# dotplan.online ## The un-social network. - User-provided content tied to an email address. - Text only, limited to 4kb. - No retweets, shares, @s, likes, or boosting of any kind. - Authenticity optionally verified by clients using public PGP keys. - Accessed via public APIs. - Open source. - Self-hostable, discovery via domain SRV records. - Single giant Perl script because PERL IS AWESOME! ## API ### Authentication - `POST /users/{email}` - request new account - request data: `{"password":"whatever"}` - email with validation token will be sent - `GET /users/{email}?token={token}` - validate new account - `GET /token` - retrieve auth token - http basic auth - `?expires={minutes}` sets an explicit expiration, default is 5 minutes from creation - response data: `{"token":"whatever"}` - `DELETE /token` - invalidate current auth token - http basic auth - `GET /users/{email}/pwtoken` - get password change token - email with password change token will be sent - `PUT /users/{email}` - update password - request data: `{"password":"whatever","pwtoken":"whatever"}` - token expires 600 seconds from creation ### Plans - `PUT /plan/{email}` - update a plan - request data: `{"plan":"whatever","signature":"base64 encoded signature","auth":"token"}` - omitting `plan` from the payload will delete the existing plan - `GET /plan/{email}` - retrieve a plan - `text/plain` by default - raw plan content - `?format=html` or `Accept: text/html` - plan content with html entity encoding for special characters - `?format=json` or `Accept: application/json` - response data: `{"plan":"whatever","signature":"base64 encoded signature"}` - `404` if no plan found - `301` redirect if plan is on a different provider - `POST /verify/{email}` - verify PGP signature of a plan - request data: `{"pubkey":"ascii public key"}` - response data: `{"plan":"whatever","verified":1}` or `{"verified":0}` - `404` if no plan found - `308` redirect if plan is on a different provider