf, uint32_t dataLen, uint32_t crc) { uint32_t lock; TOTA_LOG_DBG(2,"flush %d bytes to flash addr 0x%x", dataLen, startAddr); //TOTA_LOG_DBG(1,"data: %s", (char *)dataBuf); uint32_t pre_bytes = 0, middle_bytes = 0, post_bytes = 0; uint32_t base1 = startAddr - startAddr%sector_size; uint32_t base2 = startAddr + dataLen - (startAddr+dataLen)%sector_size; uint32_t exist_bytes; uint32_t middle_start_addr; uint32_t buffer_offset; if ( startAddr % sector_size == 0 ) { pre_bytes = 0; middle_bytes = dataLen - dataLen%sector_size; post_bytes = dataLen - middle_bytes; } else { if ( base1 == base2 ) { pre_bytes = dataLen; } else { pre_bytes = sector_size - startAddr%sector_size; middle_bytes = base2 - base1 - sector_size; post_bytes = startAddr + dataLen - base2; } } TOTA_LOG_DBG(3, "pre:%u, middle:%u, post:%u", pre_bytes, middle_bytes, post_bytes); if ( pre_bytes != 0 ) { memcpy(sector_buffer, (uint8_t*)base1, sector_size); if ( base1 == base2 ) memcpy(sector_buffer+(startAddr-base1), dataBuf, dataLen); else memcpy(sector_buffer+(startAddr-base1), dataBuf, sector_size-(startAddr-base1)); lock=int_lock_global(); pmu_flash_write_config(); hal_norflash_erase(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base1, sector_size); hal_norflash_write(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base1, sector_buffer, sector_size); pmu_flash_read_config(); int_unlock_global(lock); } if ( middle_bytes != 0 ) { if ( base1 != startAddr ) middle_start_addr = base1+sector_size; else middle_start_addr = base1; buffer_offset = middle_start_addr - startAddr; lock=int_lock_global(); pmu_flash_write_config(); for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < middle_bytes/sector_size; i++ ) { hal_norflash_erase(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, middle_start_addr+(i*sector_size), sector_size); hal_norflash_write(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, middle_start_addr+(i*sector_size), dataBuf+buffer_offset+(i*sector_size), sector_size); } pmu_flash_read_config(); int_unlock_global(lock); } if ( post_bytes != 0 ) { exist_bytes = sector_size - post_bytes; memcpy(sector_buffer, (uint8_t*)(base2+post_bytes), exist_bytes); lock=int_lock_global(); pmu_flash_write_config(); hal_norflash_erase(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base2, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); hal_norflash_write(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base2, dataBuf+(base2-startAddr), post_bytes); hal_norflash_write(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base2+post_bytes, sector_buffer, exist_bytes); pmu_flash_read_config(); int_unlock_global(lock); } // read and check crc const uint32_t read_size = 1024; uint8_t read_buffer[read_size]; uint32_t left_bytes = dataLen; uint32_t read_offset = 0; uint32_t calculate_crc = 0; while ( left_bytes > read_size ) { memcpy(read_buffer, (uint8_t*)(startAddr+read_offset), read_size); calculate_crc = crc32(calculate_crc, read_buffer, read_size); read_offset += read_size; left_bytes -= read_size; } if ( left_bytes != 0 ) { memcpy(read_buffer, (uint8_t*)(startAddr+read_offset), left_bytes); calculate_crc = crc32(calculate_crc, read_buffer, left_bytes); } return crc == calculate_crc; } static void _erase_flash(uint32_t startAddr, uint32_t dataLen) { uint32_t lock; TOTA_LOG_DBG(2,"erase %d bytes from flash addr 0x%x", dataLen, startAddr); uint32_t pre_bytes = 0, middle_bytes = 0, post_bytes = 0; uint32_t base1 = startAddr - startAddr%sector_size; uint32_t base2 = startAddr + dataLen - (startAddr+dataLen)%sector_size; uint32_t exist_bytes; uint32_t middle_start_addr; if ( startAddr % sector_size == 0 ) { pre_bytes = 0; middle_bytes = dataLen - dataLen%sector_size; post_bytes = dataLen - middle_bytes; } else { if ( base1 == base2 ) { pre_bytes = dataLen; } else { pre_bytes = sector_size - startAddr%sector_size; middle_bytes = base2 - base1 - sector_size; post_bytes = startAddr + dataLen - base2; } } TOTA_LOG_DBG(3, "pre:%u, middle:%u, post:%u", pre_bytes, middle_bytes, post_bytes); if ( pre_bytes != 0 ) { memcpy(sector_buffer, (uint8_t*)base1, sector_size); if ( base1 == base2 ) memset(sector_buffer+(startAddr-base1), 0xff, dataLen); else memset(sector_buffer+(startAddr-base1), 0xff, sector_size-(startAddr-base1)); lock=int_lock_global(); pmu_flash_write_config(); hal_norflash_erase(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base1, sector_size); hal_norflash_write(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base1, sector_buffer, sector_size); pmu_flash_read_config(); int_unlock_global(lock); } if ( middle_bytes != 0 ) { if ( base1 != startAddr ) middle_start_addr = base1+sector_size; else middle_start_addr = base1; lock=int_lock_global(); pmu_flash_write_config(); for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < middle_bytes/sector_size; i++ ) { hal_norflash_erase(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, middle_start_addr+(i*sector_size), sector_size); } pmu_flash_read_config(); int_unlock_global(lock); } if ( post_bytes != 0 ) { exist_bytes = sector_size - post_bytes; memcpy(sector_buffer, (uint8_t*)(base2+post_bytes), exist_bytes); lock=int_lock_global(); pmu_flash_write_config(); hal_norflash_erase(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base2, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); hal_norflash_write(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, base2+post_bytes, sector_buffer, exist_bytes); pmu_flash_read_config(); int_unlock_global(lock); } } TOTA_COMMAND_TO_ADD(OP_TOTA_WRITE_FLASH_CMD, _tota_flash_cmd_handle, false, 0, NULL ); TOTA_COMMAND_TO_ADD(OP_TOTA_ERASE_FLASH_CMD, _tota_flash_cmd_handle, false, 0, NULL );