/** * @file ota_common.cpp * @author BES AI team * @version 0.1 * @date 2020-04-17 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015-2020 BES Technic. * All rights reserved. All unpublished rights reserved. * * No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any form or by any * means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written * permission of BES. * * Use of this work is governed by a license granted by BES. * This work contains confidential and proprietary information of * BES. which is protected by copyright, trade secret, * trademark and other intellectual property rights. */ /*****************************header include********************************/ #include "string.h" #include "cmsis.h" #include "hal_timer.h" #include "norflash_drv.h" #include "norflash_api.h" #include "crc32.h" #include "bt_drv_reg_op.h" #include "app_bt.h" #include "app.h" #include "apps.h" #include "nvrecord_ota.h" #include "app_utils.h" #include "ota_dbg.h" #include "ota_common.h" #ifdef IBRT #include "app_tws_ibrt.h" #include "app_tws_ctrl_thread.h" #include "app_ibrt_ota_cmd.h" #include "app_tws_if.h" #include "app_ibrt_ui.h" #include "app_ibrt_if.h" #endif /*********************external function declearation************************/ /************************private macro defination***************************/ #define OTA_BOOT_INFO_FLASH_OFFSET 0x1000 #define OTA_BREAKPOINT_STORE_GRANULARITY (256 * 1024) // must be 4KB aligned #define LEN_OF_IMAGE_TAIL_TO_FIND_SANITY_CRC 512 #define INVALID_VERSION_STR "BESTECHNIC" #define NORFLASH_API_MODE_ASYNC true #define OTA_DEFAULT_NORFLASH_API_MODE NORFLASH_API_MODE_ASYNC #define CASES(prefix, item) \ case prefix##item: \ str = #item; \ break; /************************private type defination****************************/ /**********************private function declearation************************/ /************************private variable defination************************/ __attribute__((unused)) static const char *imageSanityKeyWord = "CRC32_OF_IMAGE=0x"; __attribute__((unused)) static const char *oldImageSanityKeyWord = "CRC32_OF_IMAGE="; #ifdef IBRT static void _ota_tws_thread(const void *arg); osThreadDef(_ota_tws_thread, osPriorityNormal, 1, 1024, "ota_tws"); static osEvent evt; /// tws relay OTA command/data TX thread ID osThreadId txThreadId = NULL; /// tws relay OTA command/data RX thread ID osThreadId rxThreadId; osMutexDef(twsTxQueueMutex); osMutexDef(twsRxQueueMutex); /// tws relay data TX queue mutex osMutexId txQueueMutexID = NULL; /// tws relay data RX queue mutex osMutexId rxQueueMutexID = NULL; uint8_t relayBuf[TWS_RELAY_DATA_MAX_SIZE]; #endif OTA_COMMON_ENV_T otaEnv; /****************************function defination****************************/ /** * @brief Convert OTA command to string * * @param cmd @see OTA_COMMAND_E * @return char* string of OTA_COMMAND */ static char *_cmd2str(OTA_COMMAND_E cmd) { const char *str = NULL; switch (cmd) { CASES(OTA_COMMAND_, BEGIN); CASES(OTA_COMMAND_, APPLY); CASES(OTA_COMMAND_, DATA); CASES(OTA_COMMAND_, ABORT); #ifdef IBRT CASES(OTA_COMMAND_, RSP); #endif // CASES(OTA_COMMAND_, ); default: str = "INVALID"; break; } return (char *)str; } /** * @brief Convert OTA user to string * * @param user @see OTA_USER_E * @return char* OTA_USER string */ static char *_user2str(OTA_USER_E user) { const char *str = NULL; switch (user) { CASES(OTA_USER_, BES); CASES(OTA_USER_, COLORFUL); CASES(OTA_USER_, RED); CASES(OTA_USER_, ORANGE); CASES(OTA_USER_, GREEN); // CASES(OTA_USER_, ); default: str = "INVALID"; break; } return (char *)str; } /** * @brief Convert OTA path into string * * @param path @see OTA_PATH_E * @return char* OTA_PATH string */ static char *_path2str(OTA_PATH_E path) { const char *str = NULL; switch (path) { CASES(OTA_PATH_, BT); CASES(OTA_PATH_, BLE); // CASES(OTA_PATH_, ); default: str = "INVALID"; break; } return (char *)str; } /** * @brief Convert OTA stage into string * * @param stage @see OTA_STAGE_E * @return char* OTA_STAGE string */ static char *_stage2str(OTA_STAGE_E stage) { const char *str = NULL; switch (stage) { CASES(OTA_STAGE_, IDLE); CASES(OTA_STAGE_, ONGOING); CASES(OTA_STAGE_, DONE); // CASES(OTA_STAGE_, ); default: str = "INVALID"; break; } return (char *)str; } static char *_sts2str(OTA_STATUS_E sts) { const char *str = NULL; switch (sts) { CASES(OTA_STATUS_, OK); CASES(OTA_STATUS_, ERROR); CASES(OTA_STATUS_, ERROR_RELAY_TIMEOUT); CASES(OTA_STATUS_, ERROR_CHECKSUM); CASES(OTA_STATUS_, ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED); // CASES(OTA_STATUS_, ); default: str = "INVALID"; break; } return (char *)str; } /** * @brief Find key word in upgrade data. * * This function is used to find out the key word at the end of upgrade data, * these key words are generated by python script by calculate the crc of whole * upgrade image and write the result at the end of the image in string format. * This is used to do sanity check. * * @param tgtArray source array to search the key word * @param tgtArrayLen source array length * @param keyArray key word array * @param keyArrayLen key word length * @return int32_t index of the key word in dstArry */ __attribute__((unused)) static int32_t _find_key_word(uint8_t *tgtArray, uint32_t tgtArrayLen, uint8_t *keyArray, uint32_t keyArrayLen) { if ((keyArrayLen > 0) && (tgtArrayLen >= keyArrayLen)) { uint32_t index = 0, targetIndex = 0; for (targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < tgtArrayLen; targetIndex++) { for (index = 0; index < keyArrayLen; index++) { if (tgtArray[targetIndex + index] != keyArray[index]) { break; } } if (index == keyArrayLen) { return targetIndex; } } return -1; } else { return -1; } } /** * @brief Convert ASCII code into hex format. * * @param asciiCode ASCII code to convert * @return uint8_t convert result */ __attribute__((unused)) static uint8_t _ascii2hex(uint8_t asciiCode) { if ((asciiCode >= '0') && (asciiCode <= '9')) { return asciiCode - '0'; } else if ((asciiCode >= 'a') && (asciiCode <= 'f')) { return asciiCode - 'a' + 10; } else if ((asciiCode >= 'A') && (asciiCode <= 'F')) { return asciiCode - 'A' + 10; } else { return 0xff; } } /** * @brief Update the stage of OTA progress. * * @param stage OTA stage to update, * @see OTA_STAGE_E to get more details. */ static void _set_ota_stage(OTA_STAGE_E stage) { LOG_D("stage update:%s->%s", _stage2str(otaEnv.currentStage), _stage2str(stage)); otaEnv.currentStage = stage; } static void _update_ota_user(OTA_USER_E user) { ASSERT((OTA_USER_NUM == otaEnv.currentUser) || (OTA_USER_NUM == user), "try to set a ota user while the current user is not null"); LOG_I("ota user update:%s->%s", _user2str(otaEnv.currentUser), _user2str(user)); otaEnv.currentUser = user; } /** * @brief Enter OTA state handler. * * This function is used to require the relative system resources to gurantee * the performance for both OTA progress and other functionalities * * @param path Current OTA path, * @see OTA_PATH_E to get more details. */ static void _enter_ota_state(OTA_PATH_E path) { LOG_I("%s", __func__); if (otaEnv.isInOtaState) { LOG_W("ALREADY in OTA state"); } else { /// 1. guarantee performance->switch to the highest freq app_sysfreq_req(APP_SYSFREQ_USER_OTA, APP_SYSFREQ_104M); #ifdef IBRT /// 2. guarantee performance->decrease the communication interval of TWS connection ibrt_ctrl_t *p_ibrt_ctrl = app_tws_ibrt_get_bt_ctrl_ctx(); btdrv_reg_op_set_tws_link_duration(IBRT_TWS_LINK_LARGE_DURATION); btdrv_reg_op_set_private_tws_poll_interval(p_ibrt_ctrl->config.default_private_poll_interval, p_ibrt_ctrl->config.default_private_poll_interval_in_sco); /// 3. guarantee performance->exit bt sniff mode app_ibrt_ui_judge_link_policy(OTA_START_TRIGGER, BTIF_BLP_DISABLE_ALL); if (app_tws_ibrt_tws_link_connected() && \ (p_ibrt_ctrl->nv_role == IBRT_MASTER) && \ p_ibrt_ctrl->p_tws_remote_dev) { btif_me_stop_sniff(p_ibrt_ctrl->p_tws_remote_dev); } app_ibrt_if_tws_sniff_block(15); #else /// 3. guarantee performance->exit bt sniff mode app_bt_active_mode_set(ACTIVE_MODE_KEEPER_OTA, UPDATE_ACTIVE_MODE_FOR_ALL_LINKS); #endif /// update the OTA path LOG_I("OTA path update:%s->%s", _path2str(otaEnv.currentPath), _path2str(path)); otaEnv.currentPath = path; /// 4. guarantee performance->decrease the BLE connection interval #ifdef BLE_ENABLE if (OTA_PATH_BLE == otaEnv.currentPath) { app_ble_update_conn_param_mode(BLE_CONN_PARAM_MODE_OTA, true); } #endif } } /** * @brief Exit the OTA state handler. * * This function is used to release the system resources which are required * when enter the OTA state * */ __attribute__((unused)) static void _exit_ota_state(void) { LOG_I("%s", __func__); if (otaEnv.isInOtaState) { #ifdef IBRT app_ibrt_ui_judge_link_policy(OTA_STOP_TRIGGER, BTIF_BLP_SNIFF_MODE); #else app_bt_active_mode_clear(ACTIVE_MODE_KEEPER_OTA, UPDATE_ACTIVE_MODE_FOR_ALL_LINKS); #endif /// release the short TWS communication interval #ifdef IBRT ibrt_ctrl_t *p_ibrt_ctrl = app_tws_ibrt_get_bt_ctrl_ctx(); btdrv_reg_op_set_tws_link_duration(IBRT_TWS_LINK_DEFAULT_DURATION); btdrv_reg_op_set_private_tws_poll_interval(p_ibrt_ctrl->config.long_private_poll_interval, p_ibrt_ctrl->config.default_private_poll_interval_in_sco); #endif /// release the short BLE connection interval #ifdef BLE_ENABLE app_ble_update_conn_param_mode(BLE_CONN_PARAM_MODE_OTA, false); app_ble_update_conn_param_mode(BLE_CONN_PARAM_MODE_OTA_SLOWER, false); #endif /// update the OTA path to invalid otaEnv.currentPath = OTA_PATH_INVALID; /// release the system frequency app_sysfreq_req(APP_SYSFREQ_USER_OTA, APP_SYSFREQ_32K); otaEnv.isInOtaState = false; } else { LOG_W("NOT in OTA STATE"); } } #ifdef IBRT /** * @brief Do the sanity check for the upgrade file. * * Currently, this function uses the CRC that was inserted by the build process. * This CRC check does not verify the last x bytes of the image. x varies * depending on order of the key/value pair order but is < 512 bytes. * * @return true Sanity check success. * @return false Sanity check failed. */ static bool _image_sanity_check(void) { // find the location of the CRC key word string uint8_t *ptrOfTheLast4KImage = (uint8_t *)(OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + NEW_IMAGE_FLASH_OFFSET + otaEnv.totalImageSize - LEN_OF_IMAGE_TAIL_TO_FIND_SANITY_CRC); uint32_t sanityCrc32; uint32_t crc32ImageOffset; int32_t sanity_crc_location = _find_key_word(ptrOfTheLast4KImage, LEN_OF_IMAGE_TAIL_TO_FIND_SANITY_CRC, (uint8_t *)imageSanityKeyWord, strlen(imageSanityKeyWord)); if (-1 == sanity_crc_location) { sanity_crc_location = _find_key_word(ptrOfTheLast4KImage, LEN_OF_IMAGE_TAIL_TO_FIND_SANITY_CRC, (uint8_t *)oldImageSanityKeyWord, strlen(oldImageSanityKeyWord)); if (-1 == sanity_crc_location) { // if no sanity crc, fail the check return false; } else { crc32ImageOffset = sanity_crc_location + otaEnv.totalImageSize - LEN_OF_IMAGE_TAIL_TO_FIND_SANITY_CRC + strlen(oldImageSanityKeyWord); sanityCrc32 = *(uint32_t *)(OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + NEW_IMAGE_FLASH_OFFSET + crc32ImageOffset); } } else { crc32ImageOffset = sanity_crc_location + otaEnv.totalImageSize - LEN_OF_IMAGE_TAIL_TO_FIND_SANITY_CRC + strlen(imageSanityKeyWord); sanityCrc32 = 0; uint8_t *crcString = (uint8_t *)(OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + NEW_IMAGE_FLASH_OFFSET + crc32ImageOffset); for (uint8_t index = 0; index < 8; index++) { sanityCrc32 |= (_ascii2hex(crcString[index]) << (28 - 4 * index)); } } LOG_D("Bytes to generate crc32 is %d", crc32ImageOffset); LOG_D("sanity_crc_location is %d", sanity_crc_location); LOG_D("sanityCrc32 is 0x%x", sanityCrc32); // generate the CRC from image data uint32_t calculatedCrc32 = 0; calculatedCrc32 = crc32(calculatedCrc32, (uint8_t *)(OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + NEW_IMAGE_FLASH_OFFSET), crc32ImageOffset); LOG_D("calculatedCrc32 is 0x%x", calculatedCrc32); if (sanityCrc32 == calculatedCrc32) { return true; } return false; } static enum NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T _get_flash_module_from_ota_device(OTA_DEVICE_E device) { enum NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T mod = NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_COUNT; switch (device) { case OTA_DEVICE_APP: mod = NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_OTA; break; case OTA_DEVICE_HOTWORD: mod = NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_HOTWORD_MODEL; break; default: ASSERT(0, "invalid OTA device received in %s", __func__); break; } return mod; } static void _flush_data_to_flash(uint8_t *ptrSource, uint32_t lengthToBurn, uint32_t offsetInFlashToProgram, bool synWrite) { LOG_D("flush %d bytes to flash offset 0x%x", lengthToBurn, offsetInFlashToProgram); enum NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T mod = _get_flash_module_from_ota_device(otaEnv.deviceId); uint32_t preBytes = (FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES - (offsetInFlashToProgram % FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES)) % FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES; if (lengthToBurn < preBytes) { preBytes = lengthToBurn; } uint32_t middleBytes = 0; if (lengthToBurn > preBytes) { middleBytes = ((lengthToBurn - preBytes) / FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); } uint32_t postBytes = 0; if (lengthToBurn > (preBytes + middleBytes)) { postBytes = (offsetInFlashToProgram + lengthToBurn) % FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES; } LOG_D("Prebytes is %d middlebytes is %d postbytes is %d", preBytes, middleBytes, postBytes); if (preBytes > 0) { app_flash_page_program(mod, offsetInFlashToProgram, ptrSource, preBytes, synWrite); ptrSource += preBytes; offsetInFlashToProgram += preBytes; } uint32_t sectorIndexInFlash = offsetInFlashToProgram / FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES; if (middleBytes > 0) { uint32_t sectorCntToProgram = middleBytes / FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES; for (uint32_t sector = 0; sector < sectorCntToProgram; sector++) { app_flash_page_erase(mod, sectorIndexInFlash * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); app_flash_page_program(mod, sectorIndexInFlash * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES, ptrSource + sector * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES, synWrite); sectorIndexInFlash++; } ptrSource += middleBytes; } if (postBytes > 0) { app_flash_page_erase(mod, sectorIndexInFlash * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); app_flash_page_program(mod, sectorIndexInFlash * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES, ptrSource, postBytes, synWrite); } app_flush_pending_flash_op(mod, NORFLASH_API_ALL); } /** * NOTE that this function is stil needed since the OTA bootloader uses the CRC * that is passed into it to re-verify the image and that CRC is for the entire * image. */ static bool _compute_whole_image_crc(void) { uint32_t processedDataSize = 0; uint32_t crc32Value = 0; uint32_t bytes_to_use = 0; uint32_t lock; while (processedDataSize < otaEnv.totalImageSize) { if (otaEnv.totalImageSize - processedDataSize > OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE) { bytes_to_use = OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { bytes_to_use = otaEnv.totalImageSize - processedDataSize; } lock = int_lock_global(); norflash_sync_read(NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_OTA, (OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + NEW_IMAGE_FLASH_OFFSET + processedDataSize), otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE); // memcpy(otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, (uint8_t *)(OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + NEW_IMAGE_FLASH_OFFSET + processedDataSize), // OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE); int_unlock_global(lock); if (0 == processedDataSize) { if (*(uint32_t *)otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer != NORMAL_BOOT) { LOG_D("first 32bit value is not NORMAL_BOOT"); return false; } else { *(uint32_t *)otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } LOG_D("bytes to verify =%d.", bytes_to_use); crc32Value = crc32(crc32Value, (uint8_t *)otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, bytes_to_use); processedDataSize += bytes_to_use; } LOG_D("Computed CRC32 is 0x%x.", crc32Value); /* This crc value will be passed to the ota app in GSoundOtaApply(). */ otaEnv.crc32OfImage = crc32Value; return true; } static void _update_boot_info(OTA_BOOT_INFO_T *otaBootInfo) { ASSERT(OTA_DEVICE_APP == otaEnv.deviceId, "illegal OTA device try to update boot info"); hal_norflash_disable_protection(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0); enum NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T mod = _get_flash_module_from_ota_device(otaEnv.deviceId); app_flash_page_erase(mod, OTA_BOOT_INFO_FLASH_OFFSET); app_flash_page_program(mod, OTA_BOOT_INFO_FLASH_OFFSET, (uint8_t *)otaBootInfo, sizeof(OTA_BOOT_INFO_T), true); } static void _update_magic_number(uint32_t newMagicNumber) { ASSERT(OTA_DEVICE_APP == otaEnv.deviceId, "illegal device %d to update magic number", otaEnv.deviceId); memcpy(otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, (uint8_t *)(OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + otaEnv.newImageFlashOffset), FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); *(uint32_t *)otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer = newMagicNumber; enum NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T mod = _get_flash_module_from_ota_device(otaEnv.deviceId); app_flash_page_erase(mod, otaEnv.newImageFlashOffset); app_flash_page_program(mod, otaEnv.newImageFlashOffset, otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES, true); app_flush_pending_flash_op(mod, NORFLASH_API_ALL); } static void _update_peer_result(OTA_STATUS_E ret) { LOG_D("update peer result:%s->%s", _sts2str(otaEnv.peerResult), _sts2str(ret)); otaEnv.peerResult = ret; } OTA_STATUS_E ota_common_get_peer_result(void) { return otaEnv.peerResult; } static bool _relay_data_needed(void) { bool ret = true; if (!app_tws_ibrt_tws_link_connected()) { ret = false; } if (OTA_STAGE_IDLE == otaEnv.currentStage) { ret = false; } /// check the customized relay_data_needed permission if (ret && otaEnv.customRelayNeededHandler) { ret = otaEnv.customRelayNeededHandler(); } return ret; } static void _ota_relay_data(OTA_COMMAND_E cmdType, const uint8_t *dataPtr, uint16_t length) { uint8_t frameNum = 0; uint16_t frameLen = 0; OTA_TWS_DATA_T tCmd = { cmdType, }; ASSERT(length <= ARRAY_SIZE(tCmd.data), "ILLEGAL relay packet length"); /// split packet into servel frame to fulfill the max TWS data /// transmission length requirement if (length % OTA_TWS_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN) { frameNum = length / OTA_TWS_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN + 1; } else { frameNum = length / OTA_TWS_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN; } LOG_D("packet len:%d, splited frame num:%d", length, frameNum); /// push all data into queue for (uint8_t i = 0; i < frameNum; i++) { if ((i + 1) == frameNum) { tCmd.magicCode = OTA_RELAY_PACKET_MAGIC_CODE_COMPLETE; tCmd.length = length % OTA_TWS_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN; } else { tCmd.magicCode = OTA_RELAY_PACKET_MAGIC_CODE_INCOMPLETE; tCmd.length = OTA_TWS_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN; } frameLen = OTA_TWS_HEAD_SIZE + tCmd.length; memcpy(tCmd.data, dataPtr + i * OTA_TWS_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN, tCmd.length); osMutexWait(txQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); ASSERT(CQ_OK == EnCQueue(&otaEnv.txQueue, (CQItemType *)&frameLen, sizeof(frameLen)), "%s failed to push data to queue", __func__); ASSERT(CQ_OK == EnCQueue(&otaEnv.txQueue, (CQItemType *)&tCmd, frameLen), "%s failed to push data to queue", __func__); osMutexRelease(txQueueMutexID); } /// inform tx thread to handle the data to be transmitted osSignalSet(txThreadId, OTA_TWS_TX_SIGNAL); } /** * @brief Check the validity of received data frame. * * @param dataPtr Pointer of received data * @param length length of received data * @return true Received data frame is valid * @return false Received data frame is invalid */ static bool _tws_frame_validity_check(uint8_t *dataPtr, uint32_t length) { bool isValid = true; OTA_TWS_DATA_T *otaTwsData = (OTA_TWS_DATA_T *)dataPtr; ASSERT(TWS_RELAY_DATA_MAX_SIZE >= length, "received overloaded data packet!!!"); if (OTA_RELAY_PACKET_MAGIC_CODE_INCOMPLETE == otaEnv.currentMagicCode && otaTwsData->cmdType != otaEnv.currentCmdType) { ASSERT(0, "bad frame is received!!!"); } if (length != otaTwsData->length + OTA_TWS_HEAD_SIZE) { LOG_W("INVALID packet, dataLen:%d, expected dataLen:%d", length, otaTwsData->length + OTA_TWS_HEAD_SIZE); isValid = false; } if (OTA_RELAY_PACKET_MAGIC_CODE_COMPLETE != otaTwsData->magicCode && OTA_RELAY_PACKET_MAGIC_CODE_INCOMPLETE != otaTwsData->magicCode) { LOG_W("INVALID magic code:0x%08x", otaTwsData->magicCode); isValid = false; } return isValid; } /** * @brief Response the master for the OTA_COMMAND received. * * This function will response the master after a whole packet receiving is * done. * * @param status Status of receiving TWS relay data */ static void _tws_rsp(OTA_STATUS_E status) { LOG_D("[%s] status:%s", __func__, _sts2str(status)); OTA_STATUS_E rsp = status; _ota_relay_data(OTA_COMMAND_RSP, (const uint8_t *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp)); } #endif OTA_COMMON_ENV_T *ota_common_get_env(void) { return &otaEnv; } /** * @brief Reset the OTA environment. * */ static void _reset_env(void) { LOG_D("[%s]", __func__); memset(&otaEnv, 0, sizeof(otaEnv)); #ifdef __APP_USER_DATA_NV_FLASH_OFFSET__ otaEnv.userDataNvFlashOffset = __APP_USER_DATA_NV_FLASH_OFFSET__; #else otaEnv.userDataNvFlashOffset = hal_norflash_get_flash_total_size(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0) - 2 * 4096; #endif otaEnv.flashOffsetOfUserDataPool = otaEnv.userDataNvFlashOffset; _update_ota_user(OTA_USER_NUM); #ifdef OTA_NVRAM // gOtaCtx.cfg.clearUserData = false; // gOtaCtx.flashOffsetOfFactoryDataPool = // otaEnv.otaCommon->userDataNvFlashOffset + FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES; #endif #ifdef IBRT /// init tws TX queue osMutexWait(txQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); InitCQueue(&(otaEnv.txQueue), ARRAY_SIZE(otaEnv.txBuf), (CQItemType *)otaEnv.txBuf); osMutexRelease(txQueueMutexID); /// init tws RX queue osMutexWait(rxQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); InitCQueue(&(otaEnv.rxQueue), ARRAY_SIZE(otaEnv.rxBuf), (CQItemType *)otaEnv.rxBuf); osMutexRelease(rxQueueMutexID); #endif } void ota_common_init_handler(void) { LOG_D("[%s]", __func__); /// init OTA related nvrecord pointer nv_record_ota_init(); /// init common used flash module ota_common_init_flash((uint8_t)NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_OTA, 0, (OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + ( #ifdef __APP_USER_DATA_NV_FLASH_OFFSET__ __APP_USER_DATA_NV_FLASH_OFFSET__ #else (hal_norflash_get_flash_total_size(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0) - 2 * 4096) #endif & 0xffffff)), 0); #ifdef IBRT if (txThreadId == NULL) { txThreadId = osThreadCreate(osThread(_ota_tws_thread), NULL); } /// init tws TX queue mutex if (txQueueMutexID == NULL) { txQueueMutexID = osMutexCreate((osMutex(twsTxQueueMutex))); } /// init tws RX queue mutex if (rxQueueMutexID == NULL) { rxQueueMutexID = osMutexCreate((osMutex(twsRxQueueMutex))); } #endif _reset_env(); } void ota_common_enable_sanity_check(bool enable) { LOG_I("sanity check enable state update:%d->%d", otaEnv.sanityCheckEnable, enable); otaEnv.sanityCheckEnable = enable; } void ota_common_init_flash(uint8_t module, uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t len, uint32_t imageHandler) { enum NORFLASH_API_RET_T ret; uint32_t block_size = 0; uint32_t sector_size = 0; uint32_t page_size = 0; hal_norflash_get_size(HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, NULL, &block_size, §or_size, &page_size); LOG_I("%s module:%d, startAddr:0x%x, len:0x%x", __func__, module, baseAddr, len); ret = norflash_api_register((NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T)module, HAL_NORFLASH_ID_0, baseAddr, len, block_size, sector_size, page_size, OTA_NORFLASH_BUFFER_LEN, (NORFLASH_API_OPERA_CB)imageHandler); ASSERT(ret == NORFLASH_API_OK, "ota_init_flash: norflash_api register failed,ret = %d.", ret); #ifdef FLASH_SUSPEND norflash_suspend_check_irq(AUDMA_IRQn); norflash_suspend_check_irq(ISDATA_IRQn); norflash_suspend_check_irq(ISDATA1_IRQn); #endif } bool ota_common_is_in_progress(void) { bool ret = false; if (OTA_STAGE_IDLE != otaEnv.currentStage) { ret = true; } return ret; } void ota_common_registor_command_handler(OTA_COMMAND_E cmdType, void *cmdHandler) { if (otaEnv.cmdHandler[cmdType]) { LOG_W("handler for OTA command %d is not NULL", cmdType); } otaEnv.cmdHandler[cmdType] = (OTA_CMD_HANDLER_T)cmdHandler; } OTA_STATUS_E ota_common_command_received_handler(OTA_COMMAND_E cmdType, void *cmdInfo, uint16_t cmdLen) { LOG_D("cmd received:%s", _cmd2str(cmdType)); otaEnv.status = OTA_STATUS_OK; OTA_STATUS_E temp = OTA_STATUS_OK; /// init OTA progress when received begin command if (OTA_COMMAND_BEGIN == cmdType) { ASSERT(OTA_STAGE_IDLE == otaEnv.currentStage, "Received begin command while not in IDLE stage"); OTA_BEGIN_PARAM_T *c = (OTA_BEGIN_PARAM_T *)cmdInfo; /// update the ota user to ota common layer _update_ota_user(c->user); /// update the new image size according to the image size param LOG_I("total image size update:%d->%d", otaEnv.totalImageSize, c->imageSize); otaEnv.totalImageSize = c->imageSize; /// update the new image offset according to the start offset param ASSERT(0 == (c->startOffset % FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES), "Resumed start offset is not 4KB aligned!"); LOG_I("programOffset&receivedDataSize is update:%d->%d", otaEnv.newImageProgramOffset, c->startOffset); otaEnv.newImageProgramOffset = c->startOffset; otaEnv.receivedDataSize = c->startOffset; /// update the device index LOG_I("deviceId update:%d->%d", otaEnv.deviceId, c->device); otaEnv.deviceId = c->device; /// update the version info and version length memcpy(otaEnv.version, c->version, c->versionLen); otaEnv.versionLen = c->versionLen; /// update the flash offset of new image LOG_I("newImageFlashOffset update:0x%02x->0x%02x", otaEnv.newImageFlashOffset, c->flashOffset); otaEnv.newImageFlashOffset = c->flashOffset; /// set the OTA stage to ongoing _set_ota_stage(OTA_STAGE_ONGOING); /// system layer configurations to guarentee the performance /// of all functionalities _enter_ota_state(c->path); } /// execute the custom configuration if(OTA_COMMAND_NUM != cmdType) { if (otaEnv.cmdHandler[cmdType]) { temp = otaEnv.cmdHandler[cmdType](cmdInfo, cmdLen); LOG_I("ota command %s handle done, status:%s", _cmd2str(cmdType), _sts2str(temp)); if (OTA_STATUS_OK != temp) { otaEnv.status = temp; } } else { LOG_W("ota cmd %s is not handled by customor", _cmd2str(cmdType)); } } else { LOG_E("INVALID cmd:%d", cmdType); } /// update the OTA progress if (OTA_STATUS_OK == otaEnv.status) { if (!nv_record_ota_update_info(otaEnv.currentUser, otaEnv.deviceId, otaEnv.currentStage, otaEnv.totalImageSize, otaEnv.version)) { LOG_W("update info failed"); otaEnv.status = OTA_STATUS_ERROR; } } /// special process for OTA_ABORT&&OTA_APPLY command if ((OTA_COMMAND_ABORT == cmdType) || (OTA_COMMAND_APPLY == cmdType)) { _reset_env(); } LOG_I("%s cmd process result:%s", __func__, _sts2str(otaEnv.status)); return otaEnv.status; } #ifdef OTA_NVRAM static void ota_update_nv_data(void) { if (otaEnv.configuration.isToClearUserData) { enum NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T mod = _get_flash_module_from_ota_device(otaEnv.deviceId); app_flash_page_erase(mod, sectorIndexInFlash * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); } if (otaEnv.configuration.isToRenameBT || otaEnv.configuration.isToRenameBLE || otaEnv.configuration.isToUpdateBTAddr || otaEnv.configuration.isToUpdateBLEAddr) { uint32_t *pOrgFactoryData, *pUpdatedFactoryData; pOrgFactoryData = (uint32_t *)(OTA_FLASH_LOGIC_ADDR + otaEnv.flashOffsetOfFactoryDataPool); memcpy(otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, (uint8_t *)pOrgFactoryData, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); pUpdatedFactoryData = (uint32_t *)&(otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer); if (NVREC_DEV_VERSION_1 == nv_record_dev_rev) { if (otaEnv.configuration.isToRenameBT) { memset((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + dev_name), 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * (dev_bt_addr - dev_name)); memcpy((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + dev_name), (uint8_t *)(otaEnv.configuration.newBTName), NAME_LENGTH); } if (otaEnv.configuration.isToUpdateBTAddr) { memcpy((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + dev_bt_addr), (uint8_t *)(otaEnv.configuration.newBTAddr), BD_ADDR_LENGTH); } if (otaEnv.configuration.isToUpdateBLEAddr) { memcpy((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + dev_ble_addr), (uint8_t *)(otaEnv.configuration.newBLEAddr), BD_ADDR_LENGTH); } pUpdatedFactoryData[dev_crc] = crc32(0, (uint8_t *)(&pUpdatedFactoryData[dev_reserv1]), (dev_data_len - dev_reserv1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); } else { if (otaEnv.configuration.isToRenameBT) { memset((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + rev2_dev_name), 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * (rev2_dev_bt_addr - rev2_dev_name)); memcpy((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + rev2_dev_name), (uint8_t *)(otaEnv.configuration.newBTName), NAME_LENGTH); } if (otaEnv.configuration.isToRenameBLE) { memset((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + rev2_dev_ble_name), 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * (rev2_dev_section_end - rev2_dev_ble_name)); memcpy((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + rev2_dev_ble_name), (uint8_t *)(otaEnv.configuration.newBleName), BLE_NAME_LEN_IN_NV); } if (otaEnv.configuration.isToUpdateBTAddr) { memcpy((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + rev2_dev_bt_addr), (uint8_t *)(otaEnv.configuration.newBTAddr), BD_ADDR_LENGTH); } if (otaEnv.configuration.isToUpdateBLEAddr) { memcpy((uint8_t *)(pUpdatedFactoryData + rev2_dev_ble_addr), (uint8_t *)(otaEnv.configuration.newBLEAddr), BD_ADDR_LENGTH); } pUpdatedFactoryData[dev_crc] = crc32(0, (uint8_t *)(&pUpdatedFactoryData[rev2_dev_section_start_reserved]), pUpdatedFactoryData[rev2_dev_data_len]); } enum NORFLASH_API_MODULE_ID_T mod = _get_flash_module_from_ota_device(otaEnv.deviceId); app_flash_page_erase(mod, sectorIndexInFlash * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); app_flash_page_program(mod, otaEnv.flashOffsetOfFactoryDataPool, (uint8_t *)pUpdatedFactoryData, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES); } } #endif #ifdef IBRT void ota_common_registor_relay_needed_handler(void *handler) { if (otaEnv.customRelayNeededHandler) { LOG_W("handler for custom relay needed judge is not NULL"); } otaEnv.customRelayNeededHandler = (CUSTOM_RELAY_NEEDED_FUNC_T)handler; } void ota_common_registor_peer_cmd_received_handler(void *handler) { if (otaEnv.peerCmdReceivedHandler) { LOG_W("handler for peer cmd received is not NULL"); } otaEnv.peerCmdReceivedHandler = (PEER_CMD_RECEIVED_HANDLER_T)handler; } OTA_STATUS_E ota_common_relay_data_to_peer(OTA_COMMAND_E cmdType, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { OTA_STATUS_E status = OTA_STATUS_OK; if (_relay_data_needed()) { _ota_relay_data(cmdType, (const uint8_t *)data, len); } else { status = OTA_STATUS_ERROR; } return status; } OTA_STATUS_E ota_common_receive_peer_rsp(void) { OTA_STATUS_E status = OTA_STATUS_OK; if (_relay_data_needed()) { /// get current thread ID as tws rx thread rxThreadId = osThreadGetId(); /// pending current thread to waitting for slave response evt = osSignalWait(OTA_TWS_RX_SIGNAL, OTA_TWS_RELAY_WAITTIME); if (evt.status == osEventTimeout) { status = OTA_STATUS_ERROR_RELAY_TIMEOUT; LOG_W("[%s]SignalWait TIMEOUT!", __func__); } else if (osEventSignal == evt.status) { status = ota_common_get_peer_result(); } ///.clear the excute result of this time _update_peer_result(OTA_STATUS_OK); } else { status = OTA_STATUS_ERROR; } return status; } OTA_STATUS_E ota_common_fw_data_write(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { OTA_STATUS_E status = OTA_STATUS_OK; uint16_t leftDataSize = len; uint32_t offsetInReceivedRawData = 0; do { uint32_t bytesToCopy; // copy to data buffer if ((otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset + leftDataSize) > OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE) { bytesToCopy = OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE - otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset; } else { bytesToCopy = leftDataSize; } leftDataSize -= bytesToCopy; memcpy(&otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer[otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset], &data[offsetInReceivedRawData], bytesToCopy); offsetInReceivedRawData += bytesToCopy; otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset += bytesToCopy; ASSERT(otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset <= OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE, "bad math in %s", __func__); if (OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE == otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset) { _flush_data_to_flash(otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE, (otaEnv.newImageProgramOffset + otaEnv.newImageFlashOffset), false); otaEnv.newImageProgramOffset += OTA_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE; otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset = 0; } } while (offsetInReceivedRawData < len); otaEnv.receivedDataSize += len; // check whether all image data has been received if (otaEnv.receivedDataSize == otaEnv.totalImageSize) { LOG_D("The final image programming and crc32 check."); // flush any partial buffer to flash if (otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset != 0) { _flush_data_to_flash(otaEnv.dataCacheBuffer, otaEnv.dataCacheBufferOffset, (otaEnv.newImageProgramOffset + otaEnv.newImageFlashOffset), true); } if (OTA_DEVICE_APP == otaEnv.deviceId) { bool check = true; /// check the sanity if required if (otaEnv.sanityCheckEnable) { check = _image_sanity_check(); } if (check) { /// update the magic code of the application image _update_magic_number(NORMAL_BOOT); /// check the crc32 of the received image data if (_compute_whole_image_crc()) { LOG_I("Whole image verification pass."); /// update the OTA stage to OTA done _set_ota_stage(OTA_STAGE_DONE); } else { LOG_W("image verification failed @%d", __LINE__); /// update the OTA stage to OTA idle _set_ota_stage(OTA_STAGE_IDLE); } } else { /// sanity check failed LOG_W("image verification failed @%d", __LINE__); /// update the OTA stage to OTA idle _set_ota_stage(OTA_STAGE_IDLE); } } else { LOG_I("download finished, device:%d", otaEnv.deviceId); /// update the OTA stage to OTA idle _set_ota_stage(OTA_STAGE_DONE); } /// whole image verification failed somehow if (OTA_STAGE_IDLE == otaEnv.currentStage) { nv_record_ota_update_info(otaEnv.currentUser, otaEnv.deviceId, otaEnv.currentStage, 0, INVALID_VERSION_STR); status = OTA_STATUS_ERROR_CHECKSUM; } else //!< whole image verification passed { nv_record_ota_update_info(otaEnv.currentUser, otaEnv.deviceId, otaEnv.currentStage, otaEnv.totalImageSize, otaEnv.version); } /// exit the OTA state _exit_ota_state(); } else //!< whole image revceive not finished { LOG_D("Received image size:%d", otaEnv.receivedDataSize); /// update the break point if it is changed if ((otaEnv.receivedDataSize - otaEnv.breakPoint) >= OTA_BREAKPOINT_STORE_GRANULARITY) { otaEnv.breakPoint = (otaEnv.receivedDataSize / OTA_BREAKPOINT_STORE_GRANULARITY) * OTA_BREAKPOINT_STORE_GRANULARITY; LOG_I("update record offset to %d", otaEnv.breakPoint); nv_record_ota_update_breakpoint(otaEnv.currentUser, otaEnv.deviceId, otaEnv.breakPoint); } } return status; } void ota_common_apply_current_fw(void) { OTA_BOOT_INFO_T otaBootInfo = {COPY_NEW_IMAGE, otaEnv.totalImageSize, otaEnv.crc32OfImage}; _update_boot_info(&otaBootInfo); #ifdef OTA_NVRAM ota_update_nv_data(); #endif app_start_postponed_reset(); } void ota_common_on_relay_data_received(uint8_t *ptrParam, uint32_t