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* Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Title: RTX OS definitions
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef RTX_OS_H_
#define RTX_OS_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cmsis_os2.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/// Kernel Information
#define osRtxVersionAPI 20010003 ///< API version (2.1.3)
#define osRtxVersionKernel 50050001 ///< Kernel version (5.5.1)
#define osRtxKernelId "RTX V5.5.1" ///< Kernel identification string
// ==== Common definitions ====
/// Object Identifier definitions
#define osRtxIdInvalid 0x00U
#define osRtxIdThread 0xF1U
#define osRtxIdTimer 0xF2U
#define osRtxIdEventFlags 0xF3U
#define osRtxIdMutex 0xF5U
#define osRtxIdSemaphore 0xF6U
#define osRtxIdMemoryPool 0xF7U
#define osRtxIdMessage 0xF9U
#define osRtxIdMessageQueue 0xFAU
/// Object Flags definitions
#define osRtxFlagSystemObject 0x01U
#define osRtxFlagSystemMemory 0x02U
// ==== Kernel definitions ====
/// Kernel State definitions
#define osRtxKernelInactive ((uint8_t)osKernelInactive)
#define osRtxKernelReady ((uint8_t)osKernelReady)
#define osRtxKernelRunning ((uint8_t)osKernelRunning)
#define osRtxKernelLocked ((uint8_t)osKernelLocked)
#define osRtxKernelSuspended ((uint8_t)osKernelSuspended)
// ==== Thread definitions ====
/// Thread State definitions (extending osThreadState)
#define osRtxThreadStateMask 0x0FU
#define osRtxThreadInactive ((uint8_t)osThreadInactive)
#define osRtxThreadReady ((uint8_t)osThreadReady)
#define osRtxThreadRunning ((uint8_t)osThreadRunning)
#define osRtxThreadBlocked ((uint8_t)osThreadBlocked)
#define osRtxThreadTerminated ((uint8_t)osThreadTerminated)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingDelay ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x10U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingJoin ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x20U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingThreadFlags ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x30U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingEventFlags ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x40U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMutex ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x50U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingSemaphore ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x60U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMemoryPool ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x70U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMessageGet ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x80U))
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMessagePut ((uint8_t)(osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x90U))
/// Thread Flags definitions
#define osRtxThreadFlagDefStack 0x10U ///< Default Stack flag
/// Stack Marker definitions
#define osRtxStackMagicWord 0xE25A2EA5U ///< Stack Magic Word (Stack Base)
#define osRtxStackFillPattern 0xCCCCCCCCU ///< Stack Fill Pattern
/// Thread Control Block
typedef struct osRtxThread_s {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t state; ///< Object State
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t attr; ///< Object Attributes
const char *name; ///< Object Name
struct osRtxThread_s *thread_next; ///< Link pointer to next Thread in Object list
struct osRtxThread_s *thread_prev; ///< Link pointer to previous Thread in Object list
struct osRtxThread_s *delay_next; ///< Link pointer to next Thread in Delay list
struct osRtxThread_s *delay_prev; ///< Link pointer to previous Thread in Delay list
struct osRtxThread_s *thread_join; ///< Thread waiting to Join
uint32_t delay; ///< Delay Time
int8_t priority; ///< Thread Priority
int8_t priority_base; ///< Base Priority
uint8_t stack_frame; ///< Stack Frame (EXC_RETURN[7..0])
uint8_t flags_options; ///< Thread/Event Flags Options
uint32_t wait_flags; ///< Waiting Thread/Event Flags
uint32_t thread_flags; ///< Thread Flags
struct osRtxMutex_s *mutex_list; ///< Link pointer to list of owned Mutexes
void *stack_mem; ///< Stack Memory
uint32_t stack_size; ///< Stack Size
uint32_t sp; ///< Current Stack Pointer
uint32_t thread_addr; ///< Thread entry address
uint32_t tz_memory; ///< TrustZone Memory Identifier
uint32_t tz_module; ///< TrustZone Module Identifier
uint32_t swap_in_time; ///< the task schedule in time
uint32_t swap_out_time; ///< the task schedule out time
