/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __ME_API__H__ #define __ME_API__H__ #include "bluetooth.h" typedef uint8_t btif_event_type_t; #if defined(BTIF_HCI_HOST_FLOW_CONTROL) && defined (__IAG_BLE_INCLUDE__) #define BTIF_BTEVENT_CONNECT_CPMPLETE 1 #endif /* */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT 1 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE 2 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_INQUIRY_CANCELED 3 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_CONNECT_IND 4 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_CONNECT_IND 5 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_DISCONNECT 6 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_CONNECT_CNF 7 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_CON_RESTRICT 8 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_MODE_CHANGE 9 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ACCESSIBLE_CHANGE 10 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_AUTHENTICATED 11 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE 12 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SECURITY_CHANGE 13 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ROLE_CHANGE 14 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_DISCONNECT 15 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_CONNECT_CNF 16 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SIMPLE_PAIRING_COMPLETE 17 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_REMOTE_FEATURES 18 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_REM_HOST_FEATURES 19 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_SUPERV_TIMEOUT_CHANGED 20 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SET_SNIFF_SUBRATING_PARMS_CNF 21 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SNIFF_SUBRATE_INFO 22 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SET_INQUIRY_MODE_CNF 23 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SET_INQ_TX_PWR_LVL_CNF 24 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SET_EXT_INQUIRY_RESP_CNF 25 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SET_ERR_DATA_REPORTING_CNF 26 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_KEY_PRESSED 27 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE 28 #ifdef __TWS_RECONNECT_USE_BLE__ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_TWS_BLE_ADV_REPORT_EVENT 29 #endif /* */ /** an ACL connection has received an internal data transmit * request while it is in hold, park or sniff mode. The data will still be * passed to the radio in park and sniff modes. However, hold mode will * block data transmit. It may be necessary to return the ACL to active * mode to restore normal data transfer. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ACL_DATA_NOT_ACTIVE 99 /* Indicate that an ACL connection is sending or receiving data while it is in active mode. Then, keep resetting the sniff timer. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ACL_DATA_ACTIVE 98 /** Indicates that the HCI failed to initialize. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_HCI_INIT_ERROR 100 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_HCI_INITIALIZED 101 /** Indicates that a fatal error has occurred in the radio or the HCI transport. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_HCI_FATAL_ERROR 102 /** Indicates that the HCI has been deinitialized. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_HCI_DEINITIALIZED 103 /** Indicates that the HCI cannot be initialized. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_HCI_FAILED 104 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_HCI_COMMAND_SENT 105 /** Indicates the name of a remote device or cancellation of a name request. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_NAME_RESULT 30 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_DATA_IND 31 /** Outgoing SCO data has been sent and the packet is free for re-use by * the application. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_DATA_CNF 32 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_CONNECT_REQ 33 /** Incoming link accept complete. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_ACCEPT_RSP 34 /** Incoming link reject complete. . */ #define BTEVENT_LINK_REJECT_RSP 35 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_COMMAND_COMPLETE 36 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_CONNECT_REQ 37 /** Set Audio/Voice settings complete. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_VSET_COMPLETE 38 /** SCO link connection process started. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_STARTED 39 /** Select Device operation complete, "p.select" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_DEVICE_SELECTED 40 /** The eSCO connection has changed. "p.scoConnect" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SCO_CONN_CHNG 41 /* Group: Security-related events. */ /** Indicates access request is successful. "p.secToken" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ACCESS_APPROVED 50 /** Indicates access request failed. "p.secToken" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ACCESS_DENIED 51 /** Request authorization when "errCode" is BEC_NO_ERROR. * "p.remDev" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_AUTHORIZATION_REQ 52 /** Request a Pin for pairing when "errCode" is BEC_NO_ERROR. * "p.pinReq" is valid. If p.pinReq.pinLen is > 0 then SEC_SetPin() * must be called in response to this event with a pin length >= * p.pinReq.pinLen. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_PIN_REQ 53 /** Pairing operation is complete. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_PAIRING_COMPLETE 54 /** Authentication operation complete. "p.remDev" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_AUTHENTICATE_CNF 55 /** Encryption operation complete. "p.remDev" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_ENCRYPT_COMPLETE 56 /** Security mode 3 operation complete. "p.secMode" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTIF_BTEVENT_SECURITY3_COMPLETE 57 /** A link key is returned. "p.bdLinkKey" is valid. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_RETURN_LINK_KEYS 58 /** Out of Band data has been received from the host controller. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LOCAL_OOB_DATA 59 /** Request a Pass Key for simple pairing when "errCode" is BEC_NO_ERROR. The * application should call SEC_SetPassKey() to provide the passkey or reject * the request, and optionally save the link key. