#ifndef _PRF_H_
#define _PRF_H_

 * @addtogroup PROFILE PROFILES
 * @ingroup ROOT
 * @brief Bluetooth Low Energy Host Profiles
 * The PROFILE of the stack contains the profile layers (@ref PROX "PROXIMITY",
 * @ref HTP "HTP",@ref FIND "FIND ME" @ref BPS "Blood Pressure").

 * @addtogroup PRF
 * @ingroup PROFILE
 * @brief Definitions of Profile management API
 * @{

#include "rwip_config.h"


#include "ke_task.h"
#include "gapm_task.h"


 * Profile task fields
 *  15   14   13   12   11   10   9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
 * +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
 * | MI |                               TASK Number                                |
 * +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
 * Bit [0-14] : Task number value
 * Bit [15]   : Task is multi-instantiated (Connection index is conveyed)
enum prf_perm_mask
    /// Task number value
    PERM_MASK_PRF_TASK      = 0x7FFF,
    PERM_POS_PRF_TASK       = 0,
    /// Task is multi-instantiated
    PERM_MASK_PRF_MI        = 0x8000,
    PERM_POS_PRF_MI         = 15,

/// Profile Environment Data
typedef struct prf_env
    /// Application Task Number - if MSB bit set, Multi-Instantiated task
    ke_task_id_t app_task;
    /// Profile Task  Number    - if MSB bit set, Multi-Instantiated task
    ke_task_id_t prf_task;
} prf_env_t;

/// Profile task environment variable definition to dynamically allocate a Task.
struct prf_task_env
    /// Profile Task description
    struct ke_task_desc desc;
    /// pointer to the allocated memory used by profile during runtime.
    prf_env_t*          env;
    /// Profile Task Number
    ke_task_id_t        task;
    /// Profile Task Identifier
    ke_task_id_t        id;

 * @brief Initialization of the Profile module.
 * This function performs all the initializations of the Profile module.
 *  - Creation of database (if it's a service)
 *  - Allocation of profile required memory
 *  - Initialization of task descriptor to register application
 *      - Task State array
 *      - Number of tasks
 *      - Default task handler
 * @param[out]    env        Collector or Service allocated environment data.
 * @param[in|out] start_hdl  Service start handle (0 - dynamically allocated), only applies for services.
 * @param[in]     app_task   Application task number.
 * @param[in]     sec_lvl    Security level (AUTH, EKS and MI field of @see enum attm_value_perm_mask)
 * @param[in]     param      Configuration parameters of profile collector or service (32 bits aligned)
 * @return status code to know if profile initialization succeed or not.
typedef uint8_t (*prf_init_fnct)    (struct prf_task_env* env, uint16_t* start_hdl, uint16_t app_task, uint8_t sec_lvl,  void* params);

 * @brief Destruction of the Profile module - due to a reset for instance.
 * This function clean-up allocated memory (attribute database is destroyed by another
 * procedure)
 * @param[in|out]    env        Collector or Service allocated environment data.
typedef void    (*prf_destroy_fnct) (struct prf_task_env* env);

 * @brief Handles Connection creation
 * @param[in|out]    env        Collector or Service allocated environment data.
 * @param[in]        conidx     Connection index
typedef void    (*prf_create_fnct)  (struct prf_task_env* env, uint8_t conidx);

 * @brief Handles Disconnection
 * @param[in|out]    env        Collector or Service allocated environment data.
 * @param[in]        conidx     Connection index
 * @param[in]        reason     Detach reason
typedef void    (*prf_cleanup_fnct) (struct prf_task_env* env, uint8_t conidx, uint8_t reason);

/// Profile task callbacks.
struct prf_task_cbs
    /// Initialization callback
    prf_init_fnct    init;
    /// Destroy profile callback
    prf_destroy_fnct destroy;
    /// Connection callback
    prf_create_fnct  create;
    /// Disconnection callback
    prf_cleanup_fnct cleanup;

/// Profile Manager environment structure
struct prf_env_tag
    /// Array of profile tasks that can be managed by Profile manager.
    struct prf_task_env prf[BLE_NB_PROFILES];


extern struct prf_env_tag prf_env;


 * @brief Perform Profile initialization
 * @param[in] reset        Reset requested or basic initialization
void prf_init(bool reset);

 * @brief Create Profile (collector or service) task creation and initialize it.
 * @param[in|out] params   Collector or Service parameter used for profile task creation
 * @param[out]    prf_task Allocated Task number
 * @return status of adding profile task
uint8_t prf_add_profile(struct gapm_profile_task_add_cmd * params, ke_task_id_t *prf_task);

 * @brief Link creation event, update profiles states.
 * @param[in] conidx        connection index
void prf_create(uint8_t conidx);

 * @brief Link disconnection event, clean-up profiles.
 * @param[in] conidx        connection index
 * @param[in] reason        detach reason
void prf_cleanup(uint8_t conidx, uint8_t reason);

 * @brief Retrieve environment variable allocated for a profile
 * @param[in] prf_id        Profile Task Identifier
 * @return Environment variable allocated for a profile
prf_env_t* prf_env_get(uint16_t prf_id);

 * @brief Retrieve source profile task number value
 * @param[in] env     Profile Environment
 * @param[in] conidx  Connection index
 * @return Source profile task number value
ke_task_id_t prf_src_task_get(prf_env_t* env, uint8_t conidx);

 * @brief Retrieve destination application task number value
 * @param[in] env     Profile Environment
 * @param[in] conidx  Connection index
 * @return Destination application task number value
ke_task_id_t prf_dst_task_get(prf_env_t* env, uint8_t conidx);

 * @brief Retrieve Task Identifier from Task number
 * (automatically update index of task in returned task id)
 * @param task Task number
 * @return Task Identifier
ke_task_id_t prf_get_id_from_task(ke_msg_id_t task);

 * @brief Retrieve Task Number from Task Identifier
 * (automatically update index of task in returned task id)
 * @param id Task Identifier
 * @return Task Number
ke_task_id_t prf_get_task_from_id(ke_msg_id_t id);

#endif // (BLE_PROFILES)

/// @} PRF

#endif /* _PRF_H_ */