uint32_t rtime; ///< the task runing time after startup
uint32_t step_rtime; ///< the task runing time tile last show
uint32_t hung_check;
uint32_t hung_check_timeout;
#endif /* __RTX_CPU_STATISTICS__*/
} osRtxThread_t;
// ==== Timer definitions ====
/// Timer State definitions
#define osRtxTimerInactive 0x00U ///< Timer Inactive
#define osRtxTimerStopped 0x01U ///< Timer Stopped
#define osRtxTimerRunning 0x02U ///< Timer Running
/// Timer Type definitions
#define osRtxTimerPeriodic ((uint8_t)osTimerPeriodic)
/// Timer Function Information
typedef struct {
osTimerFunc_t func; ///< Function Pointer
void *arg; ///< Function Argument
} osRtxTimerFinfo_t;
/// Timer Control Block
typedef struct osRtxTimer_s {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t state; ///< Object State
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t type; ///< Timer Type (Periodic/One-shot)
const char *name; ///< Object Name
struct osRtxTimer_s *prev; ///< Pointer to previous active Timer
struct osRtxTimer_s *next; ///< Pointer to next active Timer
uint32_t tick; ///< Timer current Tick
uint32_t load; ///< Timer Load value
osRtxTimerFinfo_t finfo; ///< Timer Function Info
} osRtxTimer_t;
// ==== Event Flags definitions ====
/// Event Flags Control Block
typedef struct {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t reserved_state; ///< Object State (not used)
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t reserved;
const char *name; ///< Object Name
osRtxThread_t *thread_list; ///< Waiting Threads List
uint32_t event_flags; ///< Event Flags
} osRtxEventFlags_t;
// ==== Mutex definitions ====
/// Mutex Control Block
typedef struct osRtxMutex_s {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t reserved_state; ///< Object State (not used)
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t attr; ///< Object Attributes
const char *name; ///< Object Name
osRtxThread_t *thread_list; ///< Waiting Threads List
osRtxThread_t *owner_thread; ///< Owner Thread
struct osRtxMutex_s *owner_prev; ///< Pointer to previous owned Mutex
struct osRtxMutex_s *owner_next; ///< Pointer to next owned Mutex
uint8_t lock; ///< Lock counter
uint8_t padding[3];
} osRtxMutex_t;
// ==== Semaphore definitions ====
/// Semaphore Control Block
typedef struct {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t reserved_state; ///< Object State (not used)
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t reserved;
const char *name; ///< Object Name
osRtxThread_t *thread_list; ///< Waiting Threads List
uint16_t tokens; ///< Current number of tokens
uint16_t max_tokens; ///< Maximum number of tokens
} osRtxSemaphore_t;
// ==== Memory Pool definitions ====
/// Memory Pool Information
typedef struct {
uint32_t max_blocks; ///< Maximum number of Blocks
uint32_t used_blocks; ///< Number of used Blocks
uint32_t block_size; ///< Block Size
void *block_base; ///< Block Memory Base Address
void *block_lim; ///< Block Memory Limit Address
void *block_free; ///< First free Block Address
} osRtxMpInfo_t;
/// Memory Pool Control Block
typedef struct {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t reserved_state; ///< Object State (not used)
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t reserved;
const char *name; ///< Object Name
osRtxThread_t *thread_list; ///< Waiting Threads List
osRtxMpInfo_t mp_info; ///< Memory Pool Info
} osRtxMemoryPool_t;
// ==== Message Queue definitions ====
/// Message Control Block
typedef struct osRtxMessage_s {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t reserved_state; ///< Object State (not used)
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t priority; ///< Message Priority
struct osRtxMessage_s *prev; ///< Pointer to previous Message
struct osRtxMessage_s *next; ///< Pointer to next Message
} osRtxMessage_t;
/// Message Queue Control Block
typedef struct {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t reserved_state; ///< Object State (not used)
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t reserved;
const char *name; ///< Object Name
osRtxThread_t *thread_list; ///< Waiting Threads List
osRtxMpInfo_t mp_info; ///< Memory Pool Info
uint32_t msg_size; ///< Message Size
uint32_t msg_count; ///< Number of queued Messages
osRtxMessage_t *msg_first; ///< Pointer to first Message
osRtxMessage_t *msg_last; ///< Pointer to last Message
} osRtxMessageQueue_t;
// ==== Generic Object definitions ====
/// Generic Object Control Block
