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2022-08-15 04:20:27 -05:00
#ifndef GATTC_TASK_H_
#define GATTC_TASK_H_
* @addtogroup GATTCTASK Task
* @ingroup GATTC
* @brief Handles ALL messages to/from GATT Controller block.
* The GATTCTASK is responsible for managing the messages coming from
* the attribute layer and host-level layers for dedicated connection.
* The task includes services and characteristic discovery, configuration exchanges
* and attribute value access operations (reading, writing, notification and indication).
* Messages may originate from @ref ATTC "ATTC", @ref ATTS "ATTS", @ref GAP "GAP"
* and Application.
* @{
#include "att.h"
#include "rwip_task.h" // Task definitions
#include "compiler.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifndef TILE_ID_LEN
#define TILE_ID_LEN 8
/// GATT Task messages
enum gattc_msg_id
/* Default event */
/// Command Complete event
/// Server configuration request
/// Indicate that the ATT MTU has been updated (negotiated)
/*Discover All Services */
/*Discover Services by Service UUID*/
/*Find Included Services*/
/*Discover Characteristics by UUID*/
/*Discover All Characteristics of a Service*/
/*Discover All Characteristic Descriptors*/
/// Discovery command
/* GATT -> HL: Events to Upper layer */
/*Discover All Services*/
/// Discovery services indication
/*Find Included Services*/
/// Discover included services indication
/*Discover All Characteristics of a Service*/
/// Discover characteristic indication
/*Discover All Characteristic Descriptors*/
/// Discovery characteristic descriptor indication
/*Read Value*/
/*Read Using UUID*/
/*Read Long Value*/
/*Read Multiple Values*/
/// Read command
/// Read response
/*Write without response*/
/*Write without response with Authentication*/
/*Write Characteristic Value*/
/*Signed Write Characteristic Value*/
/*Write Long Characteristic Value*/
/*Characteristic Value Reliable Write*/
/*Write Characteristic Descriptors*/
/*Write Long Characteristic Descriptors*/
/*Characteristic Value Reliable Write*/
/// Write command request
/* Cancel / Execute pending write operations */
/// Execute write characteristic request
/* Reception of an indication or notification from peer device. */
/// peer device triggers an event (notification)
/// peer device triggers an event that requires a confirmation (indication)
/// Confirm reception of event (trigger a confirmation message)
/// Registration to peer device events (Indication/Notification).
/* -------------------------- ATTRIBUTE SERVER ------------------------------- */
/*Notify Characteristic*/
/*Indicate Characteristic*/
/// send an event to peer device
/* Service Changed Characteristic Indication */
* Send a Service Changed indication to a device
* (message structure is struct gattm_svc_changed_ind_req)
* Inform the application when sending of Service Changed indications has been
* enabled or disabled
/* Indicate that read operation is requested. */
/// Read command indicated to upper layers.
/// REad command confirmation from upper layers.
/* Indicate that write operation is requested. */
/// Write command indicated to upper layers.
/// Write command confirmation from upper layers.
/* Indicate that write operation is requested. */
/// Request Attribute info to upper layer - could be trigger during prepare write
/// Attribute info from upper layer confirmation
/* ----------------------- SERVICE DISCOVERY PROCEDURE --------------------------- */
/// Service Discovery command
/// Service Discovery indicate that a service has been found.