paramLen) { ASSERT(ptrParam, "invalid data pointer received in %s", __func__); ASSERT(paramLen <= TWS_RELAY_DATA_MAX_SIZE, "illegal parameter length received in %s", __func__); OTA_TWS_DATA_T *otaTwsData = (OTA_TWS_DATA_T *)ptrParam; LOG_D("[%s] paramLen:%d, cmdType:%d|%s", __func__, paramLen, otaTwsData->cmdType, _cmd2str(otaTwsData->cmdType)); OTA_STATUS_E status = OTA_STATUS_OK; OTA_BEGIN_PARAM_T *beginInfo = NULL; uint16_t packetLen = 0; if (_tws_frame_validity_check(ptrParam, paramLen)) { /// update the magic code and command type otaEnv.currentMagicCode = otaTwsData->magicCode; otaEnv.currentCmdType = otaTwsData->cmdType; /// push received data into tws OTA data receive queue osMutexWait(rxQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); ASSERT(CQ_OK == EnCQueue(&otaEnv.rxQueue, (CQItemType *)otaTwsData->data, (paramLen - OTA_TWS_HEAD_SIZE)), "%s failed to push data to queue, avaiable:%d, push:%d", __func__, AvailableOfCQueue(&otaEnv.rxQueue), (paramLen - OTA_TWS_HEAD_SIZE)); osMutexRelease(rxQueueMutexID); /// whole packet from APP received done if (OTA_RELAY_PACKET_MAGIC_CODE_COMPLETE == otaEnv.currentMagicCode) { osMutexWait(rxQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); packetLen = LengthOfCQueue(&otaEnv.rxQueue); LOG_D("length of rx queue:%d", packetLen); DeCQueue(&otaEnv.rxQueue, otaEnv.tempRxBuf, packetLen); osMutexRelease(rxQueueMutexID); switch (otaEnv.currentCmdType) { case OTA_COMMAND_RSP: /// retrieve and update the status of peer status = ((OTA_RESPONSE_PARAM_T *)otaEnv.tempRxBuf)->status; _update_peer_result(status); /// inform the receiving thread to proceed osSignalSet(rxThreadId, OTA_TWS_RX_SIGNAL); break; /// add other supported command here case OTA_COMMAND_BEGIN: beginInfo = (OTA_BEGIN_PARAM_T *)otaTwsData->data; if (beginInfo->initializer) { beginInfo->initializer(); } else { LOG_E("initializer not registored"); } case OTA_COMMAND_DATA: case OTA_COMMAND_APPLY: case OTA_COMMAND_ABORT: if (otaEnv.peerCmdReceivedHandler) { status = otaEnv.peerCmdReceivedHandler(otaEnv.currentCmdType, (const uint8_t*)otaEnv.tempRxBuf, packetLen); } else { LOG_W("peerCmdReceivedHandler is not registored"); } break; default: ASSERT(0, "INVALID cmd received"); status = OTA_STATUS_ERROR; break; } /// response to master if needed if (OTA_COMMAND_RSP != otaTwsData->cmdType) { _tws_rsp(status); } otaEnv.currentMagicCode = OTA_RELAY_PACKET_MAGIC_CODE_INVALID; otaEnv.currentCmdType = OTA_COMMAND_NUM; } } else { LOG_W("Received data frame is invalid"); status = OTA_STATUS_ERROR; switch (otaTwsData->cmdType) { case OTA_COMMAND_RSP: _update_peer_result(status); osSignalSet(rxThreadId, OTA_TWS_RX_SIGNAL); break; case OTA_COMMAND_BEGIN: case OTA_COMMAND_DATA: case OTA_COMMAND_APPLY: case OTA_COMMAND_ABORT: _tws_rsp(status); break; default: ASSERT(0, "INVALID command received"); break; } } } POSSIBLY_UNUSED static void _ota_tws_deinit(void) { ResetCQueue(&otaEnv.txQueue); ResetCQueue(&otaEnv.rxQueue); memset(otaEnv.txBuf, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(otaEnv.txBuf)); memset(otaEnv.rxBuf, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(otaEnv.rxBuf)); memset(otaEnv.tempRxBuf, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(otaEnv.tempRxBuf)); if (txThreadId) { osThreadTerminate(txThreadId); txThreadId = NULL; } if (txQueueMutexID != NULL) { osMutexDelete(txQueueMutexID); txQueueMutexID = NULL; } if (rxQueueMutexID != NULL) { osMutexDelete(rxQueueMutexID); rxQueueMutexID = NULL; } } static void _ota_tws_thread(const void *arg) { volatile uint16_t qLen = 0; volatile uint16_t packetLen = 0; while (1) { osMutexWait(txQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); qLen = LengthOfCQueue(&otaEnv.txQueue); osMutexRelease(txQueueMutexID); LOG_D("queued data len:%d", qLen); while (qLen) { /// check the validity of queue length /// ASSERT(qLen <= OTA_MAX_MTU, "invalid OTA relay data len"); osMutexWait(txQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); /// retrive and check the validity of packet length DeCQueue(&otaEnv.txQueue, (CQItemType *)&packetLen, 2); ASSERT(packetLen <= TWS_RELAY_DATA_MAX_SIZE, "invalid OTA relay data len:%d", packetLen); /// retrieve the data to transmit DeCQueue(&otaEnv.txQueue, (CQItemType *)relayBuf, packetLen); osMutexRelease(txQueueMutexID); LOG_D("send data len:%d", packetLen); /// send data to peer tws_ctrl_send_cmd(IBRT_COMMON_OTA, relayBuf, packetLen); memset(relayBuf, 0, TWS_RELAY_DATA_MAX_SIZE); osMutexWait(txQueueMutexID, osWaitForever); qLen = LengthOfCQueue(&otaEnv.txQueue); osMutexRelease(txQueueMutexID); } osSignalWait(OTA_TWS_TX_SIGNAL, osWaitForever); } } static void _sync_info_prepare_handler(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length) { *length = OTA_DEVICE_CNT * sizeof(NV_OTA_INFO_T); void *otaInfo = NULL; nv_record_ota_get_ptr(&otaInfo); memcpy(buf, otaInfo, *length); } static void _sync_info_received_handler(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length) { // uodate gsound info // TODO: } void ota_common_tws_sync_init(void) { TWS_SYNC_USER_T userOta = { _sync_info_prepare_handler, _sync_info_received_handler, _sync_info_prepare_handler, NULL, NULL, }; app_tws_if_register_sync_user(TWS_SYNC_USER_OTA, &userOta); } #endif