typedef struct {
uint8_t id; ///< Object Identifier
uint8_t state; ///< Object State
uint8_t flags; ///< Object Flags
uint8_t reserved;
const char *name; ///< Object Name
osRtxThread_t *thread_list; ///< Threads List
} osRtxObject_t;
// ==== OS Runtime Information definitions ====
/// OS Runtime Information structure
typedef struct {
const char *os_id; ///< OS Identification
uint32_t version; ///< OS Version
struct { ///< Kernel Info
uint8_t state; ///< State
volatile uint8_t blocked; ///< Blocked
uint8_t pendSV; ///< Pending SV
uint8_t reserved;
uint32_t tick; ///< Tick counter
} kernel;
int32_t tick_irqn; ///< Tick Timer IRQ Number
struct { ///< Thread Info
struct { ///< Thread Run Info
osRtxThread_t *curr; ///< Current running Thread
osRtxThread_t *next; ///< Next Thread to Run
} run;
osRtxObject_t ready; ///< Ready List Object
osRtxThread_t *idle; ///< Idle Thread
osRtxThread_t *delay_list; ///< Delay List
osRtxThread_t *wait_list; ///< Wait List (no Timeout)
osRtxThread_t *terminate_list; ///< Terminate Thread List
struct { ///< Thread Round Robin Info
osRtxThread_t *thread; ///< Round Robin Thread
uint32_t tick; ///< Round Robin Time Tick
uint32_t timeout; ///< Round Robin Timeout
} robin;
} thread;
struct { ///< Timer Info
osRtxTimer_t *list; ///< Active Timer List
osRtxThread_t *thread; ///< Timer Thread
osRtxMessageQueue_t *mq; ///< Timer Message Queue
void (*tick)(void); ///< Timer Tick Function
} timer;
struct { ///< ISR Post Processing Queue
uint16_t max; ///< Maximum Items
uint16_t cnt; ///< Item Count
uint16_t in; ///< Incoming Item Index
uint16_t out; ///< Outgoing Item Index
void **data; ///< Queue Data
} isr_queue;
struct { ///< ISR Post Processing functions
void (*thread)(osRtxThread_t*); ///< Thread Post Processing function
void (*event_flags)(osRtxEventFlags_t*); ///< Event Flags Post Processing function
void (*semaphore)(osRtxSemaphore_t*); ///< Semaphore Post Processing function
void (*memory_pool)(osRtxMemoryPool_t*); ///< Memory Pool Post Processing function
void (*message)(osRtxMessage_t*); ///< Message Post Processing function
} post_process;
struct { ///< Memory Pools (Variable Block Size)
void *stack; ///< Stack Memory
void *mp_data; ///< Memory Pool Data Memory
void *mq_data; ///< Message Queue Data Memory
void *common; ///< Common Memory
} mem;
struct { ///< Memory Pools (Fixed Block Size)
osRtxMpInfo_t *stack; ///< Stack for Threads
osRtxMpInfo_t *thread; ///< Thread Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *timer; ///< Timer Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *event_flags; ///< Event Flags Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *mutex; ///< Mutex Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *semaphore; ///< Semaphore Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *memory_pool; ///< Memory Pool Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *message_queue; ///< Message Queue Control Blocks
} mpi;
} osRtxInfo_t;
extern osRtxInfo_t osRtxInfo; ///< OS Runtime Information
/// OS Runtime Object Memory Usage structure
typedef struct {
uint32_t cnt_alloc; ///< Counter for alloc
uint32_t cnt_free; ///< Counter for free
uint32_t max_used; ///< Maximum used
} osRtxObjectMemUsage_t;
/// OS Runtime Object Memory Usage variables
extern osRtxObjectMemUsage_t osRtxThreadMemUsage;
extern osRtxObjectMemUsage_t osRtxTimerMemUsage;
extern osRtxObjectMemUsage_t osRtxEventFlagsMemUsage;
extern osRtxObjectMemUsage_t osRtxMutexMemUsage;
extern osRtxObjectMemUsage_t osRtxSemaphoreMemUsage;
extern osRtxObjectMemUsage_t osRtxMemoryPoolMemUsage;
extern osRtxObjectMemUsage_t osRtxMessageQueueMemUsage;
// ==== OS API definitions ====
// Object Limits definitions
#define osRtxThreadFlagsLimit 31U ///< number of Thread Flags available per thread
#define osRtxEventFlagsLimit 31U ///< number of Event Flags available per object
#define osRtxMutexLockLimit 255U ///< maximum number of recursive mutex locks
#define osRtxSemaphoreTokenLimit 65535U ///< maximum number of tokens per semaphore
// Control Block sizes
#define osRtxThreadCbSize sizeof(osRtxThread_t)
#define osRtxTimerCbSize sizeof(osRtxTimer_t)
#define osRtxEventFlagsCbSize sizeof(osRtxEventFlags_t)
#define osRtxMutexCbSize sizeof(osRtxMutex_t)
#define osRtxSemaphoreCbSize sizeof(osRtxSemaphore_t)
#define osRtxMemoryPoolCbSize sizeof(osRtxMemoryPool_t)
#define osRtxMessageQueueCbSize sizeof(osRtxMessageQueue_t)
/// Memory size in bytes for Memory Pool storage.
