# FreshRSS Kagi Summarizer Adds a "Summarize" button to the top of all entries that will fetch the summary of the entry using the [Kagi Universal Summarizer](https://kagi.com/summarizer/index.html). You will need a [Kagi](https://kagi.com) account so that you can configure the extension with your session link. ## Installation 1. Download the [latest release](https://code.sitosis.com/rudism/freshrss-kagi-summarizer/releases/latest). 2. Extract and upload it to the `extensions` folder of your FreshRSS installation. 3. Enable the extension in FreshRSS. 4. Go to your [Kagi Account Settings](https://kagi.com/settings?p=user_details) and copy your "Session Link." 5. Paste that link into the in the Kagi Summarizer extension settings in FreshRSS.