/* -------------------------- TRANSACTION ERROR EVENT ----------------------------- */
/// Transaction Timeout Error Event no more transaction will be accepted
/* ------------------------------- Internal API ----------------------------------- */
/// Client Response timeout indication
/// Server indication confirmation timeout indication
/// request operation type - application interface
enum gattc_operation
/* Attribute Client Flags */
/* No Operation (if nothing has been requested) */
/* ************************************************ */
/// No operation
GATTC_NO_OP = 0x00,
/* Operation flags for MTU Exchange */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Perform MTU exchange
/* Operation flags for discovery operation */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Discover all services
/// Discover services by UUID
/// Discover included services
/// Discover all characteristics
/// Discover characteristic by UUID
/// Discover characteristic descriptor
/* Operation flags for reading attributes */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Read attribute
/// Read long attribute
/// Read attribute by UUID
/// Read multiple attribute
/* Operation flags for writing/modifying attributes */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Write attribute
/// Write no response
/// Write signed
/// Execute write
/* Operation flags for registering to peer device */
/* events */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Register to peer device events
/// Unregister from peer device events
/* Operation flags for sending events to peer device*/
/* ************************************************ */
/// Send an attribute notification
/// Send an attribute indication
/// Send a service changed indication
/* Service Discovery Procedure */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Search specific service
/// Search for all services
/// Cancel Service Discovery Procedure
/// Service Discovery Attribute type
enum gattc_sdp_att_type
/// No Attribute Information
/// Included Service Information
/// Characteristic Declaration
/// Attribute Value
/// Attribute Descriptor
/// Command complete event data structure
struct gattc_op_cmd
/// GATT request type
uint8_t operation;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// Command complete event data structure
struct gattc_cmp_evt
/// GATT request type
uint8_t operation;
/// Status of the request
uint8_t status;
/// operation sequence number - provided when operation is started
uint16_t seq_num;
/// Service Discovery Command Structure
struct gattc_exc_mtu_cmd
/// GATT request type
uint8_t operation;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// Indicate that the ATT MTU has been updated (negotiated)
struct gattc_mtu_changed_ind
/// Exchanged MTU value
uint16_t mtu;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// Service Discovery Command Structure
struct gattc_disc_cmd
/// GATT request type
uint8_t operation;
/// UUID length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// start handle range
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// start handle range
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// UUID
uint8_t uuid[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Discover Service indication Structure
struct gattc_disc_svc_ind
/// start handle
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// end handle
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// UUID length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// service UUID
uint8_t uuid[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Discover Service indication Structure
struct gattc_disc_svc_incl_ind
/// element handle
uint16_t attr_hdl;
/// start handle
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// end handle
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// UUID length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// included service UUID
uint8_t uuid[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Discovery All Characteristic indication Structure
struct gattc_disc_char_ind
/// database element handle
uint16_t attr_hdl;
/// pointer attribute handle to UUID
uint16_t pointer_hdl;
/// properties
uint8_t prop;
/// UUID length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// characteristic UUID
uint8_t uuid[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Discovery Characteristic Descriptor indication Structure
struct gattc_disc_char_desc_ind
/// database element handle
uint16_t attr_hdl;
/// UUID length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// Descriptor UUID
uint8_t uuid[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
struct gattc_read_simple
/// attribute handle
uint16_t handle;
/// start offset in data payload
uint16_t offset;
/// Length of data to read (0 = read all)
uint16_t length;
/// Read by UUID: search UUID and read it's characteristic value (GATTC_READ_BY_UUID)
/// Note: it doesn't perform an automatic read long.
struct gattc_read_by_uuid
/// Start handle
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// End handle
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// Size of UUID
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// UUID value
uint8_t uuid[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Read Multiple short characteristic (GATTC_READ_MULTIPLE)
struct gattc_read_multiple
/// attribute handle
uint16_t handle;
/// Known Handle length (shall be != 0)
uint16_t len;
/// Read command (Simple, Long, Multiple, or by UUID)
struct gattc_read_cmd
/// request type
uint8_t operation;
/// number of read (only used for multiple read)
uint8_t nb;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// request union according to read type
union gattc_read_req
struct gattc_read_simple simple;
struct gattc_read_by_uuid by_uuid;
/// Read Multiple short characteristic (GATTC_READ_MULTIPLE)
struct gattc_read_multiple multiple[1];
} req;
/// Attribute value read indication
struct gattc_read_ind
/// Attribute handle
uint16_t handle;
/// Read offset
uint16_t offset;
/// Read length
uint16_t length;
/// Handle value
uint8_t value[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Write peer attribute value command
struct gattc_write_cmd
/// Request type
uint8_t operation;
/// Perform automatic execution
/// (if false, an ATT Prepare Write will be used this shall be use for reliable write)
bool auto_execute;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// Attribute handle
uint16_t handle;
/// Write offset
uint16_t offset;
/// Write length
uint16_t length;
/// Internal write cursor shall be initialized to 0
uint16_t cursor;
/// Value to write
uint8_t value[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Write peer attribute value command
struct gattc_execute_write_cmd
/// Request type
uint8_t operation;
/// [True = perform/False cancel] pending write operations
bool execute;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// peer device triggers an event (notification)
struct gattc_event_ind
/// Event Type
uint8_t type;
/// Data length
uint16_t length;
/// Attribute handle
uint16_t handle;
/// Event Value
uint8_t value[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// peer device triggers an event that requires a confirmation (indication)
struct gattc_event_req_ind
/// Event Type
uint8_t type;
/// Data length
uint16_t length;
/// Attribute handle
uint16_t handle;
/// Event Value
uint8_t value[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Confirm reception of event (trigger a confirmation message)
struct gattc_event_cfm
/// Attribute handle
uint16_t handle;
/// Register to peer device events command
struct gattc_reg_to_peer_evt_cmd
/// Request type
uint8_t operation;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// attribute start handle
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// attribute end handle
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// Send an event to peer device
struct gattc_send_evt_cmd
/// Request type (notification / indication)
uint8_t operation;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// characteristic handle
uint16_t handle;
/// length of packet to send
uint16_t length;
/// data value
uint8_t value[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Inform that attribute value is requested by lower layers.
