/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __APP_TOTA_CMD_HANDLER_H__ #define __APP_TOTA_CMD_HANDLER_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "hal_timer.h" #include "app_tota_cmd_code.h" #define GET_CURRENT_TICKS() hal_sys_timer_get() #define GET_CURRENT_MS() TICKS_TO_MS(GET_CURRENT_TICKS()) /**< maximum payload size of one smart voice command */ #define TOTA_MAXIMUM_DATA_PACKET_LEN 660 //672 #define APP_TOTA_CMD_MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_SIZE TOTA_MAXIMUM_DATA_PACKET_LEN /** * @brief BLE custom command playload * */ typedef struct { uint16_t cmdCode; /**< command code, from APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E */ uint16_t paramLen; /**< length of the following parameter */ uint8_t param[APP_TOTA_CMD_MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 2*sizeof(uint16_t)]; } APP_TOTA_CMD_PAYLOAD_T; /** * @brief Command response parameter structure * */ typedef struct { uint16_t cmdCodeToRsp; /**< tell which command code to response */ uint16_t cmdRetStatus; /**< handling result of the command, from APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E */ uint16_t rspDataLen; /**< length of the response data */ uint8_t rspData[APP_TOTA_CMD_MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 5*sizeof(uint16_t)]; } APP_TOTA_CMD_RSP_T; void app_tota_get_cmd_response_handler(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E funcCode, uint8_t* ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen); void app_tota_data_xfer_control_handler(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E funcCode, uint8_t* ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen); void app_tota_control_data_xfer(bool isStartXfer); void app_tota_start_data_xfer_control_rsp_handler(APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E retStatus, uint8_t* ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen); void app_tota_stop_data_xfer_control_rsp_handler(APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E retStatus, uint8_t* ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen); APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E app_tota_send_response_to_command(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E responsedCmdCode, APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E returnStatus, uint8_t* rspData, uint32_t rspDataLen, APP_TOTA_TRANSMISSION_PATH_E path); APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E app_tota_send_command(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E cmdCode, uint8_t* ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen, APP_TOTA_TRANSMISSION_PATH_E path); void app_tota_cmd_handler_init(void); APP_TOTA_CMD_INSTANCE_T* app_tota_cmd_handler_get_entry_pointer_from_cmd_code(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E cmdCode); uint16_t app_tota_cmd_handler_get_entry_index_from_cmd_code(APP_TOTA_CMD_CODE_E cmdCode); APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E app_tota_cmd_received(uint8_t* ptrData, uint32_t dataLength); #if defined(APP_ANC_TEST) APP_TOTA_CMD_RET_STATUS_E app_anc_tota_cmd_received(uint8_t* ptrData, uint32_t dataLength); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // #ifndef __APP_TOTA_CMD_HANDLER_H__