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_PASS_KEY_REQ 60 /** Request a User Confirmation for simple pairing when "errCode" is * BEC_NO_ERROR. */ #define BTIF_BTEVENT_CONFIRM_NUMERIC_REQ 61 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_DISPLAY_NUMERIC_IND 62 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_CONN_PACKET_TYPE_CHNG 63 #define BTIF_SDEVENT_QUERY_RSP 70 #define BTIF_SDEVENT_QUERY_ERR 71 #define BTIF_SDEVENT_QUERY_FAILED 72 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SELECT_DEVICE_REQ 80 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_DEVICE_ADDED 81 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_DEVICE_DELETED 82 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_MAX_SLOT_CHANGED 83 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_SNIFFER_CONTROL_DONE 84 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_LINK_POLICY_CHANGED 85 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_CHANGED 86 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_BES_AUD_CONNECTED 200 #define BTIF_BTEVENT_BES_AUD_DISCONNECTED 201 #define BTIF_STACK_LINK_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE 220 typedef uint32_t btif_event_mask_t; #define BTIF_BEM_NO_EVENTS 0x00000000 #define BTIF_BEM_INQUIRY_RESULT 0x00000001 #define BTIF_BEM_INQUIRY_COMPLETE 0x00000002 #define BTIF_BEM_INQUIRY_CANCELED 0x00000004 #define BTIF_BEM_LINK_CONNECT_IND 0x00000008 #define BTIF_BEM_SCO_CONNECT_IND 0x00000010 #define BTIF_BEM_LINK_DISCONNECT 0x00000020 #define BTIF_BEM_LINK_CONNECT_CNF 0x00000040 #define BTIF_BEM_LINK_CON_RESTRICT 0x00000080 #define BTIF_BEM_MODE_CHANGE 0x00000100 #define BTIF_BEM_ACCESSIBLE_CHANGE 0x00000200 #define BTIF_BEM_AUTHENTICATED 0x00000400 #define BTIF_BEM_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE 0x00000800 #define BTIF_BEM_SECURITY_CHANGE 0x00001000 #define BTIF_BEM_ROLE_CHANGE 0x00002000 #define BTIF_BEM_SCO_DISCONNECT 0x00004000 #define BTIF_BEM_SCO_CONNECT_CNF 0x00008000 #define BTIF_BEM_SIMPLE_PAIRING_COMPLETE 0x00010000 #define BTIF_BEM_REMOTE_FEATURES 0x00020000 #define BTIF_BEM_REM_HOST_FEATURES 0x00040000 #define BTIF_BEM_LINK_SUPERV_TIMEOUT_CHANGED 0x00080000 #define BTIF_BEM_SET_SNIFF_SUBR_PARMS 0x00100000 #define BTIF_BEM_SNIFF_SUBRATE_INFO 0x00200000 #define BTIF_BEM_SET_INQ_MODE 0x00400000 #define BTIF_BEM_SET_INQ_RSP_TX_PWR 0x00800000 #define BTIF_BEM_SET_EXT_INQ_RESP 0x01000000 #define BTIF_BEM_SET_ERR_DATA_REP 0x02000000 #define BTIF_BEM_KEY_PRESSED 0x04000000 #define BTIF_BEM_CONN_PACKET_TYPE_CHNG 0x08000000 #define BTIF_BEM_QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE 0x10000000 #define BTIF_BEM_MAX_SLOT_CHANGED 0x20000000 #define BTIF_BEM_SNIFFER_CONTROL_DONE 0x40000000 #define BTIF_BEM_LINK_POLICY_CHANGED 0x80000000 #define BTIF_BEM_ALL_EVENTS 0xffffffff typedef uint8_t btif_error_code_t; #define BTIF_BEC_NO_ERROR 0x00 #define BTIF_BEC_UNKNOWN_HCI_CMD 0x01 #define BTIF_BEC_NO_CONNECTION 0x02 #define BTIF_BEC_HARDWARE_FAILURE 0x03 #define BTIF_BEC_PAGE_TIMEOUT 0x04 #define BTIF_BEC_AUTHENTICATE_FAILURE 0x05 #define BTIF_BEC_MISSING_KEY 0x06 #define BTIF_BEC_MEMORY_FULL 0x07 #define BTIF_BEC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 0x08 #define BTIF_BEC_MAX_CONNECTIONS 0x09 #define BTIF_BEC_MAX_SCO_CONNECTIONS 0x0a #define BTIF_BEC_ACL_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x0b #define BTIF_BEC_COMMAND_DISALLOWED 0x0c #define BTIF_BEC_LIMITED_RESOURCE 0x0d #define BTIF_BEC_SECURITY_ERROR 0x0e #define BTIF_BEC_PERSONAL_DEVICE 0x0f #define BTIF_BEC_HOST_TIMEOUT 0x10 #define BTIF_BEC_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE 0x11 #define BTIF_BEC_INVALID_HCI_PARM 0x12 #define BTIF_BEC_USER_TERMINATED 0x13 #define BTIF_BEC_LOW_RESOURCES 0x14 #define BTIF_BEC_POWER_OFF 0x15 #define BTIF_BEC_LOCAL_TERMINATED 0x16 #define BTIF_BEC_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS 0x17 #define BTIF_BEC_PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED 0x18 #define BTIF_BEC_UNKNOWN_LMP_PDU 0x19 #define BTIF_BEC_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE 0x1a #define BTIF_BEC_SCO_OFFSET_REJECT 0x1b #define BTIF_BEC_SCO_INTERVAL_REJECT 0x1c #define BTIF_BEC_SCO_AIR_MODE_REJECT 0x1d #define BTIF_BEC_INVALID_LMP_PARM 0x1e #define BTIF_BEC_UNSPECIFIED_ERR 0x1f #define BTIF_BEC_UNSUPPORTED_LMP_PARM 0x20 #define BTIF_BEC_ROLE_CHG_NOT_ALLOWED 0x21 #define BTIF_BEC_LMP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 0x22 #define BTIF_BEC_LMP_TRANS_COLLISION 0x23 #define BTIF_BEC_LMP_PDU_NOT_ALLOWED 0x24 #define BTIF_BEC_ENCRYP_MODE_NOT_ACC 0x25 #define BTIF_BEC_UNIT_KEY_USED 0x26 #define BTIF_BEC_QOS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x27 #define BTIF_BEC_INSTANT_PASSED 0x28 #define BTIF_BEC_PAIR_UNITKEY_NO_SUPP 0x29 #define BTIF_BEC_NOT_FOUND 0xf1 #define BTIF_BEC_REQUEST_CANCELLED 0xf2 #define BTIF_BEC_INVALID_SDP_PDU 0xd1 #define BTIF_BEC_SDP_DISCONNECT 0xd2 #define BTIF_BEC_SDP_NO_RESOURCES 0xd3 #define BTIF_BEC_SDP_INTERNAL_ERR 0xd4 #define BTIF_BEC_STORE_LINK_KEY_ERR 0xe0 typedef uint32_t btif_iac_t; #define BTIF_BT_IAC_GIAC 0x9E8B33 /* General/Unlimited Inquiry Access Code */ #define BTIF_BT_IAC_LIAC 0x9E8B00 /* Limited Dedicated Inquiry Access Code */ typedef uint8_t btif_link_type_t; #define BTIF_BLT_SCO 0x00 #define BTIF_BLT_ACL 0x01 #define BTIF_BLT_ESCO 0x02 typedef U16 btif_acl_packet; #define BTIF_BAPT_NO_2_DH1 0x0002 #define BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH1 0x0004 #define BTIF_BAPT_DM1 0x0008 #define BTIF_BAPT_DH1 0x0010 #define BTIF_BAPT_NO_2_DH3 0x0100 #define BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH3 0x0200 #define BTIF_BAPT_DM3 0x0400 #define BTIF_BAPT_DH3 0x0800 #define BTIF_BAPT_NO_2_DH5 0x1000 #define BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH5 0x2000 #define BTIF_BAPT_DM5 0x4000 #define BTIF_BAPT_DH5 0x8000 #define BTIF_2M_PACKET (BTIF_BAPT_DM1|BTIF_BAPT_DH1|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH1|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH3|BTIF_BAPT_DM3|BTIF_BAPT_DH3|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH5) #define BTIF_3M_PACKET (BTIF_BAPT_DM1|BTIF_BAPT_DH1|BTIF_BAPT_DM3|BTIF_BAPT_DH3|BTIF_BAPT_DM5|BTIF_BAPT_DH5) #define BTIF_1_SLOT_PACKET (BTIF_BAPT_DM1|BTIF_BAPT_DH1|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH1|BTIF_BAPT_NO_2_DH3|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH3|BTIF_BAPT_NO_2_DH5|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH5) #define BTIF_3_SLOT_PACKET (BTIF_BAPT_DM1|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH3|BTIF_BAPT_NO_2_DH5|BTIF_BAPT_NO_3_DH5) typedef uint16_t btif_link_policy_t; #define BTIF_BLP_DISABLE_ALL 0x0000 #define BTIF_BLP_MASTER_SLAVE_SWITCH 0x0001 #define BTIF_BLP_HOLD_MODE 0x0002 #define BTIF_BLP_SNIFF_MODE 0x0004 #define BTIF_BLP_PARK_MODE 0x0008 #define BTIF_BLP_SCATTER_MODE 0x0010 /* Mask must be updated if new policy values are added */ #define BLP_MASK 0xfff0 /* Disables ScatterNet bit */ #define BLP_SCATTER_MASK 0xffe0 /* Enables ScatterNet bit */ typedef uint8_t btif_accessible_mode_t; #define BTIF_BAM_NOT_ACCESSIBLE 0x00 /* Non-discoverable or connectable */ #define BTIF_BAM_GENERAL_ACCESSIBLE 0x03 /* General discoverable and connectable */ #define BTIF_BAM_LIMITED_ACCESSIBLE 0x13 /* Limited discoverable and connectable */ #define BTIF_BAM_CONNECTABLE_ONLY 0x02 /* Connectable but not discoverable */ #define BTIF_BAM_DISCOVERABLE_ONLY 0x01 /* Discoverable but not connectable */ #define BTIF_BT_DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODE_PAIR BTIF_BAM_GENERAL_ACCESSIBLE #define BTIF_BAM_INVALID_ACCESS_MODE 0xFF /* End of BtAccessibleMode */ typedef uint8_t btif_oob_data_present_t; #define BTIF_OOB_DATA_NOT_PRESENT 0 /* No Out of Band Data is present */ #define BTIF_OOB_DATA_PRESENT 1 /* Out of Band Data is present */ typedef uint8_t btif_auth_requirements_t; #define BTIF_MITM_PROTECT_NOT_REQUIRED 0x00 /* No Man in the Middle protection */ #define BTIF_MITM_PROTECT_REQUIRED 0x01 /* Man in the Middle protection req */ typedef uint8_t btif_link_mode_t; #define BTIF_BLM_ACTIVE_MODE 0x00 #define BTIF_BLM_HOLD_MODE 0x01 #define BTIF_BLM_SNIFF_MODE 0x02 #define BTIF_BLM_PARK_MODE 0x03 #define BTIF_BLM_SCATTER_MODE 0x04 typedef uint8_t btif_link_key_type_t; #define BTIF_COMBINATION_KEY 0x00 #define BTIF_LOCAL_UNIT_KEY 0x01 #define BTIF_REMOTE_UNIT_KEY 0x02 #define BTIF_DEBUG_COMBINATION_KEY 0x03 #define BTIF_UNAUTH_COMBINATION_KEY 0x04 #define BTIF_AUTH_COMBINATION_KEY 0x05 #define BTIF_CHANGED_COMBINATION_KEY 0x06 #define BTIF_IBRT_STORE_ADDR_ONLY 0x07 typedef uint8_t btif_connection_role_t; #define BTIF_BCR_MASTER 0x00 #define BTIF_BCR_SLAVE 0x01 #define BTIF_BCR_ANY 0x02 #define BTIF_BCR_UNKNOWN 0x03 #define BTIF_BCR_PSLAVE 0x04 #define BTIF_BCR_PMASTER 0x05 typedef uint8_t btif_stack_state_t; typedef enum { HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_IBRT_CMD = 0, HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_BLE = 1, HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_RESEVER_1 = 2, HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_RESEVER_2 = 3, HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_RESEVER_3 = 4, HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_RESEVER_4 = 5, HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_NUM, }HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_E; /* The stack has completed initialization of the radio hardware. */ #define BTIF_BTSS_NOT_INITIALIZED 0 /* The stack is initialized. */ #define BTIF_BTSS_INITIALIZED 1 /* The stack has encountered an error while initializing the radio hardware. */ #define BTIF_BTSS_INITIALIZE_ERR 2 /* The stack is deinitializing. */ #define BTIF_BTSS_DEINITIALIZE 3 /* End of BtStackState */ typedef void btif_remote_device_t; typedef void btif_BtDeviceContext; /* Forward declaration of the callback parameters */ typedef void btif_event_t; typedef void (*btif_callback) (const void *); typedef void (*ibrt_cmd_status_callback)(const uint8_t *para); typedef void (*ibrt_cmd_complete_callback)(const uint8_t *para); typedef uint8_t (*btif_callback_ext) (const void *); typedef uint8_t (*btif_callback_ext2) (void); typedef void (*btif_callback_ext3) (void); typedef uint8_t btif_inquiry_mode_t; #define BTIF_INQ_MODE_NORMAL 0 /* Normal Inquiry Response format */ #define BTIF_INQ_MODE_RSSI 1 /* RSSI Inquiry Response format */ #define BTIF_INQ_INVALID_RSSI 127 /* RSSI Inquiry Response format */ #define BTIF_INQ_MODE_EXTENDED 2 /* Extended or RSSI Inquiry Response format */ typedef uint8_t btif_rem_dev_state_t; #define BTIF_BDS_DISCONNECTED 0x00 #define BTIF_BDS_OUT_CON 0x01 /* Starting an out going connection */ #define BTIF_BDS_IN_CON 0x02 /* In process of incoming connection */ #define BTIF_BDS_CONNECTED 0x03 /* Connected */ #define BTIF_BDS_OUT_DISC 0x04 /* Starting an out going disconnect */ #define BTIF_BDS_OUT_DISC2 0x05 /* Disconnect status received */ #define BTIF_BDS_OUT_CON2 0x06 /* In SCO, used when connection request has been sent */ typedef uint8_t btif_eir_data_type_t; #define BTIF_EIR_FLAGS 0x01 #define BTIF_EIR_SRV_CLASS_16_PART 0x02 #define BTIF_EIR_SRV_CLASS_16_WHOLE 0x03 #define BTIF_EIR_SRV_CLASS_32_PART 0x04 #define BTIF_EIR_SRV_CLASS_32_WHOLE 0x05 #define BTIF_EIR_SRV_CLASS_128_PART 0x06 #define BTIF_EIR_SRV_CLASS_128_WHOLE 0x07 #define BTIF_EIR_REM_NAME_PART 0x08 #define BTIF_EIR_REM_NAME_WHOLE 0x09 #define BTIF_EIR_TX_POWER 0x0A #define BTIF_EIR_MAN_SPECIFIC 0xFF #define BTIF_BR_USE_FEC (0<<0) #define BTIF_BR_NOT_USE_FEC (1<<0) #define BTIF_BR_NO_PKT_PRFER_AVALB (0<<1) #define BTIF_BR_USE_1_SLOT_PKT (1<<1) #define BTIF_BR_USE_3_SLOT_PKT (2<<1) #define BTIF_BR_USE_5_SLOT_PKT (3<<1) #define BTIF_EDR_USE_DM1_PKT (0<<3) #define BTIF_EDR_USE_2MB_PKT (1<<3) #define BTIF_EDR_USE_3MB_PKT (2<<3) #define BTIF_EDR_NO_PKT_PRFER_AVALB (0<<5) #define BTIF_EDR_USE_1_SLOT_PTK (1<<5) #define BTIF_EDR_USE_3_SLOT_PTK (2<<5) #define BTIF_EDR_USE_5_SLOT_PTK (3<<5) #define CONN_AUTO_ACCEPT_DISABLE 0x01 #define CONN_AUTO_ACCEPT_ENABLE_WITH_MSS_DISABLE 0x02 #define CONN_AUTO_ACCEPT_ENABLE_WITH_MSS_ENABLE 0x03 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * btif_class_of_device_t type * * Bit pattern representing the class of device along with the * supported services. There can be more than one supported service. * Service classes can be ORed together. The Device Class is composed * of a major device class plus a minor device class. ORing together * each service class plus one major device class plus one minor device * class creates the class of device value. The minor device class is * interpreted in the context of the major device class. */ typedef uint32_t btif_class_of_device_t; /* Group: Major Service Classes. Can be ORed together */ #define BTIF_COD_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE_MODE 0x00002000 #define BTIF_COD_POSITIONING 0x00010000 #define BTIF_COD_NETWORKING 0x00020000 #define BTIF_COD_RENDERING 0x00040000 #define BTIF_COD_CAPTURING 0x00080000 #define BTIF_COD_OBJECT_TRANSFER 0x00100000 #define BTIF_COD_AUDIO 0x00200000 #define BTIF_COD_TELEPHONY 0x00400000 #define BTIF_COD_INFORMATION 0x00800000 /* Group: Major Device Classes (Select one) */ #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_MISCELLANEOUS 0x00000000 #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_COMPUTER 0x00000100 #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_PHONE 0x00000200 #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_LAN_ACCESS_POINT 0x00000300 #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_AUDIO 0x00000400 #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_PERIPHERAL 0x00000500 #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_IMAGING 0x00000600 #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_UNCLASSIFIED 0x00001F00 /* Group: Minor Device Class - Computer Major class */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_COMP_UNCLASSIFIED 0x00000000 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_COMP_DESKTOP 0x00000004 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_COMP_SERVER 0x00000008 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_COMP_LAPTOP 0x0000000C #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_COMP_HANDHELD 0x00000010 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_COMP_PALM 0x00000014 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_COMP_WEARABLE 0x00000018 /* Group: Minor Device Class - Phone Major class */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PHONE_UNCLASSIFIED 0x00000000 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PHONE_CELLULAR 0x00000004 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PHONE_CORDLESS 0x00000008 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PHONE_SMART 0x0000000C #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PHONE_MODEM 0x00000010 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PHONE_ISDN 0x00000014 /* Group: Minor Device Class - LAN Access Point Major class */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_0 0x00000000 /* fully available */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_17 0x00000020 /* 1-17% utilized */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_33 0x00000040 /* 17-33% utilized */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_50 0x00000060 /* 33-50% utilized */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_67 0x00000080 /* 50-67% utilized */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_83 0x000000A0 /* 67-83% utilized */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_99 0x000000C0 /* 83-99% utilized */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_LAN_NO_SERVICE 0x000000E0 /* 100% utilized */ /* Group: Minor Device Class - Audio Major class */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_UNCLASSIFIED 0x00000000 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_HEADSET 0x00000004 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_HANDSFREE 0x00000008 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_MICROPHONE 0x00000010 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_LOUDSPEAKER 0x00000014 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_HEADPHONES 0x00000018 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_PORTABLEAUDIO 0x0000001C #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_CARAUDIO 0x00000020 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_SETTOPBOX 0x00000024 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_HIFIAUDIO 0x00000028 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_VCR 0x0000002C #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_VIDEOCAMERA 0x00000030 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_CAMCORDER 0x00000034 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_VIDEOMONITOR 0x00000038 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_VIDEOSPEAKER 0x0000003C #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_CONFERENCING 0x00000040 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_AUDIO_GAMING 0x00000048 /* Group: Minor Device Class - Peripheral Major class */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_KEYBOARD 0x00000040 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_POINTING 0x00000080 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_COMBOKEY 0x000000C0 /* Group: Minor Device Class - ORed with Peripheral Minor Device class */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_UNCLASSIFIED 0x00000000 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_JOYSTICK 0x00000004 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_GAMEPAD 0x00000008 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_REMOTECTRL 0x0000000C #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_SENSING 0x00000010 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_DIGITIZER 0x00000014 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_PERIPH_CARD_RDR 0x00000018 /* Group: Minor Device Class - Imaging Major class */ #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_IMAGE_UNCLASSIFIED 0x00000000 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_IMAGE_DISPLAY 0x00000010 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_IMAGE_CAMERA 0x00000020 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_IMAGE_SCANNER 0x00000040 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_IMAGE_PRINTER 0x00000080 /* Group: Masks used to isolate the class of device components */ #define BTIF_COD_SERVICE_MASK 0x00ffC000 /* Less LIAC bit */ #define BTIF_COD_MAJOR_MASK 0x00001F00 #define BTIF_COD_MINOR_MASK 0x000000FC #define BTIF_COD_LIMITED_DISC_MASK 0x00002000 /* LIAC bit */ /* End of btif_class_of_device_t */ //when report_format=0,data_format will set the interval(unit:slot) //when report_format=1,data_format will set the packet total num //when report_format=2,data_format has no meaning #define FLAG_RESET_DATA 2 #define FLAG_START_DATA 1 #define FLAG_GET_DATA 0 #define REP_FORMAT_TIME 0 #define REP_FORMAT_PACKET 1 #define REP_FORMAT_STOP_GET 2 //Vendor defined error code #define BTIF_EVT_ERROR_SCO_UNKNOWN (0xE8) #define BTIF_EVT_ERROR_ACL_UNKNOWN (0xE9) typedef struct { list_entry_t