
127 lines
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namespace Ficdown.Parser.Engine
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Model.Story;
using Model.Story.Extensions;
public class SceneLinker : ISceneLinker
public void ExpandScenes(Story story)
var newScenes = new Dictionary<string, IList<Scene>>();
foreach(var key in story.Scenes.Keys)
newScenes.Add(key, new List<Scene>());
foreach (var scene in story.Scenes[key])
var anchors = RegexLib.Anchors.Matches(scene.Description);
// get a list of all unique condition combinations from the anchors
var uniques = new List<IList<string>>();
foreach (Match anchor in anchors)
string target;
IList<string> conditions, toggles;
Utilities.ParseHref(anchor.Groups["href"].Value, out target, out conditions, out toggles);
if (conditions != null)
// union with the conditions required to reach this scene, if any
if (scene.Conditions != null)
conditions = conditions.Union(scene.Conditions).ToList();
if (conditions.Count == scene.Conditions.Count)
continue; //WARN this anchor will never resolve false
AddUnique(uniques, conditions);
// resolve the current scene
var original = scene.Clone();
newScenes[key].Add(ResolveScene(scene, anchors));
// resolve the uniques
foreach (var unique in uniques)
var uscene = original.Clone();
uscene.Conditions = unique;
newScenes[key].Add(ResolveScene(uscene, anchors));
story.Scenes = newScenes;
private void AddUnique(IList<IList<string>> uniques, IList<string> conditions)
// ignore this combo if there's a contradiction
if (conditions.Where(c => !c.StartsWith("!"))
.Any(c => conditions.Contains(string.Format("!{0}", c))))
return; // WARN this anchor will never resolve true
// make sure this is actually unique
if (uniques.Any(u => u.Intersect(conditions).Count() == conditions.Count)) return;
// we need to treat this unioned with all other existing uniques as another potential unique
var existing = new List<IList<string>>(uniques);
foreach (var old in existing)
AddUnique(uniques, old.Union(conditions).ToList());
private Scene ResolveScene(Scene scene, MatchCollection anchors)
foreach (Match anchor in anchors)
string target;
IList<string> conditions, toggles;
Utilities.ParseHref(anchor.Groups["href"].Value, out target, out conditions, out toggles);
if (conditions != null)
var satisfied = scene.Conditions != null && conditions.All(c => scene.Conditions.Contains(c));
var text = anchor.Groups["text"].Value;
var alts = RegexLib.ConditionalText.Match(text);
if (!alts.Success)
throw new FormatException(string.Format("Bad conditional anchor: {0}",
var replace =
RegexLib.EscapeChar.Replace(satisfied ? alts.Groups["true"].Value : alts.Groups["false"].Value,
// if there's no target or toggles, or the replace text is an empty string, replace the whole anchor
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(replace) || (target == null && toggles == null))
scene.Description = scene.Description.Replace(anchor.Groups["anchor"].Value, replace);
// if there's a target or toggles, replace the text and remove the conditions on the anchor
var parsedHref = RegexLib.Href.Match(anchor.Groups["href"].Value);
scene.Description = scene.Description.Replace(anchor.Groups["anchor"].Value,
string.Format("[{0}]({1}{2})", replace, parsedHref.Groups["target"].Value,
return scene;
private void VerifySanity(Story story)