/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2020 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef BTIF_HID_DEVICE #include #include "cmsis_os.h" #include "hal_uart.h" #include "hal_timer.h" #include "lockcqueue.h" #include "hal_trace.h" #include "hal_cmu.h" #include "hal_chipid.h" #include "analog.h" #include "app_audio.h" #include "app_battery.h" #include "hal_trace.h" #include "app_status_ind.h" #include "bluetooth.h" #include "nvrecord.h" #include "nvrecord_env.h" #include "nvrecord_dev.h" #if defined(NEW_NV_RECORD_ENABLED) #include "nvrecord_bt.h" #endif #include "besbt.h" #include "cqueue.h" #include "btapp.h" #include "app_bt.h" #include "apps.h" #include "resources.h" #include "bt_if.h" #include "os_api.h" #include "app_bt_func.h" #include "bt_drv_interface.h" #include "app.h" #include "bt_drv_reg_op.h" #include "besbt_cfg.h" #include "me_api.h" #include "app_tws_ibrt.h" #include "app_bt_hid.h" #include "hid_api.h" static bool shutter_mode = false; static bool send_capture_pending = false; #define APP_BT_HID_DELAY_SEND_CAPTURE_MS 500 osTimerId app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id = 0; static void app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_handler(void const *param); osTimerDef (APP_BT_HID_DELAY_SEND_CAPTURE_TIMER, app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_handler); extern struct BT_DEVICE_T app_bt_device; static void app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_handler(void const *param) { hid_channel_t chan = (hid_channel_t)param; app_bt_start_custom_function_in_bt_thread((uint32_t)&chan, (uint32_t)NULL, (uint32_t)app_bt_hid_send_capture); } static void app_bt_hid_delay_send_capture(hid_channel_t chan) { if (app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id) { osTimerStop(app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id); osTimerDelete(app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id); app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id = 0; } app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id = osTimerCreate(osTimer(APP_BT_HID_DELAY_SEND_CAPTURE_TIMER), osTimerOnce, chan); if (!app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id) { TRACE(1, "%s create timer failed", __func__); return; } TRACE(2, "%s channel %p", __func__, chan); osTimerStart(app_bt_hid_delay_send_timer_id, APP_BT_HID_DELAY_SEND_CAPTURE_MS); } static void app_bt_hid_callback(hid_channel_t chan, const hid_callback_parms_t *param) { btif_hid_callback_param_t *info = (btif_hid_callback_param_t *)param; TRACE(9, "%s channel %p event %d errno %02x %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", __func__, chan, info->event, info->error_code, info->remote.address[0], info->remote.address[1], info->remote.address[2], info->remote.address[3], info->remote.address[4], info->remote.address[5]); switch (info->event) { case BTIF_HID_EVENT_CONN_OPENED: shutter_mode = true; if (send_capture_pending) { app_bt_hid_delay_send_capture(chan); send_capture_pending = false; } break; case BTIF_HID_EVENT_CONN_CLOSED: shutter_mode = false; break; default: break; } app_tws_ibrt_profile_callback(BTIF_APP_HID_PROFILE_ID, (void *)chan, (void *)param); } void app_bt_hid_init(void) { //TRACE(2, "%s sink_enable %d", __func__, besbt_cfg.sink_enable); //if (besbt_cfg.sink_enable) { btif_hid_init(app_bt_hid_callback, HID_DEVICE_ROLE); for (int i = 0; i < BT_DEVICE_NUM; ++i) { app_bt_device.hid_channel[i] = btif_hid_channel_alloc(); TRACE(2, "app_bt_hid_init device: %d hid_channle: %p", i, app_bt_device.hid_channel[i]); } } } void app_bt_hid_profile_connect(bt_bdaddr_t *bdaddr) { static bt_bdaddr_t remote; remote = *bdaddr; TRACE(7, "%s address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", __func__, remote.address[0], remote.address[1], remote.address[2], remote.address[3], remote.address[4], remote.address[5]); app_bt_start_custom_function_in_bt_thread((uint32_t)&remote, (uint32_t)NULL, (uint32_t)btif_hid_connect); } void app_bt_hid_profile_disconnect(hid_channel_t chnl) { TRACE(1, "%s channel %p", __func__, chnl); app_bt_start_custom_function_in_bt_thread((uint32_t)chnl, (uint32_t)NULL, (uint32_t)btif_hid_disconnect); } int app_bt_nvrecord_get_latest_device_addr(bt_bdaddr_t *addr) { btif_device_record_t record; int found_addr_count = 0; int paired_dev_count = nv_record_get_paired_dev_count(); if (paired_dev_count > 0 && BT_STS_SUCCESS == nv_record_enum_dev_records(0, &record)) { *addr = record.bdAddr; found_addr_count = 1; } return found_addr_count; } void app_bt_hid_enter_shutter_mode(void) { bt_bdaddr_t remote; TRACE(1, "%s", __func__); if (!app_bt_nvrecord_get_latest_device_addr(&remote)) { TRACE(1, "%s latest device not found", __func__); return; } if (!shutter_mode) { app_bt_hid_profile_connect(&remote); shutter_mode = true; } else { TRACE(1, "%s already in shutter mode", __func__); } } void app_bt_hid_exit_shutter_mode(void) { hid_channel_t chnl = NULL; int i = 0; TRACE(0, "%s", __func__); for (; i < BT_DEVICE_NUM; ++i) { chnl = app_bt_device.hid_channel[i]; if (btif_hid_is_connected(chnl)) { app_bt_hid_profile_disconnect(chnl); } } shutter_mode = false; } void app_bt_hid_send_capture(hid_channel_t chnl) { for (int i = 0; i < BT_DEVICE_NUM; ++i) { if (btif_hid_is_connected(app_bt_device.hid_channel[i])) { chnl = app_bt_device.hid_channel[i]; break; } } TRACE(3, "%s channel %p state %d", __func__, chnl, btif_hid_get_state(chnl)); if (btif_hid_is_connected(chnl)) { send_capture_pending = false; btif_hid_keyboard_input_report(chnl, HID_MOD_KEY_NULL, HID_KEY_CODE_ENTER); btif_hid_keyboard_input_report(chnl, HID_MOD_KEY_NULL, HID_KEY_CODE_NULL); btif_hid_keyboard_send_ctrl_key(chnl, HID_CTRL_KEY_VOLUME_INC); btif_hid_keyboard_send_ctrl_key(chnl, HID_CTRL_KEY_NULL); } else { send_capture_pending = true; app_bt_hid_enter_shutter_mode(); } } #endif /* BTIF_HID_DEVICE */