node; uint8_t opType; } btif_operation_t; typedef struct { /* the mandatory sniff interval range for controllers is between 0x0006 and 0x0540. * The value is expressed in 0.625 ms increments (0x0006 = 3.75 ms). * * The actual interval selected by the radio will be returned in * a BTEVENT_MODE_CHANGE event. */ uint16_t maxInterval; /* Minimum acceptable interval between each consecutive sniff period. * Must be an even number between 0x0002 and 0xFFFE, and be less than * "maxInterval". Like maxInterval this value is expressed in * 0.625 ms increments. */ uint16_t minInterval; /* The number of master-to-slave transmission slots during which * a device should listen for traffic (sniff attempt). * Expressed in 0.625 ms increments. May be between 0x0001 and 0x7FFF. */ uint16_t attempt; /* The amount of time before a sniff timeout occurs. Expressed in * 1.25 ms increments. May be between 0x0000 and 0x7FFF, but the mandatory * range for controllers is 0x0000 to 0x0028. */ uint16_t timeout; } btif_sniff_info_t; typedef struct { /* May be any number between 0x0000 and 0xFFFE. The value is expressed in 0.625 ms * increments. */ uint16_t maxLatency; /* any number between 0x0000 and 0xFFFE. The value is expressed in * 0.625 ms increments. */ uint16_t minRemoteTimeout; /* Minimum base sniff subrate timeout that the local device may use. * May be any number between 0x0000 and 0xFFFE. The value is expressed in * 0.625 ms increments. */ uint16_t minLocalTimeout; } btif_sniff_subrate_parms_t; typedef struct { uint16_t inqInterval; /* Inquiry scan interval */ uint16_t inqWindow; /* Inquiry scan Window */ uint16_t pageInterval; /* Page scan interval */ uint16_t pageWindow; /* Page scan window */ } btif_access_mode_info_t; typedef struct { list_entry_t node; /* For internal stack use only. */ btif_callback callback; /* Pointer to callback function */ btif_event_mask_t emask; /* For internal stack use only. */ } btif_handler; /* Internal types required for BtRemoteDevice structure */ typedef uint8_t btif_auth_state_t; typedef uint8_t btif_encrypt_state_t; typedef uint8_t btif_authorize_state_t; typedef uint8_t btif_sec_access_state_t; typedef uint8_t btif_link_rx_state_t; typedef uint8_t btif_op_type_t; typedef struct { /* Reserved */ uint8_t flags; /* Service Type: 0 = No Traffic, 1 = Best Effort, 2 Guaranteed */ uint8_t serviceType; /* Token Rate in octets per second */ uint32_t tokenRate; /* Peak Bandwidth in octets per second */ uint32_t peakBandwidth; /* Latency in microseconds */ uint32_t latency; /* Delay Variation in microseconds */ uint32_t delayVariation; } btif_qos_info_t; typedef struct { bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; BOOL trusted; uint8_t linkKey[16]; btif_link_key_type_t keyType; uint8_t pinLen; } btif_device_record_t; typedef struct { btif_operation_t op; uint8_t len; uint8_t data[31]; } btif_write_adv_data_op_t; typedef struct { uint16_t interval_min; uint16_t interval_max; uint8_t adv_type; uint8_t own_addr_type; uint8_t peer_addr_type; bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; uint8_t adv_chanmap; uint8_t adv_filter_policy; } btif_adv_para_struct_t; typedef struct { btif_operation_t op; btif_adv_para_struct_t adv_para; } btif_write_adv_para_op_t; typedef struct { btif_operation_t op; uint8_t en; } btif_write_adv_en_op_t; #define BLE_ADV_REPORT_MAX_LEN 31 typedef struct { uint8_t type; uint8_t addr_type; bt_bdaddr_t addr; uint8_t data_len; uint8_t data[BLE_ADV_REPORT_MAX_LEN]; int8_t rssi; } btif_ble_adv_report; typedef struct { uint8_t scan_type; uint16_t scan_interval; uint16_t scan_window; uint8_t own_addr_type; uint8_t scan_filter_policy; } btif_scan_para_struct_t; typedef struct { btif_operation_t op; btif_scan_para_struct_t scan_para; } btif_write_scan_para_op_t; typedef struct { btif_operation_t op; uint8_t scan_en; uint32_t filter_duplicat; } btif_write_scan_en_op_t; typedef struct { bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; /* Device Address */ uint8_t linkKey[16]; } btif_dev_linkkey; typedef struct { U8 psRepMode; U8 psMode; U16 clockOffset; } bt_page_scanInfo_t; typedef struct { bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; /* Device Address */ bt_page_scanInfo_t psi; /* Page scan info used for connecting */ U8 psPeriodMode; U32 classOfDevice; /* RSSI in dBm (-127 to +20). Only valid when controller reports RSSI with * in inquiry results (also see ME_SetInquiryMode). Otherwise it will be * set to BT_INVALID_RSSI. */ S8 rssi; /* Extended Inquiry response. Only valid when controller reports an * extended inquiry (also see ME_SetInquiryMode). Otherwise it will be * set to all 0's. */ U8 extInqResp[240]; /* Describes the format of the current inquiry result */ U8 inqMode; } bt_Inquiry_result_t; typedef struct { /* Event causing callback. Always valid.*/ uint8_t eType; /* Error code. See BtEventType for guidance on whether errCode is valid. */ uint8_t errCode; /* Pointer to handler. Only valid for events directed to BtHandlers. */ btif_handler *handler; /* Parameters */ union { btif_accessible_mode_t aMode; /* New access mode */ void *remDev; /* Pointer to remote device */ bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; /* Device Address */ void *meToken; /* Me command token */ U8 pMode; /* Simple Pairing Mode */ #ifdef __TWS_RECONNECT_USE_BLE__ struct { U8 *data; U16 len; } twsBleReport; #endif bt_Inquiry_result_t inqResult; void *secToken; /* Security Token */ void *token; /* Information for BTEVENT_PAIRING_COMPLETE */ struct { void *remDev; btif_link_key_type_t keyType; } pairingInfo; /* Information for BTEVENT_PIN_REQ */ struct { void *remDev; /* If > 0 then the pin length returned in SEC_SetPin must be >= pinLen */ U8 pinLen; } pinReq; /* Information for BTEVENT_SET_INQUIRY_MODE_CNF */ btif_inquiry_mode_t inqMode; /* Information for BTEVENT_SET_INQ_TX_PWR_LVL_CNF */ S8 inqTxPwr; /* Information for BTEVENT_REMOTE_FEATURES */ struct { bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; U8 features[8]; } remoteFeatures; /* Information for BTEVENT_REM_HOST_FEATURES */ struct { bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; U8 features[8]; } remHostFeatures; /* Information for BTEVENT_LINK_SUPERV_TIMEOUT_CHANGED */ struct { void *remDev; U16 timeout; } linkSupervision; /* Information for BTEVENT_MAX_SLOT_CHANGED */ struct { U16 connHandle; U8 maxSlot; } maxSlotChanged; /* Information for BTEVENT_QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE */ struct { /* Reserved */ U8 flags; /* Service Type: 0 = No Traffic, 1 = Best Effort, 2 Guaranteed */ U8 serviceType; /* Token Rate in octets per second */ U32 tokenRate; /* Peak Bandwidth in octets per second */ U32 peakBandwidth; /* Latency in microseconds */ U32 latency; /* Delay Variation in microseconds */ U32 delayVariation; } qos; /* Result for BTEVENT_SET_SNIFF_SUBRATING_PARMS_CNF */ btif_sniff_subrate_parms_t *sniffSubrateParms; /* Information for BTEVENT_SNIFF_SUBRATE_INFO */ struct { /* Pointer to the remote device */ void *remDev; /* Maximum latency for data being transmitted from the local * device to the remote device. */ U16 maxTxLatency; /* Maximum latency for data being received by the local * device from the remote device. */ U16 maxRxLatency; /* The base sniff subrate timeout in baseband slots that the * remote device shall use. */ U16 minRemoteTimeout; /* The base sniff subrate timeout in baseband slots that the * local device will use. */ U16 minLocalTimeout; } sniffSubrateInfo; /* Result for BTEVENT_LOCAL_OOB_DATA */ struct { /* Simple Pairing Hash C from the local device */ U8 hashC[16]; /* Simple Pairing Randomizer R the local device */ U8 randR[16]; } oobData; /* Information for BTEVENT_CONFIRM_NUMERIC_REQ, BTEVENT_PASS_KEY_REQ, * and BTEVENT_DISPLAY_NUMERIC_IND */ struct { void *remDev; /* Pointer to the remote device */ U32 numeric; /* Numeric value received from Secure * Simple Pairing (not valid for * BTEVENT_PASS_KEY_REQ */ U8 bondingMode; /* Bonding has been requested */ } userIoReq; /* Result for BTEVENT_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE event. */ struct { void *remDev; U8 mode; /* New encryption mode (uses the * BtEncryptMode type) */ } encrypt; /* Result for BTEVENT_KEY_PRESSED */ struct { bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; /* Address of the device sending the keypress */ U8 parm; /* The value of the keypress parameter */ } keyPress; struct { void *remDev; /* If disconnection was successful, contains BEC_NO_ERROR. * errCode will contain the disconnect reason. * * Unsuccessful disconnections will contain an error code * as generated by the radio. In this case, errCode can be * ignored. */ btif_error_code_t status; } disconnect; /* Result for the BTEVENT_SCO_DATA_CNF event */ struct { void *remDev; /* Pointer to remote device */ void *scoCon; /* SCO connection */ void *scoPacket; /* SCO Packet Handled */ } scoPacketHandled; /* Result for the BTEVENT_SCO_CONNECT_CNF && BTEVENT_SCO_CONNECT_IND events. */ struct { void *remDev; /* Pointer to remote device */ U16 scoHandle; /* SCO Connection handle for HCI */ void *scoCon; /* SCO connection */ U8 scoLinkType;/* SCO link type */ void *scoTxParms; /* Pointer to eSCO TX parameters */ void *scoRxParms; /* Pointer to eSCO RX parameters */ } scoConnect; /* Result for the BTEVENT_SCO_DATA_IND event */ struct { void *remDev; /* Pointer to remote device */ U16 scoHandle; /* SCO Connection handle for HCI */ void *scoCon; /* SCO connection. */ U8 len; /* SCO data len */ U8 *ptr; /* SCO data ptr */ U8 errFlags; /* Erroneous Data Reporting */ } scoDataInd; /* Result for the BTEVENT_SECURITY_CHANGE and * BTEVENT_SECURITY3_COMPLETE events */ struct { U8 mode; /* New security mode (uses the BtSecurityMode * type). */ BOOL encrypt; /* Indicate if encryption set or not */ } secMode; /* Results for the BTEVENT_MODE_CHANGE event */ struct { void *remDev; uint8_t curMode; U16 interval; } modeChange; /* Results for BTEVENT_ROLE_CHANGE */ struct { void *remDev; uint8_t newRole; /* New role */ } roleChange; /* Results for BTEVENT_ACL_DATA_ACTIVE */ struct { void *remDev; uint16_t dataLen; /* ACL data length */ } aclDataActive; /* Results for BTEVENT_ACL_DATA_NOT_ACTIVE */ struct { void *remDev; uint16_t dataLen; /* ACL data length */ } aclDataNotActive; struct { uint8_t status; bt_bdaddr_t bdAddr; /* Address of the device sending the keypress */ }name_rsp; struct { btif_remote_device_t *conn; }conn_req; } edata; } event_t; typedef struct { event_t *evt; btif_event_mask_t mask; } me_event_t; typedef bool (*ibrt_io_capbility_callback)(void *bdaddr); typedef void (*ibrt_disconnect_callback)(const void *event); typedef void (*btif_cmgr_callback) (void *handler, uint8_t event, bt_status_t status); typedef void (*btif_global_handle)(const btif_event_t *Event); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* */ bt_status_t btif_me_get_tws_slave_mobile_rssi(uint16_t ConnHandle); void btif_me_set_sniffer_env(uint8_t sniffer_acitve, uint8_t sniffer_role, uint8_t * monitored_addr, uint8_t * sniffer_addr); BOOL btif_me_get_remote_device_initiator(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); uint16_t btif_me_get_remote_device_hci_handle(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); btif_remote_device_t* btif_me_get_remote_device_by_handle(uint16_t hci_handle); uint16_t btif_me_get_hci_handle_by_remote_dev(btif_remote_device_t *p_remote_dev); btif_remote_device_t* btif_me_get_remote_device_by_bdaddr(bt_bdaddr_t *bdaddr); uint8_t btif_me_get_remote_device_op_optype(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); btif_connection_role_t btif_me_get_remote_device_role(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); void btif_me_set_remote_device_role(btif_remote_device_t * rdev, uint8_t role); BOOL *btif_me_get_remote_device_new_link_key(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); void *btif_me_get_remote_device_parms(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_exchange_bt_addr(uint16_t connHandle); bool btif_me_role_switch_pending(uint16_t handle); bool btif_me_is_tws_role_switch_pending(); bool btif_me_is_exechange_bt_addr_pending(); bool is_btif_me_current_role_bcr_master(btif_remote_device_t * device); bt_status_t btif_me_inquiry(uint32_t lap, uint8_t len, uint8_t maxResp); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_add_dev_to_whitelist(uint8_t addr_type, bt_bdaddr_t * addr); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_clear_whitelist(void); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_set_private_address(bt_bdaddr_t * addr); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_set_adv_data(uint8_t len, uint8_t * data); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_set_scan_rsp_data(U8 len, U8 * data); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_set_adv_parameters(btif_adv_para_struct_t * para); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_set_adv_en(uint8_t en); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_set_scan_parameter(btif_scan_para_struct_t * para); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_set_scan_en(uint8_t scan_en, uint8_t filter_duplicate); bt_status_t btif_me_ble_receive_adv_report(void (*cb)(const btif_ble_adv_report* report)); bt_status_t btif_sec_find_device_record(const bt_bdaddr_t * bdAddr, btif_device_record_t * record); uint8_t btif_sec_set_io_capabilities(uint8_t ioCap); uint8_t btif_sec_set_authrequirements(uint8_t authRequirements); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_type(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_rem_dev_role(const btif_event_t * event); bt_bdaddr_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_rem_dev_bd_addr(const btif_event_t * event); bt_bdaddr_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_disconnect_rem_dev_bd_addr(const btif_event_t * event); btif_remote_device_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_disconnect_rem_dev(const btif_event_t * event); btif_remote_device_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_role_change_rem_dev(const btif_event_t *event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_disconnect_rem_dev_disc_reason_saved(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_disconnect_rem_dev_disc_reason(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_pendCons(void); uint8_t btif_me_get_activeCons(void); void btif_me_set_pendCons(uint8_t pendCons); void btif_me_set_activeCons(uint8_t activeCons ); btif_remote_device_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_rem_dev(const btif_event_t * event); btif_BtDeviceContext* btif_me_get_bt_device_context(const btif_event_t * event); uint16_t btif_me_get_scohdl_by_connhdl(uint16_t conn_handle); btif_remote_device_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_sco_connect_rem_dev(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_role_change_new_role(const btif_event_t * event); bt_bdaddr_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_inq_result_bd_addr(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_inq_result_bd_addr_addr(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_inq_result_inq_mode(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_rssi(const btif_event_t *event); uint8_t *btif_me_get_callback_event_inq_result_ext_inq_resp(const btif_event_t * event); uint32_t btif_me_get_callback_event_inq_result_classofdevice(const btif_event_t *event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_err_code(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_a_mode(const btif_event_t * event); uint16_t btif_me_get_callback_event_max_slot_changed_connHandle(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_max_slot_changed_max_slot(const btif_event_t * event); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_mode_change_curMode(const btif_event_t * event); uint16_t btif_me_get_callback_event_mode_change_interval(const btif_event_t * event); uint16_t btif_me_get_callback_event_remote_dev_name(const btif_event_t * event, uint8_t** ppName); bt_status_t btif_me_get_remote_device_name(const bt_bdaddr_t * bdAddr, btif_global_handle handler); uint8_t btif_me_get_ext_inq_data(uint8_t * eir, btif_eir_data_type_t type, uint8_t * outBuffer, uint8_t Length); bt_status_t btif_me_cancel_inquiry(void); bt_status_t btif_sec_delete_device_record(const bt_bdaddr_t * bdAddr); bt_status_t btif_me_cancel_create_link(btif_handler * handler, btif_remote_device_t * rdev); void btif_me_set_handler(void *handler, btif_callback cb); uint8_t btif_me_set_connection_role(uint8_t role); bt_status_t btif_me_disconnect_link(btif_handler * handler, btif_remote_device_t * rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_set_link_policy(btif_remote_device_t * rdev, btif_link_policy_t policy); bt_status_t btif_me_set_link_lowlayer_monitor(btif_remote_device_t * rdev, uint8_t control_flag,uint8_t report_format, uint32_t data_format,uint8_t report_unit); bt_status_t btif_me_set_connection_qos_info(btif_remote_device_t * rdev, btif_qos_info_t * qosInfo); void btif_me_fake_tws_disconnect(uint16_t hci_handle, uint8_t reason); void btif_me_fake_mobile_disconnect(uint16_t hci_handle, uint8_t reason); void btif_me_fake_tws_connect(uint8_t status, uint16_t hci_handle, bt_bdaddr_t * bdAddr); void btif_me_reset_bt_controller(void); void btif_me_fake_mobile_connect(uint8_t status, uint16_t hci_handle, bt_bdaddr_t *bdAddr); bt_status_t btif_me_set_lbrt_enable(uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t enable); bt_status_t btif_me_set_accessible_mode(btif_accessible_mode_t mode, const btif_access_mode_info_t * info); bt_status_t btif_me_write_page_timeout(uint16_t timeout); bool btif_me_is_op_in_progress(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_switch_role(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_register_global_handler(void *handler); void *btif_me_register_accept_handler(void *handler); bt_status_t btif_me_set_event_mask(void *handler, btif_event_mask_t mask); void *btif_me_get_bt_handler(void); bt_status_t btif_me_set_bt_address(uint8_t * btAddr); bt_status_t btif_me_set_local_device_name(const U8 *name, U8 length); bt_status_t btif_me_set_ble_bd_address(uint8_t * btAddr); bt_status_t btif_sec_add_device_record(btif_device_record_t * record); bt_status_t btif_enum_device_record(U16 dev_id, btif_device_record_t *record); bt_bdaddr_t *btif_me_get_remote_device_bdaddr(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); btif_rem_dev_state_t btif_me_get_remote_device_state(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); btif_link_mode_t btif_me_get_remote_device_mode(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); btif_authorize_state_t btif_me_get_remote_device_auth_state(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_write_link_superv_timeout(uint16_t handle, uint16_t slots); btif_link_mode_t btif_me_get_current_mode(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); btif_connection_role_t btif_me_get_current_role(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_start_sniff(btif_remote_device_t * rdev, btif_sniff_info_t* info); bt_status_t btif_me_stop_sniff(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_accept_incoming_link(const btif_event_t *event,btif_remote_device_t * rdev, btif_connection_role_t