struct gattc_read_req_ind
/// Handle of the attribute that has to be read
uint16_t handle;
/// Confirm Read Request requested by GATT to profile
struct gattc_read_cfm
/// Handle of the attribute read
uint16_t handle;
/// Data length read
uint16_t length;
/// Status of read command execution by upper layers
uint8_t status;
/// attribute data value
uint8_t value[TILE_ID_LEN];
/// Inform that a modification of database has been requested by peer device.
struct gattc_write_req_ind
/// Handle of the attribute that has to be written
uint16_t handle;
/// offset at which the data has to be written
uint16_t offset;
/// Data length to be written
uint16_t length;
/// Data to be written in attribute database
uint8_t value[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Confirm modification of database from upper layer when requested by peer device.
struct gattc_write_cfm
/// Handle of the attribute written
uint16_t handle;
/// Status of write command execution by upper layers
uint8_t status;
/// Parameters for @ref GATTC_SEND_SVC_CHANGED_CMD message
struct gattc_send_svc_changed_cmd
/// Request Type
uint8_t operation;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// Start of Affected Attribute Handle Range
uint16_t svc_shdl;
/// End of Affected Attribute Handle Range
uint16_t svc_ehdl;
/// Parameters for @ref GATTC_SVC_CHANGED_CFG_IND and @ref GATTC_SVC_CHANGED_SET_CFG_REQ message
struct gattc_svc_changed_cfg
* Current value of the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor for the Service
* Changed characteristic
uint16_t ind_cfg;
/// Request Attribute info to upper layer - could be trigger during prepare write
struct gattc_att_info_req_ind
/// Handle of the attribute for which info are requested
uint16_t handle;
/// Attribute info from upper layer confirmation
struct gattc_att_info_cfm
/// Handle of the attribute
uint16_t handle;
/// Current length of the attribute
uint16_t length;
/// use to know if it's possible to modify the attribute
/// can contains authorization or application error code.
uint8_t status;
/// Service Discovery command
struct gattc_sdp_svc_disc_cmd
/// GATT Request Type
/// - GATTC_SDP_DISC_SVC Search specific service
/// - GATTC_SDP_DISC_SVC_ALL Search for all services
/// - GATTC_SDP_DISC_CANCEL Cancel Service Discovery Procedure
uint8_t operation;
/// Service UUID Length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// operation sequence number
uint16_t seq_num;
/// Search start handle
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// Search end handle
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// Service UUID
uint8_t uuid[ATT_UUID_128_LEN];
/// Information about included service
struct gattc_sdp_include_svc
/// Attribute Type
/// - GATTC_SDP_INC_SVC: Included Service Information
uint8_t att_type;
/// Included service UUID Length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// Included Service UUID
uint8_t uuid[ATT_UUID_128_LEN];
/// Included service Start Handle
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// Included service End Handle
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// Information about attribute characteristic
struct gattc_sdp_att_char
/// Attribute Type
/// - GATTC_SDP_ATT_CHAR: Characteristic Declaration
uint8_t att_type;
/// Value property
uint8_t prop;
/// Value Handle
uint16_t handle;
/// Information about attribute
struct gattc_sdp_att
/// Attribute Type
/// - GATTC_SDP_ATT_VAL: Attribute Value
/// - GATTC_SDP_ATT_DESC: Attribute Descriptor
uint8_t att_type;
/// Attribute UUID Length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// Attribute UUID
uint8_t uuid[ATT_UUID_128_LEN];
/// Attribute information
union gattc_sdp_att_info
/// Attribute Type
uint8_t att_type;
/// Information about attribute characteristic
struct gattc_sdp_att_char att_char;
/// Information about included service
struct gattc_sdp_include_svc inc_svc;
/// Information about attribute
struct gattc_sdp_att att;
/// Service Discovery indicate that a service has been found.
struct gattc_sdp_svc_ind
/// Service UUID Length
uint8_t uuid_len;
/// Service UUID
uint8_t uuid[ATT_UUID_128_LEN];
/// Service start handle
uint16_t start_hdl;
/// Service end handle
uint16_t end_hdl;
/// attribute information present in the service
/// (length = end_hdl - start_hdl)
union gattc_sdp_att_info info[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
#endif // GATTC_TASK_H_