# dotplan.online ## The un-social network. - User-provided content tied to an email address. - Text only, limited to 4kb. - No retweets, shares, @s, likes, or boosting of any kind. - Authenticity verified by public PGP keys. - Accessed via public APIs. - Self-hostable, discovery via SRV records. ## API - `POST /users` to register an email address. - Request data: `{"email":"whatever","password":"whatever"}` - Will require validation. Email with token link will be sent. - `GET /users/{email}?token={token}` to validate an email. - Token-based authentication. - `GET /users/{email}/token` with basic auth validation to get a token. - `DELETE /users/{email}/token` to manually invalidate any token. - `PUT /plan/{email}` to update a .plan - Request data: `{"plan":"whatever","signature":"whatever"}` - Signature is optional PGP digital signature for the plan. - `GET /plan/{email}` to retrieve a .plan without verification - Plain text by default, or based on `accept` header, or force: - `?format=html` will html-escape special characters. - `?format=json` response data: `{"plan":"whatever","signature":"whatever"}` - `POST /verify/{email}` to retrieve and verify the signature of a .plan - Request data: `{"pgpkey":"public key"}` - Response data: `{"plan":"whatever","verified":(true|false)}`