role); bt_status_t btif_me_reject_incoming_link(btif_remote_device_t * rdev, btif_error_code_t reason); bt_status_t btif_me_start_tws_role_switch(uint16_t slaveConnHandle, uint16_t mobileConnHandle); bt_status_t btif_me_set_sco_tx_silence(uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t silence_on); void btif_me_increase_active_counts(void); bool btif_me_is_sending_data_to_peer_dev_pending(void); btif_handler *btif_me_get_me_handler(void); bt_status_t btif_me_force_disconnect_link_with_reason(btif_handler * handler, btif_remote_device_t * rdev, uint8_t reason, BOOL forceDisconnect); void btif_me_sec_set_io_cap_rsp_reject_ext(BOOL(*ext_fn) (void *)); void btif_me_write_bt_sleep_enable(uint8_t sleep_en); void btif_me_write_bt_page_scan_type(uint8_t scan_type); void btif_me_write_bt_inquiry_scan_type(uint8_t scan_type); #if IS_USE_INTERNAL_ACL_DATA_PATH bt_status_t btif_me_send_data_to_peer_dev(uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t dataLen, uint8_t * data); #endif /* */ void btif_bt_call_back(const btif_event_t * event); void btif_me_init_handler(btif_handler * handler); bt_status_t btif_me_dbg_sniffer_interface(uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t subCode); bt_status_t btif_me_switch_sco(uint16_t scohandle); uint8_t *btif_me_get_remote_device_version(btif_remote_device_t * rdev); void *btif_me_get_cmgr_handler(); bt_status_t btif_bind_cmgr_handler(void *cmgr_handler, bt_bdaddr_t * bdAddr,btif_cmgr_callback Callback); bt_status_t btif_create_acl_to_slave(void *cmgr_handler, bt_bdaddr_t * bdAddr,btif_cmgr_callback Callback); bt_status_t btif_register_cmgr_handle(void *cmgr_handler,btif_cmgr_callback Callback); void btif_me_update_cmgr_info(void *cmgr_handler,btif_BtDeviceContext* bt_device_context,btif_remote_device_t * rdev); void btif_me_unregister_globa_handler(btif_handler * handler); void btif_me_set_inquiry_mode(uint8_t mode); void btif_me_inquiry_result_setup(uint8_t *inquiry_buff, bool rssi, bool extended_mode); btif_remote_device_t *btif_me_enumerate_remote_devices(uint32_t devid); uint8_t btif_me_get_remote_sevice_encrypt_state(btif_remote_device_t* rdev); uint8_t btif_me_get_remote_device_disc_reason_saved(btif_remote_device_t * device); uint8_t btif_me_get_remote_device_disc_reason(btif_remote_device_t * device); void btif_me_event_report(me_event_t *event); void btif_me_init_peer_headset_addr(uint8_t *p_remote_addr); bt_bdaddr_t * btif_me_get_peer_headset_addr(void); uint8_t btif_me_get_remote_device_link_mode(btif_remote_device_t* rdev); uint8_t btif_me_get_remote_device_bt_role(btif_remote_device_t* rdev); bt_status_t btif_me_change_packet_type(btif_remote_device_t *rdev, btif_acl_packet packetTypes); void btif_me_cobuf_state_dump(void); void btif_me_hcibuff_state_dump(void); bt_status_t btif_me_read_controller_memory(uint32_t addr, uint32_t len,uint8_t type); bt_status_t btif_me_write_controller_memory(uint32_t addr,uint32_t val,uint8_t type); bt_status_t btif_me_qos_set_up(uint16_t conn_handle); void btif_set_sco_max_number(uint8_t num); uint8_t btif_get_sco_max_number(); #if defined(IBRT) // ibrt fast ack toggle #define IBRT_FAST_ACK_OFF (0) #define IBRT_FAST_ACK_ON (1) // ibrt fast direction #define IBRT_FAST_ACK_TX 0 #define IBRT_FAST_ACK_RX 1 // ibrt slave flow control #define IBRT_SLAVE_FLOW_CTRL_ON IBRT_FAST_ACK_OFF #define IBRT_SLAVE_FLOW_CTRL_OFF IBRT_FAST_ACK_ON bt_status_t btif_me_enable_fastack(uint16_t conhdl, uint8_t direction, uint8_t enable); bt_status_t btif_me_start_ibrt(U16 slaveConnHandle, U16 mobileConnHandle); bt_status_t btif_me_stop_ibrt(uint8_t enable,uint8_t reason); bt_status_t btif_me_suspend_ibrt(void); bt_status_t btif_me_ibrt_mode_init(bool enable); bt_status_t btif_me_ibrt_role_switch(uint8_t switch_op); void btif_me_set_ibrt_mobile_hci_handle(uint16_t hci_handle); uint16_t btif_me_get_ibrt_mobile_hci_handle(void); void btif_me_set_devctx_state(uint8_t ctx_idx, uint16_t state); void btif_me_set_devctx_link(uint8_t ctx_idx, btif_remote_device_t * rm_dev); bt_bdaddr_t* btif_me_get_devctx_btaddr(uint8_t ctx_idx); btif_remote_device_t* btif_me_get_remote_device(uint8_t dev_index); void btif_me_free_tws_outgoing_dev(uint8_t *peer_tws_addr); btif_remote_device_t* btif_me_get_devctx_remote_device(uint8_t ctx_idx); btif_remote_device_t * btif_me_avdev_ctx_get_conn_remote_device(uint8_t dev_idx); uint32_t btif_me_save_record_ctx(uint8_t *ctx_buffer, uint8_t *addr); uint32_t btif_me_set_record_ctx(uint8_t *ctx_buffer, uint8_t *addr); uint32_t btif_me_save_me_ctx(uint8_t *ctx_buffer, uint16_t dev_id); uint32_t btif_me_set_me_ctx(uint8_t *ctx_buffer, uint16_t dev_id); uint8_t btif_me_get_mobile_avdev_index(uint16_t mobile_handle); uint8_t btif_me_get_free_avdev_index(void); uint32_t btif_me_save_avdev_ctx(uint8_t* ctx_buffer, uint16_t dev_id); uint32_t btif_me_set_avdev_ctx(uint8_t *ctx_buffer, uint16_t dev_id, uint8_t rm_devtbl_idx); void btif_me_conn_auto_accept_enable(uint8_t *condition); uint8_t btif_me_get_callback_event_encty_mode(const btif_event_t * event); btif_dev_linkkey *btif_me_get_callback_link_key(const btif_event_t *event); void btif_me_register_ibrt_disconnect_callback(btif_callback cb); bt_status_t btif_me_set_tws_poll_interval(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t poll_interval); bt_status_t btif_me_resume_ibrt(uint8_t enable); void btif_me_write_scan_activity_specific(uint16_t opcode, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window); void btif_me_write_dbg_sniffer(const uint8_t subcode, const uint16_t connhandle); void btif_me_ibrt_simu_hci_event_disallow(uint8_t opcode1, uint8_t opcode2); void btif_me_register_conn_req_pre_treatment_callback(btif_callback cb); void btif_me_register_cmd_status_callback(btif_callback cb); void btif_me_register_cmd_complete_callback(HCI_CMD_COMPLETE_USER_E index,btif_callback cb); bt_status_t btif_me_ibrt_conn_connected(bt_bdaddr_t *bt_addr, uint16_t conhdl); bt_status_t btif_me_ibrt_conn_disconnected(bt_bdaddr_t *bt_addr, uint16_t conhdl, uint8_t status, uint8_t reason); void btif_me_register_ibrt_io_capbility_callback(ibrt_io_capbility_callback cb); bt_status_t btif_me_auth_req(uint16_t conn_handle); void btif_me_set_ecc_ibrt_data_test(uint8_t ecc_data_test_en, uint8_t ecc_data_len, uint16_t ecc_count, uint32_t data_pattern); void btif_me_send_prefer_rate(uint16_t connhdl, uint8_t rate); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* */ #endif /* __ME_H */