/// \param block_count maximum number of memory blocks in memory pool.
/// \param block_size memory block size in bytes.
#define osRtxMemoryPoolMemSize(block_count, block_size) \
/// Memory size in bytes for Message Queue storage.
/// \param msg_count maximum number of messages in queue.
/// \param msg_size maximum message size in bytes.
#define osRtxMessageQueueMemSize(msg_count, msg_size) \
// ==== OS External Functions ====
// OS Error Codes
#define osRtxErrorStackUnderflow 1U ///< Stack overflow, i.e. stack pointer below its lower memory limit for descending stacks.
#define osRtxErrorISRQueueOverflow 2U ///< ISR Queue overflow detected when inserting object.
#define osRtxErrorTimerQueueOverflow 3U ///< User Timer Callback Queue overflow detected for timer.
#define osRtxErrorClibSpace 4U ///< Standard C/C++ library libspace not available: increase \c OS_THREAD_LIBSPACE_NUM.
#define osRtxErrorClibMutex 5U ///< Standard C/C++ library mutex initialization failed.
/// OS Error Callback function
extern uint32_t osRtxErrorNotify (uint32_t code, void *object_id);
/// OS Idle Thread
extern void osRtxIdleThread (void *argument);
/// OS Exception handlers
extern void SVC_Handler (void);
extern void PendSV_Handler (void);
extern void SysTick_Handler (void);
/// OS Trusted Firmware M Extension
extern uint32_t osRtxTzGetModuleId (void);
// ==== OS External Configuration ====
/// OS Configuration flags
#define osRtxConfigPrivilegedMode (1UL<<0) ///< Threads in Privileged mode
#define osRtxConfigStackCheck (1UL<<1) ///< Stack overrun checking
#define osRtxConfigStackWatermark (1UL<<2) ///< Stack usage Watermark
/// OS Configuration structure
typedef struct {
uint32_t flags; ///< OS Configuration Flags
uint32_t tick_freq; ///< Kernel Tick Frequency
uint32_t robin_timeout; ///< Round Robin Timeout Tick
struct { ///< ISR Post Processing Queue
void **data; ///< Queue Data
uint16_t max; ///< Maximum Items
uint16_t padding;
} isr_queue;
struct { ///< Memory Pools (Variable Block Size)
void *stack_addr; ///< Stack Memory Address
uint32_t stack_size; ///< Stack Memory Size
void *mp_data_addr; ///< Memory Pool Memory Address
uint32_t mp_data_size; ///< Memory Pool Memory Size
void *mq_data_addr; ///< Message Queue Data Memory Address
uint32_t mq_data_size; ///< Message Queue Data Memory Size
void *common_addr; ///< Common Memory Address
uint32_t common_size; ///< Common Memory Size
} mem;
struct { ///< Memory Pools (Fixed Block Size)
osRtxMpInfo_t *stack; ///< Stack for Threads
osRtxMpInfo_t *thread; ///< Thread Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *timer; ///< Timer Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *event_flags; ///< Event Flags Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *mutex; ///< Mutex Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *semaphore; ///< Semaphore Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *memory_pool; ///< Memory Pool Control Blocks
osRtxMpInfo_t *message_queue; ///< Message Queue Control Blocks
} mpi;
uint32_t thread_stack_size; ///< Default Thread Stack Size
osThreadAttr_t *idle_thread_attr; ///< Idle Thread Attributes
osThreadAttr_t *timer_thread_attr; ///< Timer Thread Attributes
osMessageQueueAttr_t *timer_mq_attr; ///< Timer Message Queue Attributes
uint32_t timer_mq_mcnt; ///< Timer Message Queue maximum Messages
} osRtxConfig_t;
extern const osRtxConfig_t osRtxConfig; ///< OS Configuration
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // RTX_OS_H_