namespace Ficdown.Parser.Player { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Model.Player; using Model.Story; using Parser; using Action = Model.Story.Action; internal class GameTraverser : IGameTraverser { private StateManager _manager; private Queue _processingQueue; private IDictionary _processed; private IDictionary _compressed; private IDictionary _actionMatrix; private bool _wasRun = false; private Story _story; public Story Story { get { return _story; } set { _story = value; _actionMatrix = _story.Actions.ToDictionary(a => a.Value.Id, a => a.Value); _manager = new StateManager(_story); _processingQueue = new Queue(); _processed = new Dictionary(); _compressed = new Dictionary(); } } public IEnumerable OrphanedScenes { get { if(!_wasRun) throw new Exception("Call Enumerate() before getting orphans"); return _story.Scenes.SelectMany(l => l.Value, (l, s) => s).Where(s => !s.Visited); } } public IEnumerable OrphanedActions { get { if(!_wasRun) throw new Exception("Call Enumerate() before getting orphans"); return _actionMatrix.Values.Where(a => !a.Visited); } } public IEnumerable Enumerate() { if(_wasRun) throw new Exception("Can't call Enumerate() more than once"); _wasRun = true; // generate comprehensive enumeration var initial = _manager.InitialState; _processingQueue.Enqueue(new StateQueueItem { Page = initial, AffectedStates = new List {initial.AffectedState} }); while (_processingQueue.Count > 0) { var state = _processingQueue.Dequeue(); if (!_processed.ContainsKey(state.Page.UniqueHash)) { _processed.Add(state.Page.UniqueHash, state.Page); ProcessState(state); } } // make sure every page gets affected data on every page that it links to foreach (var pageTuple in _processed) { foreach (var linkTuple in pageTuple.Value.Links) { for (var i = 0; i < _processed[linkTuple.Value].AffectedState.PlayerState.Count; i++) { pageTuple.Value.AffectedState.PlayerState[i] |= _processed[linkTuple.Value].AffectedState.PlayerState[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < _processed[linkTuple.Value].AffectedState.ScenesSeen.Count; i++) { pageTuple.Value.AffectedState.ScenesSeen[i] |= _processed[linkTuple.Value].AffectedState.ScenesSeen[i]; } } } // compress redundancies foreach (var row in _processed) { if (!_compressed.ContainsKey(row.Value.CompressedHash)) { var scene = row.Value; var links = scene.Links.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (var link in links) { scene.Links[link] = _processed[scene.Links[link]].CompressedHash; } _compressed.Add(row.Value.CompressedHash, row.Value); } } return _compressed.Values; } private IEnumerable GetActionsForPage(PageState page) { var actions = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < page.State.ActionsToShow.Count; i++) { if (page.State.ActionsToShow[i]) actions.Add(_actionMatrix[i + 1]); } return actions; } private void ProcessState(StateQueueItem currentState) { currentState.Page.Scene.Visited = true; var states = new HashSet(); var anchors = Utilities.GetInstance(currentState.Page.Scene.Name, currentState.Page.Scene.LineNumber).ParseAnchors(currentState.Page.Scene.RawDescription).ToList(); foreach (var action in GetActionsForPage(currentState.Page)) { action.Visited = true; anchors.AddRange(Utilities.GetInstance(action.Toggle, action.LineNumber).ParseAnchors(action.RawDescription)); } var conditionals = anchors.SelectMany( a => a.Href.Conditions != null ? a.Href.Conditions.Select(c => c.Key) : new string[] {}) .Distinct() .ToArray(); var hasFirstSeen = RegexLib.BlockQuotes.IsMatch(currentState.Page.Scene.Description); foreach (var affected in currentState.AffectedStates) { // signal to previous scenes that this scene's used conditionals are important if(currentState.Page.Scene.Conditions != null) foreach (var conditional in currentState.Page.Scene.Conditions) { var anchor = anchors.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Href.Conditions != null && a.Href.Conditions.Keys.Contains(conditional.Key)); _manager.ToggleStateOn(affected, conditional.Key, currentState.Page.Scene.Name, anchor); } foreach (var conditional in conditionals) { var anchor = anchors.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Href.Conditions != null && a.Href.Conditions.Keys.Contains(conditional)); _manager.ToggleStateOn(affected, conditional, currentState.Page.Scene.Name, anchor); } // signal to previous scenes if this scene has first-seen text if (hasFirstSeen) _manager.ToggleSeenSceneOn(affected, currentState.Page.Scene.Id); } foreach (var anchor in anchors.Where(a => a.Href.Target != null || a.Href.Toggles != null)) { // don't follow links that would be hidden if (anchor.Href.Conditions != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty( Utilities.GetInstance(currentState.Page.Scene.Name, currentState.Page.Scene.LineNumber).ParseConditionalText(anchor)[ Utilities.GetInstance(currentState.Page.Scene.Name, currentState.Page.Scene.LineNumber).ConditionsMet(StateResolver.GetStateDictionary(currentState.Page), anchor.Href.Conditions)])) continue; var newState = _manager.ResolveNewState(anchor, currentState.Page); if (!currentState.Page.Links.ContainsKey(anchor.Original)) currentState.Page.Links.Add(anchor.Original, newState.UniqueHash); if (!states.Contains(newState.UniqueHash) && !_processed.ContainsKey(newState.UniqueHash)) { states.Add(newState.UniqueHash); var newAffected = new List(currentState.AffectedStates); newAffected.Add(newState.AffectedState); _processingQueue.Enqueue(new StateQueueItem {Page = newState, AffectedStates = newAffected}); } } } } }