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2022-08-15 04:20:27 -05:00
#ifndef L2CC_TASK_H_
#define L2CC_TASK_H_
* @addtogroup L2CCTASK Task
* @ingroup L2CC
* @brief Handles ALL messages to/from L2CC block.
* The L2CC task is responsible for L2CAP attribute and security block handling.
* @{
#include "rwip_task.h" // Task definitions
#include "compiler.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
/// Number of L2CC Deprecated messages
/// Message API of the L2CC task
enum l2cc_msg_id
/// L2CAP Operation completed event
/* ************* LE Credit Based API ************* */
/// LE credit based connection request
/// LE credit based connection request indication
/// LE credit based connection request confirmation
/// LE credit based connection indication
/// LE credit based disconnect request
/// LE credit based disconnect indication
/// LE credit based credit addition
/// LE credit based credit addition indication
/// Send data over an LE Credit Based Connection
/// Inform that a data packet has been received from a LE Credit Based connection.
/* ******************* Debug API ******************* */
/// Send Debug PDU data
/// Debug PDU data received
/* **************** PDU Internal API ****************** */
/// Send Legacy PDU data
/// Legacy PDU data received
/// Timeout indication for a transaction on signaling channel
/// request operation type - application interface
enum l2cc_operation
/* Operation Flags */
/* No Operation (if nothing has been requested) */
/* ************************************************ */
/// No operation
L2CC_NO_OP = 0x00,
/* LE Credit Based */
/* ************************************************ */
/// LE credit based connection request
/// LE credit based disconnection request
/// LE credit addition request
/// Send SDU
/* Debug PDU Transmission (internal) */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Send a Debug PDU
/* PDU Transmission (internal) */
/* ************************************************ */
/// Send internal LE Legacy PDU
/// Default L2Cap SDU definition
struct l2cc_sdu
/// Channel Identifier
uint16_t cid;
/// Number of credit used
uint16_t credit;
/// SDU Data length
uint16_t length;
/// data
uint8_t data[__ARRAY_EMPTY];
/// Operation completed event
struct l2cc_cmp_evt
/// L2CC request type (@see enum l2cc_operation)
uint8_t operation;
/// Status of request.
uint8_t status;
/// Channel ID
uint16_t cid;
/// Number of peer credit used - only relevant for LECB
uint16_t credit;
/// LE credit based connection request
struct l2cc_lecb_connect_cmd
/// L2CC request type:
/// - L2CC_LECB_CONNECT: LE credit connection
uint8_t operation;
/// parameter used for internal usage
uint8_t pkt_id;
/// LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer
uint16_t le_psm;
/// Local Channel identifier (0: automatically allocate a free channel)
uint16_t local_cid;
/// Credit allocated for the LE Credit Based Connection
/// Shall be at least: floor(((SDU + 2) + (MPS - 1)) / MPS) + 1
/// To be sure that 1 SDU can be fully received without requesting credits to application
uint16_t local_credit;
/// Maximum SDU size - Shall not exceed device MTU
uint16_t local_mtu;
/// Maximum Packet size - Shall not exceed device MPS
uint16_t local_mps;
/// LE credit based connection request indication
struct l2cc_lecb_connect_req_ind
/// LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer
uint16_t le_psm;
/// Peer Channel identifier
uint16_t peer_cid;
/// Maximum SDU size
uint16_t peer_mtu;
/// Maximum Packet size
uint16_t peer_mps;
/// LE credit based connection request confirmation
struct l2cc_lecb_connect_cfm
/// LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer
uint16_t le_psm;
/// Peer Channel identifier
uint16_t peer_cid;
/// True to accept the incoming connection, False else
bool accept;
/// Local Channel identifier (0: automatically allocate a free channel)
uint16_t local_cid;
/// Credit allocated for the LE Credit Based Connection
/// Shall be at least: floor(((SDU + 2) + (MPS - 1)) / MPS) + 1
/// To be sure that 1 SDU can be fully received without requesting credits to application
uint16_t local_credit;
/// Maximum SDU size - Shall not exceed device MTU
uint16_t local_mtu;
/// Maximum Packet size - Shall not exceed device MPS
uint16_t local_mps;
/// LE credit based connection indication
struct l2cc_lecb_connect_ind
/// Status
uint8_t status;
/// LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer
uint16_t le_psm;
/// Local Channel identifier
uint16_t local_cid;
/// Peer Channel identifier
uint16_t peer_cid;
/// Destination Credit for the LE Credit Based Connection
uint16_t peer_credit;
/// Maximum SDU size
uint16_t peer_mtu;
/// Maximum Packet size
uint16_t peer_mps;
/// LE credit based disconnect request
struct l2cc_lecb_disconnect_cmd
/// L2CC request type:
/// - L2CC_LECB_DISCONNECT: LE credit disconnection
uint8_t operation;
/// parameter used for internal usage
uint8_t pkt_id;
/// Peer Channel identifier
uint16_t peer_cid;
/// LE credit based disconnect indication
struct l2cc_lecb_disconnect_ind
/// LE Protocol/Service Multiplexer
uint16_t le_psm;
/// Local Channel identifier
uint16_t local_cid;
/// Peer Channel identifier
uint16_t peer_cid;
/// Reason
uint8_t reason;
/// LE credit based credit addition
struct l2cc_lecb_add_cmd
/// L2CC request type:
/// - L2CC_LECB_CREDIT_ADD: LE credit addition
uint8_t operation;
/// parameter used for internal usage
uint8_t pkt_id;
/// Local Channel identifier
uint16_t local_cid;
/// Credit added locally for channel identifier
uint16_t credit;
///LE credit based credit addition indication
struct l2cc_lecb_add_ind
/// Peer Channel identifier
uint16_t peer_cid;
/// Destination added credit (relative value)
uint16_t peer_added_credit;
/// Send data over an LE Credit Based Connection
struct l2cc_lecb_sdu_send_cmd
/// L2CC request type (@see enum l2cc_operation):
/// - L2CC_LECB_SDU_SEND: Send a SDU
uint8_t operation;
/// offset value information - for internal use only
uint16_t offset;
/// SDU information
struct l2cc_sdu sdu;
/// Inform that a data packet has been received from a LE Credit Based connection.
struct l2cc_lecb_sdu_recv_ind
/// Status information
uint8_t status;
/// offset value information
uint16_t offset;
/// SDU information
struct l2cc_sdu sdu;
/// @} L2CCTASK
#endif // L2CC_TASK_H_