/// /// class Follower extends Resource { public readonly resourceType = ResourceType.religion; public readonly resourceKey = ResourceKey.followers; public readonly label = 'Your Followers'; public readonly singularName = 'follower'; public readonly pluralName = 'followers'; public readonly description = 'In you they trust.'; public readonly valueInWholeNumbers = true; public userActions: ResourceAction[] = [ { name: 'Recruit', description: 'Gather new followers.', isEnabled: (state: GameState): boolean => this.value < this.max(state), performAction: (state: GameState): void => { this._recruitFollower(state); }, }, ]; private _lastRecruitmentLog = 0; private _followerSources: ResourceNumber = {}; private _followerDests: ResourceNumber = {}; private _timeSinceLastQuit = 0; private _quitTracker: ResourceNumber = {}; public max = (state: GameState): number => { let max = state.config.cfgInitialMax.followers ?? 0; max += (state.resource.tents?.value ?? 0) * (state.config.cfgCapacity.tents?.followers ?? 0); max += (state.resource.houses?.value ?? 0) * (state.config.cfgCapacity.houses?.followers ?? 0); return max; }; public inc = (state: GameState): ResourceNumber => { const inc: ResourceNumber = {}; // pastor recruiting const pastors = (state.resource.pastors?.value ?? 0) * state.config.cfgPastorRecruitRate; if (pastors > 0) inc.pastors = pastors; // credibility adjustment // this should be based on notoriety instead /*const creds = state.resource.credibility; if (creds?.max !== undefined) inc *= creds.value / creds.max(state);*/ return inc; }; public addValue = (amount: number, state: GameState): void => { const oldValue = this.value; this.rawValue += amount; const diff = this.value - oldValue; if (diff > 0) { // gained followers must come from other faiths for (let i = 0; i < diff; i++) { const source = this._getRandomReligion(state); if (source !== null) { source[1].addValue(-1, state); const curFollowers = this._followerSources[source[0]] ?? 0; this._followerSources[source[0]] = curFollowers + 1; } } } else { // lost followers must return to other faiths for (let i = 0; i < diff * -1; i++) { const dest = this._getRandomReligion(state); if (dest !== null) { dest[1].addValue(1, state); const curFollowers = this._followerDests[dest[0]] ?? 0; this._followerDests[dest[0]] = curFollowers + 1; } } } }; public isUnlocked = (): boolean => true; public advanceAction = (time: number, state: GameState): void => { // chance for some followers to quit their jobs if money === 0 const money = state.resource.money; const totalJobs = Job.totalJobs(state); if (money !== undefined && money.value <= 0 && totalJobs > 0) { this._timeSinceLastQuit += time; if (this._timeSinceLastQuit > state.config.cfgNoMoneyQuitTime) { let lost = Math.ceil(totalJobs * state.config.cfgNoMoneyQuitRate); for (const rkey of Job.jobResources(state)) { const job = state.resource[rkey]; if (job !== undefined && job.value > 0) { if (job.value >= lost) { job.addValue(lost * -1, state); this._quitTracker[rkey] = lost; break; } else { job.addValue(job.value * -1, state); this._quitTracker[rkey] = job.value; lost -= job.value; } } } this._timeSinceLastQuit = 0; } } else { this._timeSinceLastQuit = 0; } // log lost, gained, and quit followers at regular intervals if ( state.now - this._lastRecruitmentLog > state.config.cfgFollowerGainLossLogTimer && (Object.keys(this._followerSources).length > 0 || Object.keys(this._followerDests).length > 0 || Object.keys(this._quitTracker).length > 0) ) { if (Object.keys(this._followerDests).length > 0) { let msg = ''; let total = 0; for (const key in this._followerDests) { const rkey = key; const religion = state.resource[rkey]; const followers = this._followerDests[rkey]; if (religion !== undefined && followers !== undefined) { if (msg !== '') msg += ', '; msg += `${formatNumber(followers)} became ${ followers > 1 ? religion.pluralName : 'a ' + religion.singularName }`; total += followers; delete this._followerDests[rkey]; } } state.log( `You lost ${formatNumber(total)} ${ total > 1 ? this.pluralName : this.singularName }: ${msg}` ); } if (Object.keys(this._followerSources).length > 0) { let msg = ''; let total = 0; for (const key in this._followerSources) { const rkey = key; const religion = state.resource[rkey]; const followers = this._followerSources[rkey]; if (religion !== undefined && followers !== undefined) { if (msg !== '') msg += ', '; msg += `${formatNumber(followers)} ${ followers > 1 ? religion.pluralName : religion.singularName }`; total += followers; delete this._followerSources[rkey]; } } state.log( `You gained ${formatNumber(total)} ${ total > 1 ? this.pluralName : this.singularName }: ${msg}` ); } if (Object.keys(this._quitTracker).length > 0) { let msg = ''; let total = 0; for (const key in this._quitTracker) { const rkey = key; const job = state.resource[rkey]; const followers = this._quitTracker[rkey]; if (job !== undefined && followers !== undefined) { if (msg !== '') msg += ', '; msg += `${formatNumber(followers)} ${ followers > 1 ? job.pluralName : job.singularName }`; total += followers; delete this._quitTracker[rkey]; } } state.log( `${formatNumber(total)} ${ total > 1 ? this.pluralName : this.singularName } quit their jobs: ${msg}` ); } this._lastRecruitmentLog = state.now; } }; private _recruitFollower(state: GameState): void { // don't exceed max if (this.value >= this.max(state)) { state.log('You have no room for more followers.'); return; } // chance to fail increases as credibility decreases // this should be based on notoriety instead /*const creds = state.resource.credibility; if (creds?.max !== undefined) { const ratio = Math.ceil(creds.value) / creds.max(state); if (Math.random() > ratio) { state.log('Your recruitment efforts failed.'); return; } }*/ this._lastRecruitmentLog = 0; // always log on click this.addValue(1, state); } private _getRandomReligion( state: GameState ): [ResourceKey, IResource] | null { const religs = [ ResourceKey.christianity, ResourceKey.islam, ResourceKey.hinduism, ResourceKey.buddhism, ResourceKey.sikhism, ResourceKey.judaism, ResourceKey.other, ResourceKey.atheism, ]; const source = religs[Math.floor(Math.random() * 8)]; const resource = state.resource[source]; return resource !== undefined ? [source, resource] : null; } }