/// class CryptoCurrency extends Purchasable { public readonly resourceKey = ResourceKey.cryptoCurrency; constructor() { super( 'FaithCoin', 'faithcoin', 'faithcoins', "A crypto coin that can't be spent directly, but provides a steady stream of passive income.", true ); this.valueInWholeNumbers = false; } public cost = (state: GameState): ResourceNumber => { const cost: ResourceNumber = {}; const market = state.resource.cryptoMarket; if (market !== undefined) { cost.money = market.value; } else { cost.money = state.config.cfgInitialCost.cryptoCurrency; } return cost; }; public isUnlocked = (): boolean => true; public max = (state: GameState): number => state.config.cfgInitialMax.cryptoCurrency ?? 0; }