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2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Storable qw(store retrieve);
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
my $icons_per_line = 6; # how many icons to put per line
my $debug_output = 0; # set to 1 to enable debug output
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
sub print_file($$) {
my $destination_handle = shift;
my $file_name = shift;
debug("Writing $file_name to file.");
open my $file, '<', $file_name
or die "couldn't open file $file_name";
my $content = join('', <$file>);
close $file;
print $destination_handle $content;
sub debug($) {
my $msg = shift;
if($debug_output) {
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
my $timestamp = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
print "[$timestamp] $msg\n";
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
debug('Reading links.json config file.');
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
open my $links_file, '<', 'links.json';
my $links = decode_json(join('', <$links_file>));
close $links_file;
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
debug('Opening newtab.html for writing.');
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
open my $newtab, '>', 'newtab.html';
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
print_file($newtab, 'template/header.html');
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
debug('Reading template/link.html.');
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
open my $link_template_file, '<', 'template/link.html'
or die "couldn't open template/link.html";
my $link_template = join('', <$link_template_file>);
close $link_template_file;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0');
my $link_counter = 0;
foreach my $link(@{$links}) {
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
if($link->{placeholder}) {
print_file($newtab, 'template/link_placeholder.html');
debug("Processing link $link->{title}.");
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
my $link_html = $link_template;
$link_html =~ s/\{\{title\}\}/$link->{title}/g;
$link_html =~ s/\{\{url\}\}/$link->{url}/g;
if(! -d 'icon-cache') {
mkdir 'icon-cache';
if (! -e "icon-cache/$link->{icon}") {
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
debug("Cache for icon $link->{icon} not found, fetching from web.");
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
my $icon_url = "$link->{icon}/";
my $resp = $ua->get($icon_url);
if(!$resp->is_success) {
my $status = $resp->status_line;
die "couldn't fetch icon $icon_url\n$status";
my $icon_full_html = $resp->decoded_content;
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
debug("Icon $link->{icon} page fetched. Parsing html.");
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
if($icon_full_html =~ /<div class="icon-demo [^>]+>[^<]*<svg [^>]+viewBox="([^"]+)"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/svg/s) {
my $icon = {viewBox => $1, paths => $2};
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
debug("Saving $link->{icon} icon to cache.");
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
store($icon, "icon-cache/$link->{icon}")
or die "couldn't save icon-cache/$link->{icon}";
} else {
die "couldn't parse icon $link->{icon}";
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
} else {
debug("Icon $link->{icon} found in cache.");
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
my $icon = retrieve("icon-cache/$link->{icon}");
$link_html =~ s/\{\{viewBox\}\}/$icon->{viewBox}/g;
$link_html =~ s/\{\{icon\}\}/$icon->{paths}/g;
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
debug("Printing $link->{title} link to newtab.html.");
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
print $newtab $link_html;
if(++$link_counter == $icons_per_line) {
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
print_file($newtab, 'template/link_line_separator.html');
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
$link_counter = 0;
2022-11-23 13:37:23 -06:00
print_file($newtab, 'template/footer.html');
2022-11-23 12:00:14 -06:00
close $newtab;