/// class Money extends Resource { public readonly resourceType = ResourceType.purchasable; public readonly resourceKey = ResourceKey.money; public readonly label = 'Money'; public readonly singularName = '${}'; public readonly pluralName = '${}'; public readonly description = 'Used to purchase goods and services.'; public readonly valueInWholeNumbers = false; public userActions: ResourceAction[] = [ { name: 'Collect Tithes', description: 'Voluntary contributions from followers.', isEnabled: (state: GameState): boolean => this.value < this.max(state) && (state.resource.followers?.value ?? 0) >= 1, performAction: (state: GameState): void => { this._collectTithes(state); }, }, ]; private _lastCollectionTime = 0; public constructor(initialValue: number) { super(); this.rawValue = initialValue; } public isUnlocked = (_: GameState): boolean => true; public max = (state: GameState): number => { let max = state.config.cfgInitialMax.money ?? 0; max += (state.resource.compounds?.value ?? 0) * (state.config.cfgCapacity.compounds?.money ?? 0); return max; }; public inc = (state: GameState): ResourceNumber => { const inc: ResourceNumber = {}; // tithings const tithings = ((state.resource.pastors?.value ?? 0) * (state.resource.followers?.value ?? 0) * (state.config.cfgTitheAmount ?? 0)) / state.config.cfgTimeBetweenTithes; // credibility hit const credibility = tithings - tithings * Credibility.ratio(state); // salaries const compoundManagers = (state.resource.compoundManagers?.value ?? 0) * (state.config.cfgSalary.compoundManagers ?? 0); if (tithings > 0) inc.pastors = tithings; if (credibility > 0) inc.credibility = credibility * -1; if (compoundManagers > 0) inc.compoundManagers = compoundManagers * -1; return inc; }; protected _collectTithes(state: GameState): void { if (this.value >= this.max(state)) return; // can't tithe your pastors const followers = (state.resource.followers?.value ?? 0) - (state.resource.pastors?.value ?? 0); if (followers <= 0) return; // collecting too frequently hurts credibility const diff = state.now - this._lastCollectionTime; if (diff < state.config.cfgTimeBetweenTithes) { const lost = state.config.cfgTimeBetweenTithes / diff / state.config.cfgTitheCredibilityHitFactor; state.resource.credibility?.addValue(lost * -1, state); } const tithings = followers * state.config.cfgTitheAmount; this._lastCollectionTime = state.now; if (tithings > 0) { this.addValue(tithings, state); this._purchaseLog(tithings, state); } } protected _purchaseLog(amount: number, state: GameState): void { const followers = state.resource.followers; if (followers !== undefined) { state.log( `You collected $${formatNumber(amount)} from ${formatNumber( followers.value )} ${ followers.value > 1 ? followers.pluralName : followers.singularName }.` ); } else { state.log(`You collected $${formatNumber(amount)} in tithings.`); } } }