# Ficdown.js Ficdown is a system for building interactive fiction using MarkDown syntax, and Ficdown.js is a Javascript library for presenting Ficdown stories interactively in a web browser. See [Ficdown.com](http://www.ficdown.com/) for more information. ## Dependencies Ficdown.js uses [jQuery](http://jquery.com) for DOM manipulation and [PageDown](https://code.google.com/p/pagedown/) to convert MarkDown into HTML. ## Usage You can obtain *ficdown.js* or *ficdown.min.js* from the latest version on the [releases](https://github.com/rudism/Ficdown.js/releases) page. Assuming you've uploaded it to your web server along with a Ficdown story file named *story.md*, your HTML document would look something like this: ```html My Ficdown Story
``` You will probably want to do some styling to make the story look better. For an example stylesheet, see the example included in the Ficdown.js repository at [/src/example/player.styl](/src/example/player.styl).