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/// <reference path="./Purchasable.ts" />
class Money implements IResource {
public readonly resourceType = ResourceType.consumable;
public readonly label = 'Money';
public readonly singularName = '${}';
public readonly pluralName = '${}';
public readonly description = 'Used to purchase goods and services.';
public readonly valueInWholeNumbers = false;
public userActions: ResourceAction[] = [
name: 'Collect Tithes',
description: 'Voluntary contributions from followers.',
isEnabled: (state: GameState): boolean =>
this.value < this.max(state) &&
(state.resource.followers?.value ?? 0) >= 1,
performAction: (state: GameState): void => {
private _lastCollectionTime = 0;
constructor(public value: number) {}
public isUnlocked = (_state: GameState): boolean => true;
public addValue(amount: number, _state: GameState): void {
this.value += amount;
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state: GameState) => {
let max = ?? 0;
max +=
(state.resource.compounds?.value ?? 0) *
(state.config.cfgCapacity.compounds?.money ?? 0);
return max;
public inc: (state: GameState) => number = (state) => {
let inc = 0;
// crypto currency
inc +=
(state.resource.cryptoCurrency?.value ?? 0) *
// salaries
inc -=
(state.resource.pastors?.value ?? 0) *
(state.config.cfgSalary.pastors ?? 0);
return inc;
protected _collectTithes(state: GameState): void {
if (this.value >= this.max(state)) return;
const followers = state.resource.followers?.value ?? 0;
if (followers <= 0) return;
// collecting too frequently hurts credibility
const diff = - this._lastCollectionTime;
if (diff < state.config.cfgTimeBetweenTithes) {
const lost =
state.config.cfgTimeBetweenTithes /
diff /
state.resource.credibility?.addValue(lost * -1, state);
const tithings = followers * state.config.cfgTitheAmount;
this._lastCollectionTime =;
if (tithings > 0) {
this.addValue(tithings, state);
this._purchaseLog(tithings, state);
protected _purchaseLog(amount: number, state: GameState): string {
const followers = state.resource.followers;
if (followers !== undefined) {
return `You collected $${formatNumber(amount)} from ${formatNumber(
)} ${
followers.value > 1 ? followers.pluralName : followers.singularName
return `You collected $${formatNumber(amount)} in tithings.`;