/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015-2019 BES. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. * ****************************************************************************/ /** **************************************************************************************** * @addtogroup APP * @{ **************************************************************************************** */ #include "rwip_config.h" // SW configuration #if (BLE_APP_HT) /* * INCLUDE FILES **************************************************************************************** */ #include "app_ht.h" // Health Thermometer Application Definitions #include "app.h" // Application Definitions #include "app_task.h" // application task definitions #include "htpt_task.h" // health thermometer functions #include "co_bt.h" #include "prf_types.h" #include "prf_utils.h" #include "arch.h" // Platform Definitions #include "co_math.h" #include "ke_timer.h" #if (DISPLAY_SUPPORT) #include "app_display.h" #include "display.h" #endif //DISPLAY_SUPPORT /* * DEFINES **************************************************************************************** */ /// Initial Temperature Value : 37c #define APP_HT_TEMP_VALUE_INIT (3700) /// Temperature Step #define APP_HT_TEMP_STEP_INIT (10) /// Measurement Interval Value Min #define APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_MIN (1) /// Measurement Interval Value Max #define APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_MAX (30) /* * GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS **************************************************************************************** */ /// health thermometer application environment structure struct app_ht_env_tag app_ht_env; /* * LOCAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS **************************************************************************************** */ static void app_ht_temp_send(void) { // Temperature Value int32_t value = (int32_t)(app_ht_env.temp_value); // The value is a float value, set the exponent value |= 0xFE000000; // Allocate the HTPT_TEMP_SEND_REQ message struct htpt_temp_send_req * req = KE_MSG_ALLOC(HTPT_TEMP_SEND_REQ, prf_get_task_from_id(TASK_ID_HTPT), TASK_APP, htpt_temp_send_req); // Stable => Temperature Measurement Char. req->stable_meas = 0x01; // Temperature Measurement Value req->temp_meas.temp = value; // req->temp_meas.time_stamp = 0; req->temp_meas.flags = HTP_FLAG_CELSIUS | HTP_FLAG_TYPE; req->temp_meas.type = app_ht_env.temp_meas_type; ke_msg_send(req); } static void app_ht_update_type_string(uint8_t temp_type) { switch (temp_type) { case 0: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "NONE"); break; case 1: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "ARMPIT"); break; case 2: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "BODY"); break; case 3: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "EAR"); break; case 4: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "FINGER"); break; case 5: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "GASTRO-INT"); break; case 6: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "MOUTH"); break; case 7: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "RECTUM"); break; case 8: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "TOE"); break; case 9: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "TYMPANUM"); break; default: strcpy(app_ht_env.temp_type_string, "UNKNOWN"); break; } } /* * GLOBAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS **************************************************************************************** */ void app_ht_init(void) { // Reset the environment memset(&app_ht_env, 0, sizeof(app_ht_env)); // Initial measurement interval : 0s app_ht_env.htpt_meas_intv = 5; // Initial temperature value : 37.00 C app_ht_env.temp_value = APP_HT_TEMP_VALUE_INIT; // Initial temperature step : 0.20 C app_ht_env.temp_step = APP_HT_TEMP_STEP_INIT; // Initial temperature type : ARMPIT app_ht_env.temp_meas_type = 1; //TODO: Add a state for the module } void app_stop_timer (void) { // Stop the timer used for the measurement interval if enabled if (app_ht_env.timer_enable) { ke_timer_clear(APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_TIMER, TASK_APP); app_ht_env.timer_enable = false; } } void app_ht_add_hts(void) { struct htpt_db_cfg* db_cfg; // Allocate the HTPT_CREATE_DB_REQ struct gapm_profile_task_add_cmd *req = KE_MSG_ALLOC_DYN(GAPM_PROFILE_TASK_ADD_CMD, TASK_GAPM, TASK_APP, gapm_profile_task_add_cmd, sizeof(struct htpt_db_cfg)); // Fill message req->operation = GAPM_PROFILE_TASK_ADD; #if BLE_CONNECTION_MAX>1 req->sec_lvl = PERM(SVC_AUTH, ENABLE)|PERM(SVC_MI, ENABLE); #else req->sec_lvl = PERM(SVC_AUTH, ENABLE); #endif req->prf_task_id = TASK_ID_HTPT; req->app_task = TASK_APP; req->start_hdl = 0; // Set parameters db_cfg = (struct htpt_db_cfg* ) req->param; // All features are supported db_cfg->features = HTPT_ALL_FEAT_SUP; // Measurement Interval range db_cfg->valid_range_min = APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_MIN; db_cfg->valid_range_max = APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_MAX; // Measurement db_cfg->temp_type = app_ht_env.temp_meas_type; db_cfg->meas_intv = app_ht_env.htpt_meas_intv; // Send the message ke_msg_send(req); } void app_ht_enable_prf(uint8_t conidx) { // Allocate the message struct htpt_enable_req * req = KE_MSG_ALLOC(HTPT_ENABLE_REQ, prf_get_task_from_id(TASK_ID_HTPT), TASK_APP, htpt_enable_req); // Fill in the parameter structure req->conidx = conidx; // NTF/IND initial status - Disabled req->ntf_ind_cfg = PRF_CLI_STOP_NTFIND; // Send the message ke_msg_send(req); } /** **************************************************************************************** * Health Thermometer Application Functions **************************************************************************************** */ void app_ht_temp_inc(void) { app_ht_env.temp_value += app_ht_env.temp_step; #if (DISPLAY_SUPPORT) app_display_update_temp_val_screen(app_ht_env.temp_value); #endif //DISPLAY_SUPPORT app_ht_temp_send(); } void app_ht_temp_dec(void) { app_ht_env.temp_value -= app_ht_env.temp_step; #if (DISPLAY_SUPPORT) app_display_update_temp_val_screen(app_ht_env.temp_value); #endif //DISPLAY_SUPPORT app_ht_temp_send(); } void app_ht_temp_type_inc(void) { app_ht_env.temp_meas_type = (uint8_t)(((int)app_ht_env.temp_meas_type + 1)%10); #if (DISPLAY_SUPPORT) app_ht_update_type_string(app_ht_env.temp_meas_type); app_display_update_temp_type_screen(app_ht_env.temp_type_string); #endif //DISPLAY_SUPPORT } void app_ht_temp_type_dec(void) { if (((int)app_ht_env.temp_meas_type-1) < 0) { app_ht_env.temp_meas_type = 0x09; } else { app_ht_env.temp_meas_type = app_ht_env.temp_meas_type - 1; } #if DISPLAY_SUPPORT app_ht_update_type_string(app_ht_env.temp_meas_type); app_display_update_temp_type_screen(app_ht_env.temp_type_string); #endif //DISPLAY_SUPPORT } /**************************************************************************************** * MESSAGE HANDLERS ****************************************************************************************/ /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles measurement interval start indication from the Health Thermometer * profile. * Start or stop a timer following the value of the param intv. * * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received. * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance (TASK_GAP). * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int htpt_meas_intv_chg_req_ind_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct htpt_meas_intv_chg_req_ind const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Store the received Measurement Interval value app_ht_env.htpt_meas_intv = param->intv; // Check the new Measurement Interval Value if (app_ht_env.htpt_meas_intv != 0) { // Check if a Timer already exists if (!app_ht_env.timer_enable) { // Set a Timer ke_timer_set(APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_TIMER, TASK_APP, app_ht_env.htpt_meas_intv*100); app_ht_env.timer_enable = true; } else { // Clear the previous timer ke_timer_clear(APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_TIMER, TASK_APP); // Create a new timer with the received measurement interval ke_timer_set(APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_TIMER, TASK_APP, app_ht_env.htpt_meas_intv*100); } } else { // Check if a Timer exists if (app_ht_env.timer_enable) { // Measurement Interval is 0, clear the timer ke_timer_clear(APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_TIMER, TASK_APP); app_ht_env.timer_enable = false; } } // Allocate the message struct htpt_meas_intv_chg_cfm * cfm = KE_MSG_ALLOC(HTPT_MEAS_INTV_CHG_CFM, prf_get_task_from_id(TASK_ID_HTPT), TASK_APP, htpt_meas_intv_chg_cfm); // Set data cfm->conidx = KE_IDX_GET(dest_id); cfm->status = 0; // Send the message ke_msg_send(cfm); return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } static int htpt_temp_send_rsp_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct htpt_temp_send_rsp const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Do nothing return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } static int htpt_cfg_indntf_ind_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, struct htpt_cfg_indntf_ind const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Do nothing return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles health thermometer timer * * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received. * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance (TASK_GAP). * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int app_ht_meas_intv_timer_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, void const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Random generation of a temperature value uint32_t rand_temp_step; // Sign used to know if the temperature will be increased or decreased int8_t sign; // Generate temperature step rand_temp_step = (uint32_t)(co_rand_word()%20); // Increase or decrease the temperature value sign = (int8_t)(rand_temp_step & 0x00000001); if (!sign) { sign = -1; } app_ht_env.temp_value += sign*rand_temp_step; // Send the new temperature app_ht_temp_send(); #if (DISPLAY_SUPPORT) app_display_update_temp_val_screen(app_ht_env.temp_value); #endif //DISPLAY_SUPPORT // Reset the Timer (Measurement Interval is not 0 if we are here) ke_timer_set(APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_TIMER, TASK_APP, app_ht_env.htpt_meas_intv*100); return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /** **************************************************************************************** * @brief Handles health thermometer timer * * @param[in] msgid Id of the message received. * @param[in] param Pointer to the parameters of the message. * @param[in] dest_id ID of the receiving task instance (TASK_GAP). * @param[in] src_id ID of the sending task instance. * * @return If the message was consumed or not. **************************************************************************************** */ static int app_ht_msg_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid, void const *param, ke_task_id_t const dest_id, ke_task_id_t const src_id) { // Do nothing return (KE_MSG_CONSUMED); } /* * LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS **************************************************************************************** */ /// Default State handlers definition const struct ke_msg_handler app_ht_msg_handler_list[] = { // Note: first message is latest message checked by kernel so default is put on top. {KE_MSG_DEFAULT_HANDLER, (ke_msg_func_t)app_ht_msg_handler}, // {HTPT_ENABLE_RSP, (ke_msg_func_t)htpt_enable_rsp_handler}, {HTPT_TEMP_SEND_RSP, (ke_msg_func_t)htpt_temp_send_rsp_handler}, {HTPT_MEAS_INTV_CHG_REQ_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)htpt_meas_intv_chg_req_ind_handler}, {HTPT_CFG_INDNTF_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)htpt_cfg_indntf_ind_handler}, {APP_HT_MEAS_INTV_TIMER, (ke_msg_func_t)app_ht_meas_intv_timer_handler}, }; const struct ke_state_handler app_ht_table_handler = {&app_ht_msg_handler_list[0], (sizeof(app_ht_msg_handler_list)/sizeof(struct ke_msg_handler))}; #endif //BLE_APP_HT /// @} APP